Bahamas Headcannon

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Ayanna actually didn't  like France or French Empire at the beginning

Bahamas persuaded England to become a pirate since piracy was very strong in The Bahamas.

Ayanna gave all the Islands names when she discovered them.

Ayanna loves One Piece

Ayanna discovered Atlantis not the Hotel the Lost City of Atlantis.( I'm just going with the theory of people believing that Atlantis is under The Bahamas.)

Ayanna is friends with mermaids

She can control water.

Ayanna was considered property of Spain, since he discovered her islands first, but Spain never had any interest in her islands. Until English settlers started to inhabit the islands.

Spain called Ayanna a useless island, after taking the Natives away to work in Hispaniola.

Ayanna is cheerful no matter what happens.

Ayanna's daydreaming actually helps her listen in on other peoples conversations. Good tactic for gathering intel.

During world war 2 Ayanna became a frontline nurse.
During WW2 The Duke called Ayanna a third rate colony.

Ayanna forgot where she buried her treasure.

Ayanna has a mango addiction.

Ayanna loves conch salad

Ayanna can breathe underwater

Ayanna becomes weak in any cold part of the world.

Ayanna has a mango tree in the backyard of her house along with a small garden.

Ayanna built her house by herself.

Ayanna taught all the islands how to drive.

To Ayanna she understands the difference between sibling love and sees the harems advancements towards her as platonic feelings between friends.

The Islands went to school and college, because Ayanna wanted them to have normal childhoods.

Ayanna is one of the big five of the Greater Antilles.

Turks and Caicos was raised by Jamaica and The Bahamas. He sometimes calls them mom and dad, they don't really mind it.

( In the past Turks and Caicos was secede back and forth between Jamaica and The Bahamas.)

Ayanna helps Guyana when the CARICOM meetings get out of hand.

Ayanna and Philippines love giving each other shells and pearls.

Haiti has a deep obsession with Ayanna, since she's always so nice to him.

Ayanna will try to kill you if you touch her mangoes, without her permission.

Ayanna could turn into a mermaid if she wanted too.

The Caribbean parties are fun as always.

Ayanna called France mom once

Ayanna just like the other former colonies sometimes, think of England as their father. Although she'll never tell him that.

Ayanna has a collection of photos that she took over the past century, in her office.

Ayanna has secret rum stash in her office, when ever she gets to stressed.

Ayanna and the islands participate in Junkanoo.

Ayanna and Switzerland are good friends Liechtenstein and Nassau are pen pals.

Ayanna sometimes forgets she exists.

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