2p's the Delinquent and Doll

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World Meeting, Berlin, Germany

Just like the 1p's everything is in chaos but on another scale. France( Francesca Bonnefoy) and England( Oliver Kirkland) arguing, in a weird way. Their smiling," Poppet you should know my cupcakes are delicious,would you like one?" Oliver asked, the charming woman. " Non, Angleterre, your cooking is as shitty as your fashion sense." She said as her smile widened slightly at the tick mark on his freckled cheek and forehead.

Italy( Luciano Vargas) and Japan( Honda Kuro) glaring at each other as Prussia( Klaus Beilschmidt) was standing quietly, in the corner away from everyone. Russia( Viktor Braginsky) and Canada ( James " Matt" Williams) sitting next to each other, just looking intimidating.

Ukraine ( Katya Braginskya) counting her money, Belarus( Anastasia Arlovskaya) sitting quietly getting annoyed with Lithuania's( Leonas Laurinaitis) jokes. Haiti( Javin Pierre) admiring a photo of Bahamas covered in blood, in a bikini. Jamaica( Micheal Frazier)smoking next to Cuba( Julio Rodriquez)who was also smoking.

Mexico( Alejandro Martinez) reading a book and eating some avocados. Sitting next to him was Puerto Rico,( Maria Vazquez) who was chatting happily with him. Ultimately he's ignoring her.

Seychelles( Arielle Laroche) polishing her crown, as Spain( Santiago Fernández Carriedo) was wiping "tomato juice" from his knives.

Germany( Lutz Beilschmidt) timidly trying to start the meeting, until China( Wang An) let off warning shots, with his gun." T-thank you China n-now w-we can start the meeting with roll call." He said as he handed the list to England.

He started to call of the country names, until he called, America's( Allen Jones) name." America... United States of America.. ~sigh~ has anyone seen America?" He asked, ' He owes me big time.' " He said his boss had something very important to discuss with him today." Canada said as England looked in his eyes, Matt just glared at him, his face calm.

' Fine I'll believe your lie for now' England thought as he smiled. After calling a few countries, names he called Bahamas' name," The Commonwealth of The Bahamas.. ~sigh~ guess she's not here today either." He said as Jamaica raised his hand signaling to get his attention.

He turned towards Jamaica," She sick, not feelin' well." He said half heartedly, since the marijuana started to affect his brain. England wanted to question him, but could wait until he isn't high. After calling the final countries names. He let Germany start the meeting.

I apologize...

With America and Bahamas: Florida, USA

Alyssa's hands were pinned above her head against the wall by Allen's hand. As he pressed his lips to her neck, biting it making marks. She groaned softly," Your more lively today dumbass, did you get a boner that quickly?" She asked as her knee gently brushed against the bulge in his pants.

Allen groaned in her ear, as she smirked and chuckled a bit. " My my what a lovely sound you made... I wonder what other sounds you can make~" She whispered in his ear seductively, Allen growled as he roughly pressed his lips on hers.

Forcing his tongue in her mouth as she fought back, feeling his smirk against her lips. She bit his lip as he groaned in the kiss. He pulled her braid making room for him to explore her mouth. Bahamas moaned into the kiss, as she wrapped her legs around his hips.

Allen broke the kiss," Getting desperate are we?" He said haughtily, as he grabbed her hips. Earning a moan, from the smaller nation. Causing her dress to ride up past her thighs, revealing the white unhooked parts of her garter belt. He saw the small damp area of her white panties. He smirked slightly licking his lips.

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