You split her up into her past selves?!

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Germany and America we're working on a new project. It was going well for the most part... but the machine let off a beam, and Ayanna walked in... Then got hit with said beam. Turning into her past selves.

Cute baby Ayanna
Pirate Republic Ayanna
Attack on Nassau Ayanna
Current Ayanna

World Meeting,

" WHAT?!!!!! THE FUCK IS THIS PLACE?!!!?!?!" Pirate Ayanna screamed holding a cutlass at Germany's neck, while glaring at him.

Baby Ayanna was sleeping in Current Ayanna's arms, while AON Ayanna was holding a knife to America's throat. " Come on dudette if you pull the knife away from my neck, maybe we can explain?" America said as he was pinned down.

Ayanna whistled loudly to get their attention," Come on me's... if you can pull the knives away from da bui's necks...den dey ga explain." She said calmly as they glared at her. " HUH?! SINCE WHEN DID I GET SOFT!!" Both variations of Ayanna shouted waking up baby Ayanna.

Who bursts out crying, they all covered their ears. Their problems got worst when the other countries started entered the meeting room. They stared at the 4 Ayanna's, they stared back and only saw one person... England.

"ENGWAND!!" " BIG BROTHER!!" The 3 Ayanna's shouted as they jumped and hugged England. Who was taken aback by the sudden surprise." Can someone explain." Japan asked, as Haiti felt like he died and went to heaven.

Germany started to explain, as America was helped up by Canada.

His nose was bleeding," Not..1.. or 2..4! Bahama Mama's in the room! God is finally on my side!" He said as he got on his knees, with a heavenly light shining on him. " Engwand!!! Let's gwo play!" Baby Ayanna asked as she smiled brightly."Fuck that! Let's go steal some treasure from that Spanish pig!" Pirate Ayanna said with a mischievous smirk on her face." Big brother let's go and look at the damage Yankee and Spain caused, so we can rebuild." AON Ayanna said looking away shyly.

Current Bahamas picked up AON and Pirate's Republic off of England. As he held Baby Ayanna," Hehe.. ok, but can you wait patiently please?" He asked as Baby Ayanna sat in his lap," Ok Engwand!" She said as she happily waited kicking her little legs.

( Eeeeekkk so precious!!!)

" Arrgghhh let go of me bitch!" Pirate Ayanna yelled, ready to fight as AON Ayanna struggled to get out of her grip. It didn't make the situation better, until Haiti had his face in Ayanna's butt again.

The Ayanna's kicked him upwards as his head, was sent straight threw the ceiling. " BASTARD!" " Disgusting man." " Haiti are you ok?" Their replies all different, Jamaica and Cuba,' Strong kick as always.' They both thought as Ayanna dropped the two versions of herself at scolded them.

" Aiya! So much going on, aru." China said as he took his seat. " Da. But aren't you a little bit curious about little comrade's past?" Russia asked as China flinched, from his creepy presence.

Italy was hidden behind Germany as Pirate Ayanna just smirked in his direction. 'Hehehe coward' She thought as the scared look on his face made her laugh. Until Spain caught their eyes, the temperature in the room dropped to 3 degrees. Ayanna saw this and immediately knocked them out.

" Jeez I nearly forgot, I hated Spain back then." She mumbled to herself.

After the chaos quelled, the Ayanna's made sure they introduce themselves.

"Alright introduce yourselves." Current Ayanna said. As Baby Ayanna jumped out of her arms, and introduced herself." Hi! I'm Bahama Isles! It's wice to meet chyu" She said with a bright smile, radiating an innocent light around her. ' She's so cute!!' Everyone thought as she yawned, " Engwand, up! She said as she raised her arms to him.

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