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Despite her busy schedule, Karina forgets about taking Winter to the shelter. So, a few days has passed and Karina tries her best to feed Winter. today, she decided to take her to the shelter.

Karina gets up from her bed then she hears noises from the kitchen.

"get off me! be gone!"

Karina thought there's an intruder. She grabs a flashlight from her drawer and walks out of her room quietly. Without hesitation, she hits their head.


Karina drops her flashlight. A girl wearing her shirt and shorts stands in front of her. she can see a black furry ears on top of her head. Karina looks down and sees a black tail too.

Winter sighs. She looks up a little to the taller girl.


Karina walks back little by little. she's scared as hell. She covers her mouth.

"what are you?" Karina leans on the wall.

"you know me as a dog. A puppy to be exact." Winter looks at her. "yes. The one you fed, pats, rubs. It's quite fun."

"are you real?" Karina reaches for her ear.

"don't." Winter grabs her hand and Karina snatched her hand immediately.

Winter then gets back to being busy with her ears and tail, trying to make it disappear.

Karina on the other hand, have some thoughts and ideas about all these. She hurries to her laptop and starts writing things on it.

"what are you doing?" Winter walks towards her and sits beside her. "are you gonna expose me?!" Winter stands up, screams at Karina. "I've tried to hide myself by being a dirty dog, sacrificing my pride, just to be exposed by some greedy human. Great. I'm leaving."

"wait. I'm sorry. I just... need some inspiration." Karina closes her laptop.

"dad was right. We can't trust humans." Winter finally turns into her human form fully. "take me to the shelter that you've been talking about. I'm out of here."

"being out there is not easier." Karina looks at her putting her laptop aside.

"turn on that box." Winter points at the TV.

"that's a TV. This is the remote to control it." Karina turns on the TV, still wondering what kind of creature she's with right now.

"how do you change the thing inside the TV?" Winter asks, a little calmer this time.

"here's the button for it." Karina teaches her to use the remote.

"okay. Thank you." Winter presses the button over and over again hoping she can find anything related to her brother.

"what are you looking for?" Karina asks.

"my brother." Winter sighs. She gives up on looking at the TV.

"he's the white panther?"

"yes!" Winter looks at Karina. "do you know where he is?"

"no one knows where he is." Karina purses her lips. "what's your name?"

"Winter." she replies.

"the daughter of the god of animals?" Karina asks excitedly. "you're that Winter?"

"oh... so you know? My family and stuff?" Winter raises her eyebrow.

"well, you can say that I write about your whole families and other gods. Your brother is Daniel. God of fire? That's what I found on the internet." Karina explains.

"what's internet?" Winter thinks that she needs to learn a lot about earth.

"it's a platform where you can basically find anything there."

"so I can just look for my brother there." Winter looks at her.

"let's see about that."


After some time surfing the internet, Winter gets tired. She stretched her body and relaxes herself. Soon she turns back into her puppy form.

"huh? You don't have to change back, right?" Karina looks at the puppy beside her. she's already formed into a ball of cute black furry.

'I'm tired. Stop asking me things.' Winter can only bark a little. she then closes her eyes.

"you haven't eat though. It's nine already. Let's eat first." Karina rubs her head to wake her up again.

Karina walks towards the kitchen to cook something simple for dinner. Winter then lazily jumped down the couch and walks to Karina and lays beside the dining table, waiting for her.

"you wanna eat as human or dog?" Karina asks she just bought things for dogs a few days ago. Winter doesn't reply but doesn't change either. So she put the food in the dog bowl and give her the food. Karina sits on the chair and eats silently.

Karina starts to feel comfortable having a dog. Knowing that Winter is not an actual dog is making this more interesting.

Winter quickly finishes her food and walks back to the couch to sleep. she then gets picked up by Karina and she carries her to her room.

"you don't have to sleep alone. You're still a puppy in my eyes." Karina hugs her and kisses Winter's head.

'stop that! you've been doing this for days!' Winter wriggles around on Karina's embrace. 'let go of- oh... this is nice.' Winter rolls around the bed. Her fur spreads all over the sheet.

"okay. Feel free to sleep here. Only in your dog form." Karina warns her.

Winter snuggles on herself forming a ball. Doesn't take much time for her to fall asleep.


Since then, Winter starts to get comfortable around Karina. She's mostly in her puppy form since it's more convenient. Karina can take care of her and she doesn't have to worry about clothes.

"c'mon Winter. I have to bathe you. my bed smells horrible." Karina runs around her apartment chasing Winter.

'no!' Winter barks at her. 'don't you dare!'

"I'll give you treat after that. please." Karina whines.

'I won't fall for that.' Winter turns her back on Karina. She then smells her favorite treat. 'yes!' Winter runs towards her.

"got you!" Karina carries her to the bathroom. "you're still a dog after all."

Karina then turns on a warm shower for Winter and starts bathing her. Winter is a lot to handle. She still runs around whenever water hits her body.

After the final rinse, Winter shakes her body to dry herself.

"geez." Karina covers her face. She then grabs a towel and wraps it around Winter. "behave."

Winter stays silent as Karina carries her to the living room.

"wait here." Karina goes to her room to grab a hairdryer.

Winter decides to just change her form so she can dry her hair herself.

"Winter!" Karina covers her eyes. "you can't just change whenever you want!"

"why not? it's easier." Winter continues what she's doing.

Karina goes back inside to look for clothes for Winter.

"wear these." Karina throws them at her.

"okay." Winter quickly put them on. "so... when can we start looking for Daniel?"

"I can't go with you." Karina sits beside her.

"at least tell me where I should go." Winter drops her towel somewhere.

"I'll give you the direction. I still have to work."

LITTLE PIECE OF HEAVEN | WINRINA AUWhere stories live. Discover now