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Winter wakes up in the middle of the night, staring at the ceiling. She can't lie that she misses her home. Playing with her friends, spending time with other gods, and many things. here, she can only do that by going away to a certain place.

Winter than looks to the side. The sleeping girl brings Winter's heart at ease. She used to think that all mortals are greedy, evil, selfish, and just straight up bad. She turns her body fully facing her. her hand reaches for Karina's face, caressing her cheeks gently and fixing some strands of her hair.

Karina feels a little tickling on her face. She opens her eyes, seeing Winter already staring at her.

"what are you doing?" Karina giggles. "you good?"

"I just want to spend time with you properly. Since you helped me a lot, I think I should return the favour." Winter finds an excuse.

"so I have like three wishes or something?" Karina is intrigued.

"you only want three?" Winter smirks. "you can ask more."

"is that so? Hmm..." Karina pretends to think. "I just wanna be with you."

"alright. Then?"

"can you turn into a dog for the last time? I want a cuddle." Karina pouts cutely.

POOF. Winter turns into a big dog. Karina yelps in excitement and starts hugging and rubbing Winter's body. She melts herself in Winter's thick coat.

"let's sleep again." Karina feels sleepy.


The next morning, Winter transforms again without Karina knowing. She can hug her properly now. she embraces her tightly, hoping they can last forever this way. Winter sighs. The thought of leaving scares her.

"I don't wanna leave you, Karina." Winter said, kissing her head.

"then don't." Karina snuggles into her neck.

Winter stays silent. She can't promise anything to her even if she wants to.

"you have to go back, don't you?" Karina pulls away, looking up at Winter.

Winter looks away.

"it's okay. I will always remember you." Karina caresses her cheek.

"you can write about me."

"I finished my script. I don't need to write about you." Karina smiles.

"if someday you need some inspiration, you can have my story." Winter presses a smile.

"well, if you insist." Karina shrugs. She then has an idea. She leans in and steals a kiss form Winter. Karina can see that Winter blushes.

"I don't know what that means." Winter innocently said.

"it means I care about you. I really do." Karina smiles warmly at her. "I like taking care of you, be with you, just... I really like you."

"oh..." Winter gets a little taken aback. She doesn't know how to respond to that.

"oh?" Karina raises an eyebrow. "you're cute."

"thanks, I guess." Winter stifles a laugh. "you're beautiful."

"are we gonna exchange compliments?" Karina giggles. This is nice, she thought. This is the first time she feels a little intimate with Winter.

"well... I'm a flawless being. Humans needs to be complimented all the time. so, that's that."

"so you don't mean what you said?"

"I really mean it. You're beautiful. I don't know how to describe it. I just find you so attractive. that's why I like you." Winter smiles a little.

"I take that." Karina nods. "are you hungry? I still have to work later."

"let's eat, then."


Spending some more days with Winter, Karina starts to receive some calls from her boss.

"yes. I'm working still.... I know. I'll be back tomorrow." Karina sighs. She then hangs up the call. She looks down at Winter who's lying on her lap.

"sorry." Winter looks back.

"it's fine. I still can work here. Having you here making it less stressful." Karina stifles a laugh. She then caresses Winter's head.

Winter looks outside the window. It started raining yesterday. Karina told her that it's raining season and it makes Winter more nervous.

"Karina..." Winter sits up, facing the girl. "let's go with me. to Olympus."

Karina is surprised by her straightforward statement. She just smiles at her.

"are gods nice?" Karina asks, losing up the tension.

"well... they're a little self-centred. But, most of them are nice." Winter leans closer.

"like you?" Karina leans in too.

"yeah. I'm nice." Winter smirks. "I have my last request."

On this rainy day, Winter plants a soft kiss on Karina's lips. Unlike the abrupt first time, Winter goes slow, taking her time with Karina. She gets up from her seat and grabs both of Karina's legs to pick her up.

Karina hangs onto Winter like a sloth on a tree, letting Winter take her. Karina feels her libido rising. Not only she's making out with a god, the kiss itself is already overwhelmingly amazing. Karina then gets thrown to the bed. She watches Winter taking off her shirt. Karina bites her bottom lip, enjoying the view of Winter's godly physics. She knows that this is her human form on earth. She can only imagine how she looks like originally.

Winter lowers herself, crawling on top of Karina. She pays attention to her face. Somehow, looking at her is satisfying and brings a lot of peace for her. Winter leans in and kiss along her jawline then to her collarbone.

"what did you do to me, Karina?" Winter stares at her eyes, looking for a reason.

Karina doesn't say a thing. Too mesmerized in Winter's gaze. Taking a good look in Winter's features, Karina realizes what she's getting herself into. Falling in love with a god is clearly prohibited. With an appearance like that, it's impossible to not fall for her. though, Karina sees more than her outside. Winter's whole personality just makes her fall even more.

"did you tell Eros to shoot me?" Karina jokes around, placing her hand on Winter's cheek.

"I'd say the opposite." Winter smiles and starts another make out session. Hands grabbing her hair firmly as her desire towards the mortal increases. she loves kissing the girl. It's somehow more addictive than the best red wine that Dionysus can offer.

Karina can feel the hardness of Winter grows larger. Her breath hitched as Winter starts to grind on her thigh. Again, she watches Winter on her knees, taking off her last clothing that covers her bottom part. Winter's shaft pops out hitting her own abs.

On the other hand, Winter feels a little worried. Can this girl take her? Winter lowers herself, starts kissing Karina to relax her. she can feel her legs wrapped around her waist. Therefore, Winter's member rubs on Karina's fold. Winter moves back and forth, lubricating herself with Karina's liquid.

Karina bites her bottom lip, looking at Winter. she then looks down and clears her throat.

"am I gonna be okay?" she asks.

"I'll go slow." Winter assures her. "I might destroy you."

LITTLE PIECE OF HEAVEN | WINRINA AUWhere stories live. Discover now