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Winter throws Karina on the bed and Karina fixes her position.

"um... yes?" Karina folds her arms, acting a little sassy towards the god.

Winter shakes her head when she thinks that Karina was challenging her. she hurriedly gets on top of Karina and starts another make out session. At this point, Winter start to think about all the things that will happen in the future with this mortal. Living on a valley where they can see the mountains, have a small cosy cabin with some wide green field so their little demigod can run a round freely. The thought of growing old together is not so bad for Winter.

"if this is what I have to deal with everyday for the rest of my life, I would sacrifice everything to be able to do it even in the afterlife." Winter stares at Karina.

"that's probably the most romantic thing I've ever heard." Karina just giggles.

Winter runs her hand down to Karina's shorts, inserting it under the fabric and rubbing circles on her sensitive bud. Winter smiles at Karina, caressing her head with her other hand. After some time, Winter inserts her fingers inside Karina's warmth.

Karina closes her eyes, moaning in pleasure while Winter working on her. her hands grabs onto Winter's neck, as Winter pulls out her fingers. Karina then accepts another kiss from Winter.

"I kinda miss your fur." Karina said between kisses.

Winter then let out her ears and tail. Her tail grazes on Winter's thigh, caressing it softly. Winter kiss her along the neck, marking her to be hers forever. Karina's moans can be heard. Winter takes of her pants and let the beast out. she helps Karina with her shorts too, taking it off fully.

"I hope you're still adjusted to this." Winter then slowly inserting her shaft. Weird enough, Winter feels something inside Karina. She can't go further and her member is still halfway through. "I think..."

Karina focuses on herself, adjusting to Winter's size. When Winter stops, Karina looks up at her. she can see that Winter is as confused as her.

"what?" Karina caresses her cheek.

"you're pregnant." Winter smiles slowly. She then plants a kiss on Karina's soft warm cheek. Seems like she can't stop smiling out of happiness.

"am I?" Karina's eyes widened. She's even more confused. Whether she should be happy or worried. "wow..."

Winter chuckles. She then lay beside Karina. Sure, Winter can't stop there. She uses her fingers again to please the human. Winter leans in to kiss her again on the lips.

Karina feels glad that Winter decides to be gentle. Even with just her fingers, it's still satisfying to feel Winter inside her. she faces Winter, hugging her and buries her face on her neck.

"I will make sure our baby is safe."

Whether it's because Winter's skills or Karina's hormones, Karina can feel herself on the edge. She looks at Winter with her glistening eyes.

"I will live forever with you, Winter."

Winter smiles in satisfaction. She fasten her pace, continues to make out to dampen Karina's moans. She then gets a little surprised when Karina accidentally bites her lip.

Feeling her body tenses up, Karina pulls away and grabs on Winter's forearm. Her body trembles upon reaching her climax. She can feel Winter's tail all over her body, telling her to move closer and she does.

"what about you?" Karina asks, still controlling her breath.

"what's your offer, my little human?" Winter trails her finger on Karina's jawline.

Karina pushes Winter on the bed, gets on top of her. Karina grinds on Winter's whole length also pleasing herself a little. as much as she wants Winter to come in, she can't risk her child. Karina then sits on Winter's thighs, using her hands to stroke Winter's shaft. There's still a lot of space above Karina's hands, so, her range of movement is quite big.

Winter caresses Karina's head, watching her gets busy with her member. Winter gets surprised again when Karina decides to use her mouth too. the urge to shove the dick deep inside gets covered by her care for the mortal. With that, she just let Karina do her best. The view of Karina like this drives Winter crazy. feeling her abs tightened, she grabs Karina's hair.

Karina knows what she wants, not planning on stopping either. She fastened her pace. Hands and jaw starts to ache as she tries to go deeper, fighting her own reflex. Once she tasted some precum, she moves back. her hands keeps moving, though. Watching Winter under her is definitely something hotter than hell, if she ever goes to one.

"watch out." Winter pants out. then, a fountain of thick loads shoots out of Winter's shaft. Seems like it won't stop coming as it wets Karina's hair, face, chest, just the whole perimeter and their bed.

Winter closes her eyes. coming down from her high. She feels Karina moves and lay beside her.

"if you do this with another goddess, I'm sure they'll think it's not much." Karina stifles a laugh.

"haven't tried it but I bet you're way better than them." Winter smirks.

"whatever you say, then."


Back at Olympus after a few days, Winter stands in front of Zeus.

(how do you like your present?) he spoke, smiling at Winter.

"I'm satisfied." Winter smiles back. "so... are you willing to give me some of your flowers?"

(very well... I already prepare things for you. your father really wants you to live happily on earth. You will know where you'll live.)

"thank you." Winter bows. She then walks away, out of the castle and goes to her own house.

Her brother sits alone on the living area. Seems like he has a lot on his mind.

"you're really leaving?" he said, not looking up.

"I am. I will visit still." Winter joins him on the gold couch.

"you sure?" he finally looks at her.

"I promise." Winter then hugs him. "I will miss you all."

Just then, her mother shows up, showing a warm smile at them.

"good to see you make up." she then kisses both of her children's head.

"she's still leaving." Daniel looks down.

"c'mon. you'll be fine on your own. You're strong enough to protect mom, right?" Winter encourage him.

"yeah whatever." Daniel then takes her hand. "what if you forget about us?"

"that's impossible." Winter chuckles. "I'll let you know how I'm doing." She then hugs him.

"promise?" Daniel pulls away. "if another war breaks, you'll come back, right?"

"of course, and I'm sure there won't be another war." Winter stifles a laugh. "really, though. I will miss you."

"you're coming back right away?" the mother asks.

"ah... I forgot to tell you. we already have a family. Well, not yet, but, will be." Winter smiles at her.

"oh... that's good to hear. Maybe we can be the one visiting."

"well, I welcome everyone." Winter then stands up. "I'll be going now."

"I want you to have this." Daniel stands up too. he pulls out a red dagger with gold decorations all over it. "not all humans are good, you know? I just want you to be safe."

"ooh... nice one, Dannie. I'll keep it." Winter then opens up a portal that goes straight to Karina.

"Winter?" Karina peeks in to the portal. She's a little surprised. Both the mother and brother are extremely beautiful. That proves that they're really not from earth.

"I'm coming." Winter waves her hand. The rest follows too.

"well, she's your typeafter all." Daniel jokes around. "alright. Take care, sis." Daniel gives herone last hug before Winter finally goes through the portal.

LITTLE PIECE OF HEAVEN | WINRINA AUWhere stories live. Discover now