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After a little briefing from Karina, a few days later, Winter travels on her own in her puppy form. Turns out that the hills is not too far from Karina's area so it's not a big deal for her.

Winter avoids any contact with other humans. She thinks that it'll only burden her.

'okay. So it should be this way.' Winter looks at a sign that says 'Murray Hills' and two wooden arrows below it. 'where should I go?'

She walks to the right first. Walking through the dark woods. With her smelling ability, she tries to find her brother.

'Daniel!' she barks. 'Daniel! Come out! let's go home!' she barks again.

Winter walks further into the woods. She then hears some noises coming from the bushes and howling that follows.

'oh no.' Winter hurriedly hides under a space of a rock. She waits and waits for a long time. but nothing comes out. she peeks outside her hiding place. She smells a horrid smell getting closer. She then sees bunch of glowing eyes looking at her.

Winter runs as fast as she can to find a way out. being too panicked, she stumbles upon a tree branch. When she opens her eyes, a pack of wild wolf growls in front of her. looks like it's their territory. Winter chickened out. she walks back slowly and whines hoping that they'll move out of the way.

'if only I have my powers, you guys will be dead by now.' Winter growls back and glares at them.

Their growls dies down. Looks like the leader sees Winter not as a threat. They then make ways for Winter.

'that works?' Winter walks slowly, still scared of them actually. she then starts running away.

Today is not the day. she can't find him that easily. She decides to just go home.


"I can't find him. not today." Winter turns into her human form, sitting beside Karina. Karina already covers her with a towel beforehand.

"I'm sure you will. I'm sorry I can't help you.

(Winter... you have to go home, now!)

"give me time, dad. I won't come back until I find him." Winter sighs. Her father gets into her head.

"you're dirty again." Karina wipes her face. "and you have a scar. Great."

"it'll heal." Winter then walks towards the bedroom. "let's sleep."

"you sleep on the couch if you wanna sleep in that form."

Winter is too tired constant changing drains more energy so she just pops her ears and tail.

"there. Happy?" Winter walks in. Karina soon follows.

They both lays on the bed. Since her tail is in the way, Winter lays on her side, facing Karina just like when she's in her puppy form.

Karina stares at her features. Her tail looks fluffy sitting on top of her thighs.

"can I touch it?" Karina asks.

"you always touch me anywhere, Karina." Winter closes her eyes.

Karina starts feeling her ears. She then sees her tail wagging. Karina finds it cute whenever she does that. something then enters her mind. If she's a boy in her dog form, does that mean... Karina mentally slaps herself and continues to scratch her ears.

"okay, enough. Let me sleep." Winter then turns around and hug herself with her tail.


The next day, Karina checks on Winter who's already in her dog form. Seems like she's getting bigger. she looks at the scars that she saw last night and it's no longer there.

LITTLE PIECE OF HEAVEN | WINRINA AUWhere stories live. Discover now