Checking in on the Islands

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After recovering slowly, from the fight with Belarus. Lithuania and Ukraine apologized for her actions. Bahamas told them they didn't need to apologize, since Belarus was already forgiven.

World Meeting New York, US

Ayanna was happily chatting with Belarus, as she listened quietly. " I'm telling you maybe if ya smile more, you could have more friends." Ayanna said as she took her phone out dialing a number.

Nassau, Bahamas

Ayanna's house:

Ayanna's house:

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The islands couldn't hear over the loud music, playing in the background. Ragged Island was passed out drunk, holding a bottle of coconut rum in her hand.

San Salvador was busy dancing with a girl, grinding up on him. As he drank with a kalik bottle in hand, Bimini and Berry Islands, drinking Pink Radiler 

( Bahamian beer, Radiler is a mix of Kalik beer and natural fruit flavors.)

Mayaguana was outside smoking his cigar, while some girls was flirting with him. Cat Island flirting with 2 girls each in his arms, making them laugh at all his jokes.

Grand Bahama and Long Island was grilling outside. While Rum Cay and Ragged Island was sleeping in the next room inside the house.

Exuma and Inagua were swimming in the pools sipping on some sky juice ( mix of coconut water and rum). Andros and Eleuthera where talking with each other, and New Providence, Abaco and Nassau where playing on the PS4.

" Muda fuck! How you good at dis game?! You ain't cheating aye?" Nassau accused New Providence of as Abaco giggled.

She left to use the bathroom," N-no... I just read the rules... and it became easy..." She stuttered out as Nassau challenged her to another round of Ninja Storm 4.

Cloudy is somewhere, tied to a coconut tree.

World Meeting:

Ayanna sighed as she hanged up after the phone ringing got annoying. "Didn't answer?" Belarus asked, Ayanna nodded. " They probably sleepin' or somethin'." She said as she put her phone back in her pocket.

" By the way how many islands do you have?" Natalya asked, " Well altogether it's 700 islands and cays, that make up the archipelago, but 16 inhabited islands in total." She said

They entered the meeting room, they sat down talking. As Seychelles ran towards Ayanna and tackled her in a hug." Mudda freeze Seychelles!" She said surprised at the girl's action." I was so worried about you!" She said as she didn't see that they were attracting a lot of attention.

Japan seeing this started taking notes for his manga, Haiti looking with an angry expression,' That should be me!!!' He said as the thought of him on top of Bahamas made his nose bleed. Seychelles was pulled off of Ayanna by, Belarus." Stay away from friend Ayanna." She threatened coldly as she threatened the island nation, with a knife to the neck.

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