Prohibition Partners

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Ahh, yes the Roaring 20's the time of new fashion styles, the Great Migration and Prohibition!! Yup our good friend Al Capone and his bootleggers, moonshine, and rum running.

Ayanna was looking for new ways of making money to provide for her siblings and people. America already passed the Prohibition act, but was starting to give into the desire of his peoples demand for alcohol. He came to The Bahamas because of proximity and he wanted to speak to her after, 1776.

1919 Nassau, Bahamas:

Ayanna was listening to the waves crashing on the shore.' I'm half is living comfortably and the other half of my people are starving...not enough money..what to do..think Bahama...think!!' She thought as she gripped her hair in frustration, she got up and kicked the coconut tree. The coconut's fell and cracked. " Am I interrupting something?" America asked as Bahamas turned around. Seeing her former enemy holding his fedora in his hands.

 Seeing her former enemy holding his fedora in his hands

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Ayanna huffed and brushed her dress," ...It's been a while, are you?" She said as she smiled fondly at him, he blushed slightly. He cleared his throat," I'm uh..good..good, I wanted you have an office of some sort?" He asked as he gripped his hat, and shuffled his feet together nervously. ' He's a bit fidgety... is he nervous?...No anxious about something?' She thought as she noticed his body language.

" Well I don't have an office....just follow me to a pub nearby " She said as she was about to take his hand, but hesitated. She looked up at him and smiled," Let's go Yankee." She said as he follows her lead.

At the pub:

The pub was mostly vacant, despite the stares they got they didn't really care or noticed." So Yankee...are you hear for more than just a vacation?" She asked as he chuckled at her question." Yup you saw right through me... I need liquor... a lot of it.." He asked as he sipped his gin savoring the taste. ' Ah! Sweet relief!!' He thought as his nerves stopped. "...just like Dixie..." Bahamas said as America put his gin down, as he nearly crushed the glass with his hand.

" met Him?" He said seriously as he looked her right in the eyes. She nodded," He came for supplies, and I needed the money... but he would just glare at me with a red face that was strange...?" She said as America listened. " Sometimes I wish I was a bigger colony.... no one would be starving, more land resources...but that would also be a problem... hey Yankee can I tell you something?" She said while looking at the clear liquid in her cup. " Sure..." He said as he took another sip of his gin.

" ....I've been jealous of you, for a long time." She said softly smiling as, her finger lazily played with the rim of the glass. America raised an eyebrow," I would always watch Big Brother would sail his ships right past hurt..mostly because he broke his promise.." She said with a frown, with a far away look in her eyes.

"..what promise?" America asked, as Bahamas sighed and looked at him with a soft smile." That I wouldn't be lonely." She said quietly as she quickly drank her gin in one gulp. ' What a woman!' America thought,"... I'm not jealous anymore, because I realized that the islands will never leave me and that I have my own responsibilities as an older sister." She said as she let out a small gasp,"...I guess this is the first time I've told someone, how I've felt.. Yankee. Thank you for listening." She said with a small but warm smile.

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