Were not backing down!!

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England, America, Jamaica:

America is as exploring the hotel with Jamaica and England, as England held the map." Bloody hell! This map is so confusing." He yelled in annoyance," Try turnin' da map right side up, bredren." Jamaica said as he pointed out the brits mistake. England turned it from upside down to upwards. He blushed in embarrassment, as he pulled his hat down.

America groaned," Ugghh!! Iggy I'm hungry how much farther until we find the restaurant!" He complained, rubbing his grumbling belly. " Hehe I hope you don't starve to death Merica!" Aleah said as she popped out of know where, scaring the countries." Ah! Grand Bahama! W-where's your sister?" He asked with his hand on his hchest to calm his beating heart.

" I'm right here Mr. America." Alanna said as she popped up next to England." Bloody hell!" He shouted as he jumped and landed in Jamaica's arms." Christ mon..." He said to himself, as England got out of his arms. " You two need to stop scaring people, one day you'll end up scaring the wrong person, and they'll beat you up." Eleuthera said as she walked towards them." Eleuthera gave England a small smile," It's nice to finally meet you Mr. England." She politely said as she held her hand out to him, he exchanged the simple greeting.

Eleuthera turned her attention to America and Jamaica." Its good to see you again Mr. America, Mr. Jamaica." She said," It's always good to see you dudette." He said as Jamaica nodded at her," So your both here you win Aya's affection again?" She bluntly said as the twins giggled." Both men blushed," ~Sigh~ it gets boring after 40 years of trying to win her affection." She bluntly said with a small smile.

" It's no even entertaining anymore, just plain desperate!" Alanna said cheerfully," Yup." Aleah said, as Eleuthera put her hands on both America and Jamaica's shoulder's." Well that's because they never had us! Hehehe!" Lily said giggling, as the twins held Jamaica's hands." May the best win!" The girls shouted with huge mischievous smiles on their faces. As they led the lost crew to a restaurant, that wasn't far from, where they were.

France, Canada, Seychelles, Haiti:

They were.....>cough<France...was shopping in the hotels stores, with Canada and Haiti holding the many...many.. bags. " Do you need some help?" Andros said as Canada turned around and looked up at Andros.' Tall lady.. I got a nice view of her boobs...' He thought as she looked at him blankly," Ah not r-really I'm good." He said as France finally made her way, to the cashier.

" I'm done! Hmm? Oh my your a very tall woman!You would be interested in becoming a model?" France asked shoving all the bags in her hand, to Seychelles who nearly feel down if Mayaguana didn't catch her. " Are you alright Miss?" He asked as she blushed, as she only nodded. As he helped her up as he helped hold some of the bags. " Merci.. Mr...?" " Mayaguana... it's nice to meet you Ms. Seychelles." He said politely," How do you know my name?" She asked surprised he recognized her," My older sister Ms. Bahamas, told us in advance that she'll be hosting a meeting. So out of of curiosity the other islands did research on the countries attending." He explained as she just stared at him.' His hair looks soft...strong muscles...!!!! No non non!! Don't stare it's unladylike!' She thought as she furiously tried to fight the raging blush.

' Why is she blushing did she think of something embarrassing?' He thought as he saw Berry Islands standing next to Andros. " Andros I got the fabric you needed...." She said softly," Hmm? Oh. Thank you Berry." She said as Hannah gave her a thumbs up. " Thank you for the offer but, we have  to get back to work Ms. France." As she and Berry walked with Mayaguana saying his goodbye to Seychelles. The siblings left,' They didn't even acknowledge me!!' Haiti thought annoyed as France went to the  register to cash out.

Cuba, Spain, Mexico:

They were all enjoying the breeze as they were smoking outside, sitting down on the bench drinking some coconut waters." Soo, when you gonna ask Bahamas out hermano?" Mexico asked as he saw the small blush dusting his cheeks." Aye Mexico's right Cuba, besides she's pretty, smart, strong what's stopping you?" Spain asked," More like her crazy siblings, the Capitalist pig, the Voodo pervert and Jamaica." He said as he snapped his cigar in half with an annoyed expression on his face.
" Hello Cuba." Ragged Island, said with a small smile which freaked Cuba out.' Why does she do this every time she sees me!!!' He thought as he turned blue,

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