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Karina then nods slowly, agreeing to whatever that Winter wants.

With that, Winter guides herself in front of Karina's entrance. Not wanting to hurt her, Winter pushes in slowly. She struggles at first. Then, Karina spreads her legs, hoping it'll help Winter to go further. Winter can feel that the tip has penetrated inside the other girl.

"it hurts." Karina whispers in her ear, hugging her tightly.

"it's okay." Winter moves back, not pulling out of Karina. She then spits on herself, distributing her saliva along her massive shaft as well as Karina's entrance.

Karina never see something so sexy in her life. Not even a porn can compare to the god's sex appeal. As Winter continues to thrust slowly, Karina tilts her head back, feeling the length filling her up to the edge of her uterus, probably more. She let out a high-pitched scream, grabbing both of Winter's stiff arms.

Winter then lowers herself again, embracing Karina ever so dearly, not moving a bit to let her adjust to Winter's size. The moans coming from Karina doesn't stop. Winter can feel the pulse on her member, sheathing it with tightness and warmth.

"it's okay. I'm here." Winter said to her ear, still embracing her. "I'll move, okay?" she looks at Karina. She can see that the mortal has a tear running from her eyes. she must be in a lot of pain.

Again, the feeling of Winter inside her is unbelievably pleasant. She then grabs Winter's face, crashing their lips together. Feeling Winter not moving, Karina wraps her legs again on her waist. She rubs Winter's back gently telling her it's okay.

With that, Winter starts pulling out halfway and put it back in carefully. She does this a few times until there's no resistance from Karina. Her moans are even louder than before.

Karina can feel that with each thrust, Winter really pierce into her whole abdomen cavity. She never thought that sex can be so good. She's already weak despite the short intercourse. Her stomach flutters as Winter also kiss her along her neck.

"you feel amazing." Winter stares at her face. She knows that Karina probably can't hear her above all her loud moans. Seeing this, Winter picks up the pace. This time, she can go even deeper, resulting a bump on Karina's abdomen.

Karina can't even think of anything. Winter makes her feel like floating into heaven. Her eyes closed and all that she can see is stars. The pleasure that she receives turns her brain into mush. Feels like she can do this all day but her body betrays her. every part of her body tenses up. She looks at Winter who's as pleased as her. when Karina pulls her waist with her legs, Winter's tip hits the spot, the one button that gets Karina's whole insides trembles and tight. Her body shakes under Winter's embrace, legs locked on the god as she comes hard on Winter's throbbing staff.

"Karina..." Winter pants, moaning on her ear. "I want you to bear my child."

Seems like Karina really does dives into a never-ending climax. Hands on Winter's back, nails scratching everywhere she can reach. If this is what it's like to be destroyed by a god, then she's willing to be wrecked all day and night.

Winter is not even close. She decides to just continue thrusting into the mortal. It's a bit of a struggle since Karina is still tense. Regardless, Winter forces through the resistance. Having the pace even faster, Winter caresses Karina's head, cheeks, down to her breast. She admires her beauty and hopes that it passes down their descendants.

"you're beautiful." Winter's voice gets covered by how loud Karina is screaming.

The bed squeaks as Winter thrust in even harder and deeper. They both doesn't mind that they will break the bed if it what it takes.

Karina opens her lazy eyes to look at Winter. at this moment, Karina's body gave up. seems like Winter's size grows inside her and honestly speaking, she doesn't mind at all. She can see that her eyes starts to glow. Her blue eyes can be visible and the heat from her body increases. Karina then gathers all her power to cup Winter's face and kiss her lovingly.

Winter closes her eyes. she needs to let go. As bad as it sounds, she really wants to impregnate the mortal. Love or lust, Winter can deal with that later. She fixes her position to make her go even deeper if that's possible. Karina's legs are no longer on her waist. Winter supporter herself with knees and elbows.


They both got surprised when they suddenly drops. Seems like the bed gave up too. even then, they can worry about that later. With her last thrust, piercing into Karina, she lowers herself to embrace the girl. trails of moans rings through the whole room, probably the whole apartment. Winter stays deep inside Karina, her loads fills her up to the brim, probably overflows. Karina too, comes for the second time. even though she never try it, Karina is sure that this is better than any drugs on earth.

"Winter..." Karina looks up. Winter doesn't look tired at all. Looks like she can go for another but if Karina pushes herself, she might pass out from exhaustion.

"I'm here." Winter smiles at her. she plants a soft kiss on Karina's dried lips. Savouring her thoroughly. "I will let you rest."

Winter then gets up from the broken bed, picks up Karina's limp body, supporting her thighs. Karina melts herself on Winter's neck. Winter grabs a blanket and covers themselves. Winter can feel some dripping from Karina. Again, she will deal with that later.

Coming out of the bedroom, Winter sees Yeji sitting on the couch. She looks at Karina who's already asleep.

"Yeji." Winter calls. She doesn't respond so she walks towards her and lay Karina down on the couch. "I'll change."

Yeji is a little flustered. She can't look at Winter as much as wanted to. She's just too shy. She looks at Karina and sighs. Whatever it is that her bestfriend deals with, she doesn't wanna know.

"hey..." Winter sits on the single couch. "sorry for the fuss. I didn't know you'll be here."

"I'm here every Sunday." Yeji shakes her head in disbelieve. "it's fine."

They both gets stuck into an awkward silence.

"um... can you... help me?" Winter now thinks about the broken bed.

"what is it?" Yeji tries to be as comfortable as possible.

"the bed is broken." Winter let out a nervous laugh. "I don't know how to fix it."

"let's take out the frame first. I'll help."


After some hours, Winter and Yeji comes in to the apartment after throwing out the broken bedframe. They can see that Karina is already awake, sitting on the couch.

"we just threw out the bed." Winter walks towards her and sits down. "you okay?"

Karina just nods, leans on Winter's shoulder.

"you guys are gonna get a warning from the landlord if you keep doing that." Yeji stifles a laugh.

"I don't mind, though." Winter laughs along. "did you bring anything?"

"glad you ask." Yeji takes out some food for them. "my dad still thinks that you're a dog so he gave me all these meats."

"we can cook some. Save it for later too." Winter smiles. "you should go change." She said to Karina.

Karina sighs. She then gets up weakly, holding her stomach that's still tense. It's amazing how the feeling still lingers even after she fell asleep. Her legs are still jelly too.

Winter notices this and immediately gets up to support her, guiding her to her bedroom.

"you're insane." Karina finally spoke.

Winter just stifles a laugh. She then let Karina sit on the bed that's currently on the floor. She then grabs some clothes for Karina as well as helping her putting it on. For the last touch, Winter kisses her lips softly. Her hands travels down from her cheek to her soft neck.

Karina smiles to the kiss. it's still the best after the second time. she grabs on Winter's collar and pulls her in. Karina lets herself fall once again on the bed and let Winter top her.

"your friend is outside." Winter pecks her nose. "let's eat first."

LITTLE PIECE OF HEAVEN | WINRINA AUWhere stories live. Discover now