How I met you

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1648: England
" My God! What a beautiful island.. the vegetation looks rather peculiar?" One of the English settlers said as Arthur went exploring. 'Hmm, Spain did say  Columbus was here. The islands are beautiful, hmm what was that?' His thought was cut short by, a rustling noise behind the trees.

A young Ayanna popped her head out, holding a small bird.

(Here hair is wild and free)

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(Here hair is wild and free)

Arthur sighed," Excuse me... little girl... h-hello?.." he tried to get her attention, but she was too focused on her bird. Singing happily, and gently tapping its head.

" EXCUSE ME!!" " EEPP?!??"
"~Cough~ hello there." Arthur said finally getting her attention." W-who are you?! Go away!!" Ayanna ran away, with her bird. Into the bushes. As Arthur chased after her, he was unaware of which direction she went but he was determined to find her.

He found Ayanna holding her leg in pain, while the bird chipped in a panic. As a snake was about to eat the bird. Arthur used his sword and chopped the snake into 8 pieces. ( I don't like snakes) the bird chirped and went to Ayanna.

England kneeled next to Ayanna, to examine her leg. Ayanna kicked him in the nose," Don't touch me!!" She screamed desperately holding her bird close to her." Oww!! Bloody hell that hurt!! I just want to examine your leg!" He said annoyed at the girl's antics.' Strong kick for a young girl her age.'

" Go away, funny man!! Your just here to take away what's left of my home!! Your people already took away the people and MAMA!!" She screamed as tears streamed out of her eyes, crying into the bird's wing. As the bird tried to comfort her.

England didn't know how to feel,' So she's already seen what Spain did... I can see why she doesn't trust easily.' England grabbed his hanky and wiped her tears, Ayanna flinched.

( 200 years before, The English arrived. The Spanish took the native Tainos, in The Bahamas to work under the encomienda system, to try and turn them into Christians. The Spanish in Hispaniola( Haiti and Dominican Republic) abused the Tainos, in their search for gold. Leading them to commit genocide. There were different types of Tainos: Lucayans and Caribs. The Lucayans were peaceful and only fought if provoked. The Caribs were warlike, did cannibalism, and wanted the smoke 24/7)

" Owwie, ~sniff~ you...seem different from... the men who carried the cloud with an 'X'on a stick,( Spanish Flag)" She said softly, her eyes still gazing intensely at him. Studying his movements, as he examined her leg.

" Do you have a name? Mines England." Arthur said.
" Mama called me 'Baja mar' ( means shallow sea)" She said bluntly, as England finished wrapping her leg. " Hmm well maybe, I can give you a better name The Commonwealth of The Bahama Isles?" He suggested, she gave him a blank stare.

( That was the original name from 1969, 4 years before the name was changed in 1973 during independence.)

' Too long' She thought. " How about Bahama Isles or Bahama " Ayanna suggested. England nodded, at the idea " That's perfect!" He said smiling at her, she gave him a small smile.

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