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When the war between gods breaks, a warrior storms in to fight for her family.

"I'm a god of war. You can't easily beat me, young god. Your father made a mistake by bringing you here." A man points his sword at her.

"I'd rather die a hero than a weak coward." She stares straight into his eyes.

"you're a fool. Your family-" a burning spear goes through his chest.

"get up Winter! We have a long way." A boy helps her.

"thanks brother." Winter runs beside him, fighting against the other gods with her gold bow and arrow.

"oh no!" Winter watches her brother gets thrown by one of the god's monsters. "how dare you!" Winter shoots her arrow right on its head.

She realizes that her brother gets thrown down. To earth.


Winter stands in front of the rest of her family.

"please, father. Let me get him." Winter kneels before him.

"I will not lose my other child. Earth is not a save place for us. you have to let him go." He stated.

"he's my brother!" Winter stands up. "I can take care of myself."

"you will be nothing but a dog on earth. Your brother will turn into a white panther. It's easier for him."

"listen to your father, young lady. We can't lose another god after the war."

"fine, then. I don't need your permission." Winter walks away, leaving the castle.

She looks around, still with her bow and arrow on her back. the aftermath of the war still visible from where she's standing. Since her castle is at the top part of Olympus, she can see it all.

"alright. I'll find you, Daniel."




"breaking news! A sighting of a rare white panther was found recorded by five hikers yesterday night at the woods of Murray Hills. The hikers witnessed the panther ran away after being injured at the side of Murray River."

"interesting." A girl sits on the couch with her laptop on her lap.

"what's interesting?" another girl sits beside her with a pint of ice cream.

"the news."

"you should go out more, Karina. That clip looks edited. No one ever saw a white panther. I don't even know if that thing existed." The bestfriend said, eating her ice cream.

"I need something for my script. I need that level of imagination." Karina sighs.

"fantasy again? Did your boss told you to work on romance?"

"well, I can add some romance to it. I have no other idea." Karina takes off her glasses. "leave some for me, Yeji. Your heartbreak is over weeks ago."

"okay, okay." Yeji runs to the kitchen.

Karina cracks her neck and relaxes herself. Tomorrow, her has to submit a thousand words to her boss and she's not even halfway there. So, she just stays up all night to finish them.


"hey Karina." The boss enters her office.

"I'm sorry. I fell asleep last night. I promise I'll be done by evening." Karina purses her lips.

"ah... add 500 more. I have deadlines too." He then walks out, not getting what he wants.

Karina stares at her collection of books oh the side of her office. Maybe some reading can get her brain to work.

After some time, she managed to hit her target.

"okay, this should work, right?" she stares at her screen before printing it all.

Karina walks towards her boss's office to submit them. He tells her to sit then proceeds to read her story.

"this is not romantic enough. I want the flames, you know? The joy and euphoria of love. This is all unrealistic."

"I have more to come, sir. The story haven't even started yet." Karina defends herself.

"I know that this is your forte. The market wants something new, Karina. You should really work on it." He puts the papers aside. "I want two thousand words next week."

"on it, sir."


Ending her day at work, Karina decides to stop by a market to buy some groceries. After paying for it, she walks out of the market. She checks her phone, going to her car. Her car is blocked by some people gathering around something.

She takes a little look at them and sees a little black dog barking at all the people watching them. What an aggressive puppy, she thought.

"excuse me." Karina walks through them and give the puppy a slice of bread that she just bought. "are you hungry?"

The puppy keeps barking. Seems like everyone is scaring it. Karina can see some people taking pictures of it. She thinks that this puppy is cute too. No wonder people are wondering who owns it.

Karina drops the bread in front of it and it stops barking. It then takes the bread and runs to some alley beside the market. Karina just leave after that.


Winter sits on the dirty alley. In a form of a black puppy, she's frustrated. She can't even talk to anyone. After walking around this unknown place, Winter feels exhausted. Thank herself, she got a little food from a nice woman earlier.

'oh! maybe she can help.' She gets up from her place and runs away from the alley. She doesn't know where she should go, though.

Winter walks endlessly looking for some nice human to notice her. people did look at her, but that's it. They don't stop or check on her.

'humans are selfish.' Winter gets tired of walking. She the smells a something so good she has to follow it.

Since she's just a puppy, she sits and looks up at a hotdog stand. The person behind it looks at her and tells her to go. Getting confused, Winter barks at him instead.

"go! You'll get my cart dirty!" he shooed her.

"I'll get two hotdogs please." a woman approaches them. After that, she squats down and gives one to Winter.

'thanks!' Winter barks at her. she eats it hurriedly, not noticing that she's already walk away. Winter chases her as fast as she can and reach for her legs. 'please carry me somewhere. I'm tired of walking.' She can only whines.

"oh. what do you want?" the woman picks her up looking at her blue eyes. "you're too cute to be a stray dog."

The woman carries her somewhere. Winter is glad that someone is willing to carry her. she decides to just fall asleep in her shoulder.

"I'm sorry. I can't take you home." The woman drops her off to a new place. It's in front of a tall building.

Winter walks around again to find a place to rest. She found another alley she can sleep in.

'why is it so tiring? I can'teven use my power.' Winter lays herself on the cold concrete and fell asleep.

LITTLE PIECE OF HEAVEN | WINRINA AUWhere stories live. Discover now