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Winter fell asleep after her unpleasant dinner. She wakes up and notices that she's in a cage. A big one. There are other animals too like, monkeys, snakes, wolves, and others that she can't recognize. She's a little freaked out. those animals are scared, sick, and not in a proper condition. the room smells terrible too. She has to get out of here so she bangs the door with her head a few times.

"whoa... calm down, Winter." Vivian rushes to her.

'how many times you have to tell me that?' Winter growls at her and sits down, not looking at Vivian.

"you're safe here." Vivian tries to talk to her even though she thought that she won't understand at all.

'bullshit.' Winter huffs.

"so this is the special guy?" another woman approaches. "have you done a DNA test? What about his background?"

"we're working on it. I'll call the owner for further information."


Karina and Giselle finally found the lab. All there's left to do is how to get inside.

"I'll call her." Giselle said.

"this is a dumb way to sneak in." Karina sighs.

"do you have other plan?" Giselle looks at her. "I'm just gonna threat her or something."

"okay." Karina lowers her head. she feels very useless right now.

"hey. You better come out right now. I'm outside the lab." Giselle pauses. "the guards can't see me. I wanna talk about my dog." Giselle huffs. "just come out, dammit. Or I'll tell everyone that- good."

"well, that's easy." Karina sighs.

"hey! What are you guys doing out here?" a guard notices them, shining a flashlight at them.

"I'm sorry. Dr. Ning called us. we're an activist." Giselle starts to speak Japanese. Karina is confused.

"we're here for Dr. Ning. She's a... wild animal expert from Japan." Karina plays along.

"and you?" he asked.

"I'm her assistant. Since, she can't really speak English well." Karina smiles.

"there you are!" Vivian jogs to them. "don't worry, they're with me."

"you hired an expert?" he asked to make sure.

"yes. I don't think ours are capable." Vivian said sternly.

The guard then walks away but informing the others about this suspicious activity.

"follow me." Vivian walks first, followed by the two.

They walk inside the building and immediately greeted by animals screaming. Whatever it is, they don't wanna know what they're doing. Karina looks around and inside the rooms with glass doors. She then notices some guards rushing to an elevator. from the outside, this looks like a normal lab.

"where is that elevator going?" Karina dares to ask.

"I don't know. I heard that if the animal reaches above level three threat, they'll bring them there." Vivian then leads them to her office.

Karina thinks that Daniel must be there. She looks at Giselle.

"what?" Giselle asks.

"nothing." Karina wants to tell her about that.

"what do you want?" Vivian starts, sitting on her chair.

"what is this place? Why did you bring Winter here?" Giselle tries to gain as much info from her.

"you know what this is. Just a lab for animals. If we need to do some bigger test, we bring them here." Vivian explains briefly.

"so you're still working for them?" Giselle scoffs. This is why they can't be together anymore. "that's pathetic."

"if you come here just to argue, I don't have any time for you, Aeri." Vivian massages her temples.

"I just wanna make sure that Winter is safe and don't call me that." Giselle looks at Vivian.

"we're running some tests on her. her DNA just came out." Vivian pulls out a file. "you're here for the panther, aren't you? they both related. I can't promise you anything."

"can you help us?" Karina leans forward. "At least, give us clues or something."

"I don't know where he is. I never go down there and I'm not allowed to. Everything through that elevator is highly guarded with some advanced technology. That's what I heard, though." Vivian looks at her up and down. "is she your new girl?"

"that's none of your business." Giselle replies coldly.

Karina then heard some barking. She knows exactly how Winter sounds and that must be her. she stands up and looks through the glass window.

"that's him! where did they take him?" Karina an see that Winter is being dragged to the elevator. "no. don't."

"he must be attacking the guards. It's rare to see animals coming back after they bring them there." Vivian calmly said.

"we have to go there." Karina is afraid of something she doesn't even know. she's dead worried.

"you know we can't, Karina." Giselle walks towards Karina and guides her to sit down again.

"the chance of you being dead is certain." Vivian informed again.

"then what are we doing here? We're wasting time."

Vivian stands up and gets out of her room. Giselle sees that she's no longer visible and starts to search her desk and drawers. Karina also looks around to find something usable.

"aha!" Giselle pulls out a file. She then reads it briefly. "subject 497. Wild white panther, blah blah blah... threat level... five?" Giselle raises an eyebrow. "room X-7. Hm..."

"rooms here are only up until W. you think that the rest are down there?" Karina takes some syringes with drugs filled in.

"you fucking liar." Giselle said under her breath then she shows Karina a card. A different silver card from what Vivian used earlier. It's red.

"oh..." Karina smiles. "should we go now?"

"let's try. Did you get some stuff?"

"these are some drugs for animals, I guess." Karina shows her some and put it back on her bag.

"alright. Let's sneak in."

LITTLE PIECE OF HEAVEN | WINRINA AUWhere stories live. Discover now