☀️Welcome to The Bahamas☀️

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LPI Airport: 8:35

Nassau and New Providence were waiting at the international terminal. Holding signs for the countries to recognize them.

"N-Nassau are y-you sure this i-is a-a-a g-good i-idea A-Ayanna said that we n-need to b-be discrete, about this.." She stuttered out with other people staring at them, Nassau was busy thinking while sucking on her lollipop. ' Hmm sour apple is the best flavor, I wonder what Miya is trying to say?' She thought as she saw Miya get nervous and hiding behind the sign.

She instantly waved at America who waved back, as her smile faltered a little, when she saw England and Spain. " Yo! Little Dudette!" America exclaimed excitedly as he was wearing a shirt with palm trees, a hat, sunblock on his nose and short khaki pants. All the other countries came in cool clothes except Russia his scarf and coat will stay with him.

" It's so bright."" Where's Mama?!""I wonder what the islands are like?""I can't wait to see mein liebling again!""Ve~ pasta!"" I wonder if I can find my lost treasure." The countries rambled on as Nassau shoved NP to the crowd of countries. As she lost her footing and tripped and fell on Latvia. " Oof! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" She quickly said as she scrambled off of him, feeling she's about to die. She did manage to pull him back up to him feet." It's fine really..Uh miss?" He was actually bashful at the fact she kept apologizing to him. New Providence finally stopped apologizing and looked at him,' W-what! Is this feeling!!! He's so....so...CUTE!!!!' She thought as she stared at him, until she felt her shyness creep back up.

She ran away," I-I'M SORRY!!!!! SCARY!!!" She screamed as she ran away with steam leaving her ears.' She lasted longer than last time 15 minutes, a new personal record.' She thought as went over to actually greet the countries despite her own nervousness." Hey America! It hasn't been that long since we've seen each other. Anyway I'm Nassau the Capital! And the girl that just ran away is one of my older sisters New Providence." She said with a cheerful smile, ' She so adorable! Oh I could just squeeze those cheeks!' France thought as she thought the little capital was cute.

England looked at Nassau,' hmm...Nassau...Nassau...wasn't that the new capital built after the death of Charles Town..' He thought as he reminisced about the age of piracy. France and Spain, then took a few moments to look closely at Nassau. ' Wait...didn't I/ Francis burn down Nassau and New Providence....shit..' They both thought as America patted the hooded girls head as, she was getting annoyed with him.

After introduction we're done, Nassau found New Providence and had to force her to introduce herself. As they boarded the bus to the hotel, Atlantis.

" WAHHH!!! NASSAU!! PLEASE SLOW DOWN!!" New Providence said as she desperately clung, to Latvia who was coincidentally next to her. The short boy was red that his shirt. " Bloody hell!! We're crossing a damned bridge!! How are you speeding like this!!?!?!" England exclaimed annoyed and dizzy, as China was shouting ' Aiya!!'. Canada was sliding left and right between America and Mexico. As Cuba, Jamaica, and Haiti were sinking into their seats as they sat at the back of the bus.

Russia was sitting perfectly still in his seat, as Belarus and Ukraine were holding his arms to steady themselves. Until finally they stopped, at the crossing gate, everyone breathed a huge sigh of relief." I-I'll take over as d-driver..." NP said as she took the driver's seat.

After some talking with the guard and paying the toll. It was smooth sailing.

Nassau sat next to Japan,' What is he drawing? Would he get mad if I took a quick look?' Nassau thought as Japan glanced at her curiously.' Does she want to look?' He thought as he let her look at his drawing," It looks really cool Mr. Japan!" She said excitedly as her smile reminded him of Ayanna's.

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