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They successfully sleep that night. Karina wakes up to the sound of ruffling beside her. it sounds more like moans. Karina turns around. What she sees makes her flustered.

Winter is having an erotic dream about a goddess. She's well aware that this is her turning point to finally becoming an adult. She then opens her eyes, fully awake. Winter looks down and notices that her member is already limp. But, she feels like she wet herself and the bed.

Karina watched the whole thing in awe. The size of her is enormous, not to mention the loads it lets out. she gulps and clears her throat.

"I'm sorry. This only happens once." Winter sits up calmly as if nothing happened. She walks to the bathroom to clean herself.

Karina is still overwhelmed with all of that. She decides to just prepare some food for them. Before that, she turns on the TV, just in case the news about Daniel comes up.

"... oh totally, yeah. I was glad that they can contain that monster. I can finally live peacefully with my herd, in my farm, with my wife. Thank you to them."

"what?" Karina froze. The clip of the panther being in a cage raging and roaring for help is shown on the screen. "Winter!" Karina runs inside the bedroom. Winter sits on the bed, still sleepy. "they caught him!"

Winter's eyes widened. She runs outside, going straight to the TV.

"oh no..." Winter clenches her fists. She watches Daniel in a cage, being carried to a truck by some people in some kind of costumes. She remembers exactly who they are. "I know them." Winter stands up.

"who are they?" Karina asks while cooking.

"they mentioned something about a lab. They want to sell him." Winter stays calm this time, thinking thoroughly. "we need to find Giselle."

"who's Giselle?" Karina raises an eyebrow.

Winter ignores her. going camping with Giselle for a few days are enough for her to know what to bring and prepare. She grabs a bag, stuffs some things into it.

"where are you going?" Karina goes to the room after she finished preparing.

"I need to go to the hills. I can do a lot more there." Winter then changes her clothes and wears her jacket. "alright. Calm down." Winter speaks to herself.

"wait." Karina also prepares herself hurriedly.

Winter watches her walking around for some minutes, sitting on the bed.

"let's go. I'll come with you." Karina already wears her backpack.

Winter stands up and hugs Karina. She somehow feels thankful that she found Karina. One of the kindest humans on earth. She's the best human for Winter.

"we can't move too fast. I don't know what we're dealing with. I don't want you to get hurt." Winter grabs both of Karina's hands.

Karina just nods and they walk together out of the room.

"oh..." Yeji stands still beside the couch with an ice cream.

POOF Winter turns to a dog in shock.

"aah!" Yeji steps back covering her mouth.

'stupid!' Winter lowers her head.

"okay. I know you're surprised. Let me explain." Karina walks to Yeji.

Winter thought that only Karina is enough. Yeji doesn't have to know. She walks towards Karina and reaches for her leg.

'don't tell her.' Winter whines.

"okay." Karina looks down then look at Yeji again. "she will turn again. Don't panic."

Karina gathers her clothes and stands in front of Winter to cover her. smoke covers Winter's body and nobody can see her transforming process. Once she forms back, she quickly put on her clothes.

"what now?" Winter sighs.

"why did you change?" Karina slaps her forearm gently.

"I was surprised! What am I supposed to do?" Winter looks at her.

Yeji is still starstruck. She slowly sits down on the couch, glancing at them both. The two joins in.

"so you're not a dog? Not even a boy?" Yeji asks.

"yes." Winter replies. "you can keep a secret, right?"

"I have questions." Yeji looks at her. "are you a witch? Are you even from earth? Does your family can transform too?"

"look, Yeji. I can't tell you about me, my family, why I'm here, or any other stuff. I'm trying to hide from humans like you both." Winter sounds tired.

"okay. I'm sorry, whatever you are." Yeji is scared.

"you can stay here if you want. I will go with her for some days." Karina stands up, Winter follows.

"thank you Yeji. For taking care of me back then." Winter shakes Yeji's hand.


After some hours driving, Winter leads them to Marshall Woods. The place where she left Giselle dumbfounded. They arrives at around 2 in the afternoon.

"that's a long way." Karina sighs, cracking her knuckles and neck.

"I know. But, we have to be here. If she's not here, then I can meditate for a while." Winter looks at her.

Driving slowly, their car goes deeper to the woods. Winter hopes that Giselle is still here. They finally stops in the middle of the woods. There are rooms for them to camp there. They both comes out of the car.

Winter takes a few deep breaths and loosen up her muscles.

"okay. You're a god. You can do this." Winter can feel her power coming back. she then do some warm-ups to prepare herself.

"this place is nice." Karina looks around. They both stand beside the car. "so, we're gonna look for her, then it'll lead us to Daniel?"

"that's the plan." Winter looks at her. she then kneels and places her hand on the ground. "oh. I guess I am the god of forests. This is so cool." She closes her eyes.

Karina looks at Winter, waiting patiently. Then her body starts to glow blue. Her clothes are eaten by the fire that starts to grow around her. Karina feels a little worried. She steps back and sit on the ground.

Winter is surprised. She doesn't have any intention to meditate but she does anyway. Her visions are scrambled. It takes some times to focus on something.

"Giselle. Where is she?" Winter starts to walk away. She knows where she is right now.

(Poseidon told you to leave.)

"ah!" Winter screams at the appearance of another god. Ourea, the god of mountains. "don't scare me like that."

(what do you want, young god?)

"I'm looking for my friend. I meditate and it leads me here." Winter looks up at her.

(humans are not friend. They're below us.)

"I don't wanna argue. Just tell me where she is." Winter sighs.

(you are way too far from her. impossible to find her in one human day.) she then sways her hand. (I will help you.) Strong winds hits Winter's body as she drifts along the woods. Feels like a long travel for Winter, though.

Winter then drops at another forest. There's a lake in front of her. she walks towards the lake. Giselle then comes out of it.

"aha!" Winter kneels again, feeling the dirt. "this is different. It's still in town though." Winter looks around to make sure and remembers exactly the place. Then, she comes back.

"that's how you meditate?" Karina covers her with a blanket.

"I think I've matured." Winter puts on another clothes. "I know where she is. I'm afraid that it'll take a long time to get there."

"it's okay. We have enough supplies. Maybe, stop by a convenience store." Karina smiles at her.

"sorry I drag you into allthis."

LITTLE PIECE OF HEAVEN | WINRINA AUWhere stories live. Discover now