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Facing the king himself, Winter swallows a big lump on her throat. It's been a while since she talked about something so serious and risky with him. this is not something that a god can easily grant.

(what do you need, my child?)

"this is probably something that you won't give." Winter looks up at him. "I'd like to give up my immortality."

Zeus stays silent, looking down at Winter from his throne. Of course, the other gods are watching. He looks to his sides then to Winter again.

(what is the purpose of your wish? If it's for devoting your life for a mortal, I can't grant it.)

"that's... precisely what I want." Winter doesn't look away a bit. It is true that Winter fears the gods in front of her. but, she has to do this.

(you have courage.)

Winter keeps her head up, being as brave as she can as a god.

(I'll give you a chance to change your mind. Maybe change your plan. Leave.)

"no." Winter gets stubborn. "I've made my mind."

(then I'll give you another option. Not only I will take your immortality, I will take your power. Be free, be human. Or... you can still have everything, your power over the forests, but you have to persuade your human to have the same life as you. being immortal.)

"wait... that's actually an advantage for me." Winter sees the opportunity.

(yes. You're lucky. As one of my favorite little goddesses.) he then opens up a portal. (I will give you one night. Plan out everything with your... lover.)

Winter smiles a little and bows to the gods, walking to the portal.

(she might have a little surprise for you.)

"I will take anything." Winter looks back.

She then walks through the portal, entering Karina's apartment. As the portal closes, she takes a deep breath and closes her eyes.

Soon after, Karina comes out of her bedroom. Her eyes widened as soon as she sees Winter standing there with a smile. Karina runs towards her and jumps up to her embrace. Like a koala on a tree, Karina hangs on to Winter's body, hugging her tightly.

"I missed you." Karina doesn't let go. So, Winter walks towards the couch.

"I need to tell you something." Winter said, Karina is still on her lap. "first, I want to apologize for leaving. I need some time to talk to my family."

"you left for a month." Karina slaps her arm lightly. "go on." Karina smiles.

"I was thinking... we can start to live together." Winter looks at her deep brown eyes that she loves. "forever."

"that's a great idea. The forever part... I don't really get it. You mean literally or...." Karina purses her lips.

"in a literal meaning." Winter goes straight. "I know it sounds a little scary but believe me... I will give you anything you want, you need, just everything." Winter cups Karina's face.

"what about my career? Yeji too." Karina looks down, holding Winter's hand on her cheek.

"you can still do that. Yeji can visit us anytime still. Giselle, Vivian, they can visit us. you don't need to worry about a thing." Winter reassures her.

Karina rests her head on Winter's shoulder. Since she reads a lot of articles and books for her research, she sure read about immortality. Sure, it works on some people, but most of them gets crazy over their life.

"don't worry. we have time until tomorrow." Winter holds Karina in her warm embrace. At this point, Winter feels something else. "do you have anything to tell me?"

"not really. I'm just... confused. I'm not sure." Karina sighs. "I wanna live with you. on the other hand, I want to grow old, have children, and just... having a good life. If I know I'll live forever, I feel like I can lose the meaning of living."

"then... let's grow old together. I still can age, you know? we gods just have some habits to stay alive. What we eat and drink will make us immortal and stays young. I told you I'll give you anything, Karina." Winter caresses her head and back.


"yeah. This is Zeus request too. I can't really refuse, can I?" Winter smiles.

Karina moves back, staring at Winter. somehow, she's calmer after hearing that. her worries subsides and her heart is at peace. Looking at Winter alone is enough. Other thing, Karina never been in love before and her first happened to be a god. she thinks that she'd gone insane.

"I know. you're not insane. I do exist for real." Winter chuckles. "I will take you away from here. You don't have to work, get tired everyday just to eat, drive your car every morning. I will provide you endless basic human needs." She then leans in to kiss her for a short time.

"I get it, Winter. I believe that you can give me anything. you don't have to prove yourself to me, to let me know that you're a god." Karina stifles a laugh. "not to mention that you speak like a dad."

"so you're saying I'm old?" Winter raises her eyebrow.

"that's not something bad. I like you regardless." Karina rubs her head lovingly. "you wanna hear something better? I love you."

Winter smiles at her. she then stands up, picking her up by her thighs and bring her towards the bedroom.

"you fixed it." Winter chuckles. "mind if I break it again?"

LITTLE PIECE OF HEAVEN | WINRINA AUWhere stories live. Discover now