Nyotalia Gaukren

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8:00 a.m
America was talking to Japan ( Sakura Honda) , as they walked to the schools entrance." ~Sigh~ Bahamas is cute an' all but extremely dense! Sometimes I wonder if he understands that girls like him at all!" Amelia exclaimed with a downcast face. Sakura patted her shoulder,"...Well America-chan, I'm sure he'll come to understand in his own way." She said reassuring her friend, as America instantly thought of an idea." I know! I'll ask him out on a date! That way if I tell him how I feel he'll surely understand!" She said with shining stars in her eyes.

As Amelia ran into the school, with Japan right behind her. As she stopped in a holt, seeing Claudette latch herself to Ayano. " Papa Bahama ~ I missed you so much! Have you been working out? Your arms are so strong~" She said seductively, as she hugged her chest to his muscular bicep. " Haiti you saw me yesterday when I walked you home from school." He said bluntly, as Haiti chuckled," Well it was too short, I can't stand the thought of being away from you too long. Hmph!" She said as she kissed his cheek.


" Ouch!! What the hell Domin-!" Haiti was cut off by Cat Islands ( Michelle Knowles) glare. " Keep your dirty hands off my brother bitch! Ayano are you ok? Did the dirty pig touch in uncharted territory?!" She said as she worried over her older brother. " I'm fine but was it necessary to hit Haiti?" He said calmly, as he helped her up." Y-N-no...~sigh~ sorry Haiti.." As Cat Island left, Bahamas helped Haiti up. " Sorry about her, she's just protective of me. Cat's like that with every one of our brothers....just worst when it comes to me.." He said whispering that last part.

America made her way over to the two," Morning dude's! You good Haiti? That was a pretty nasty punch you took." She said pointing to the purple bruise forming on her cheek. " Hehe it didn't hurt that bad!" She said smiling deep down knowing that punch hurt like hell.

" You sure I can help you to the nurse-" Ayano was cut off by New Providence ( Michael Knowles) running towards him. " Ayano!! Help!!" He shouted as he jumped in his brother's arms. " N.P calm down, tell me what happened." He asked, as New Providence wiped the tears of his face, " N-Nassau got h-h-his head s-stuck in the, t-toilet!!" He said as he burst in more tears.

" Bui stop crying, and let's help your brother. Ok?" He said calmly as New Providence nodded, Ayano turned to Amelia and Claudette," See you two later gotta help Nassau." He said in a rush leaving the two girls bye themselves. " He sure has a nice ass." Haiti said with a faint blush,'..Perv..' America thought as she heard Japan call her to hurry up or they'll be late. " Well see ya Haiti, hope your cheek doesn't swell up too much." She said as Haiti nodded as she went in after them to the nurses office.

Boys Bathroom:

Florida ( Camilo Jones) and Seychelles ( Marcus Papyet), tried pulling Nassau out from his legs." That isn't helping at all!" Nassau said as he gagged after opening his mouth in toilet water. Belarus just sighed in annoyance." We'll have to remove his ears." He said menacingly with a knife in hand, ready to perform a painfully surgery.


" I-I got big bro....N-Nassau..." He said quietly as he hid behind Ayano. " Hey Nassau you doing ok?" He asked, trying to hold in his laughter." Oh I'm just great! My head is stuck in the toilet! GAH! Toilet water!" He said angry with borderline embarrassment. Ayano and N. P burst out laughing," hahahaha! Your head is in the toilet! Hahaha dumb aye!" Bahamas said holding his stomach, as N.P tried to stifle his laughter. As tears started to well up in the corner of his eyes.

( Bahamians laugh at inappropriate moments. If someone falls of a truck most people would ask if he's ok. Nope! Bahamian's would call you dumb while laughing at you. And you'd have to laugh it off 'cause you to embarrassed.)

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