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After some other hours, Karina stops by a gas station. There's a convenience store there too. So, Karina goes to buy some things and Winter fills the gas. She then waits for Karina.

Karina soon, comes back running a little. they both enters the car again.

"what's wrong?" Winter notices her worried face. She then looks at some guys that's coming out from the store.

"they knew about him. they're an activist." Karina sighs. she's disappointed to hear what they said. "the lab that you're looking for is The Mozart Lab. They faked it. I thought they really care about animals. Turns out, they contain them and use them for some kind of project or experiment."

"wow. That's a lot." Winter looks down. "we should get going."


It's getting darker and darker through the woods. Regardless, Winter can feel that they're in a right place. Driving on bumpy roads, Karina is a little scared. A post shows the name of the place. Dunver Hill.

"don't worry. I'm here. Nothing can hurt us." Winter said to Karina. "just go straight ahead."

Karina follows. She's right. There's enough space for them to park and camp.

"I think here is enough." Winter gets out of the car. She takes a handful of dirt and feels it. "yeah. We're here."

"okay. Let's find her." Karina grabs her hand and walks away, leaving her car.

Winter looks back, moves her hand a certain way and tree branches starts covering her car until it's no longer visible.

A long tiring walk, indeed, but, Karina feels safe around Winter. they hold hands all the time, though.

"wow... this place is strong as heaven." Winter feels a little more powerful.

"is it?" Karina looks at her.

"yeah. A little... strange..." Winter tightens her grip on Karina's hand. "let's go faster."

The more they walk, Winter is aware that the creatures of the woods starts following. Unlike the kind one, they're a little aggressive. Especially, with human.

"what's wrong, Winter?" Karina starts to get scared too. "look!"

Winter looks ahead. There's a beautiful lake in front of her. not far from them, she can see Giselle's van. Winter sighs in relief.

"that's her."

They both approaches the van. Giselle is nowhere to be found. Winter tilts her head. everything looks okay. Giselle must be roaming around to find something to eat.

"let's wait here."

They both sits down beside the lake, having a casual talk to kill time.

"you're not tired?" Karina leans on Winter's shoulder.

"not really. You can sleep. I'll talk to her." Winter stares at the lake.

Karina then closes her eyes.

(my child.) a god comes out of the lake. (I know you will be here. Daniel visits me before he got caught.)

"hello, Amphitrite. Thank you." Winter smiles at her. she's her favorite god. "my friend is here, right?"

(the kind woman. Yes. She's here.) she then goes back into the water.

"wait! Did Daniel say anything to you?"

(he told me to take care of you. you will be the owner of the forests on earth and we will protect it together.)

"thank you." Winter then lets her go.

"Winter?" Giselle stands behind her, holding a basket of mushrooms and some kinds of greens.

"hey." Winter then wakes up Karina. "she's here."

"what do you want?" Giselle asks while doing her own things.

"I wanna ask about the activist." Winter stands up. Karina can only watch them from where she's sitting.

"who's she?" Giselle crosses her arms.

"my friend." Winter looks at Karina.

"what do you wanna know? I have nothing to do with them anymore." Giselle walks towards Karina, followed by Winter. the three sits in a circle.

"Mozart lab."

"oh. it's an animal hospital. They take care of the animals there." Giselle thinks again. "did you say lab?"

"it's not?" Karina looks at her.

"I know a lab. But, not in Mozart." Giselle replies.

"they took him there." Winter looks down.

"oh... I guess they want to threat him...?" Giselle tries to be positive.

"I know what I saw, Giselle. He didn't want to be saved. He's safer up there! With me! with my family! In the woods! No one can take him from us!"

Both of them are surprised. Winter is now standing, her eyes and fists glows blue. Then, a splash of water hits Winter's whole body.

"thanks, Amphitrite." Winter sits down again. "I have no time for your attempt of positivity. He's in danger."

"then? what do you want me to do? I told you-"

"you have nothing to do with them. Yes. I get it. But you're the one that has a connection with them." Winter sighs. It starts to get cold with her drenched clothes.

"we can just go there straight away." Karina suggests. "or you need time to meditate?"

"sure. you need rest too." Winter rubs her head, stands up, and walk towards the lake.

Winter secretly calls Amphitrite to take her. with that, she dives in, still with her clothes on. Closing her eyes, she lets herself drowns. The glow from her body lights up her surroundings.

Winter can finally walk in the bottom of the lake. She can see Amphitrite feeding her hydra.

(want my help?)

"I need a place to meditate." Winter sits in front of her throne.

(you have the whole forests. You need my help.)

"yeah sure." Winter prepares herself.

(he dropped this. his bracelet.)

Winter takes the bracelet and put it on her wrist. She then closes her eyes. like the usual, she jumps into an unknown place. Not forest, woods, or mountains. But, a dry landscape. Walking further, she sees a large tall building, guarded by people who wears the same outfit that she saw in the cave. She takes a handful of dirt.

"I will save you, brother."

LITTLE PIECE OF HEAVEN | WINRINA AUWhere stories live. Discover now