States and Spies

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World Meeting, New York:

The tense smiles between the 4 men could be cut through with a butter knife. Bahamas being oblivious, just turned to America. " Uh... Mr. America I would love to eat with you." She said earning a smile from the American man. Unaware of the dark scowls on the other men's faces, behind her.

" That's great dudette let's go before the line gets too long." He said as he grasped her hand and they left, in a dash. Leaving England, who was being held back by France. In a state of shock,'... that... BLOODY WANKER!!!!' He thought looking at the display.

' Alright, you diabetic Capitalist you wanna play? Then I'll play your f$&kin' game chico' Cuba thought. As he started to walk towards the exit, with his hands in his pockets.

' Deez bois tink day ga try me? Day don't know what me 'ave in store for dem.' Jamaica thought as he started to smoke his weed, as he started to walk to exit the room.

" 96.. no 87..78 yeah I think that's it," Haiti mumbled as he walked behind Jamaica which didn't go unnoticed by Cuba. " Haiti what we're you just mumbling about?" He asked curiously, Haiti perked up" Mama Ayanna's measurements!" He said shamelessly. ( Yup dis boi was raised by France alright.)

Cuba karate chopped him in the head,

Then got ganged up by Jamaica and England who for the hell of it Prussia jumped in to prove he was awesome

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Then got ganged up by Jamaica and England who for the hell of it Prussia jumped in to prove he was awesome.

" Damnit!! Haiti can't you not be a perv for more than 5 secs!!, it's easy to have the rats run away from you! Bastard!!" Cuba said before Jamaica punched him in the stomach. " Shut up you diabetic commie!! At least I don't attack when caught poachin'!" Jamaica said before turning his attention back to Haiti.

" Jeezus Christ mon! Ya didn't need ta say that!! What da hell is wrong which ya?! Voodoo pervert!" He said as he kicked Haiti, who punched him in the face. " At least she understands not to smoke from the damn pipe you $h!t in!! Ack-" Haiti said before England kicked both him and Jamaica in the ribs.

" ALL You bloody wankers aren't worthy to hold the same hands with a Saint like Ayanna!! And How Dare!! You! Speak about her body so shamelessly!!" England said as he was defending his sister's honor.

Prussia got a cheap shot at England, " Shut it old man!! I AM ZE AWESOME ONE!!" Before he got the combined punches of England, Cuba, Jamaica, and Haiti. " SHUT UP!!" They all shouted in unison.

" VE! GERMANY HELP!! SCARY!!" Italy screamed as he clutched onto Germany's clothes. As Germany scold/ try to calm him down. Much to his brother's annoyance.

" Let go of that potato bastard! Feliciano!! Where's your pride ah!?!" Romano said as he grabbed his brother trying to pull him off Germany.

"... your the last person to talk about pride, when you ran away from Aya-chan," Japan stated coolly, as Romano let go of his brother's legs.

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