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Vivian keeps chasing her professor.

"but, he's my patient. You can't just take him there. Not again." Vivian begs.

"he almost killed our men. He's aggressive enough to be a level four threat."

"please, Irene. I've done everything you said, you asked for. Don't take my patient there. He's not a bad dog." Vivian stops in front of the elevator.

"please continue working. You should be glad I still let you go down there." Irene enters the elevator. then the metal door shuts.

Vivian then walks back to her office.

"I'm sor-" her office is empty. She hurriedly checks her stuff and some files are scattered on the table. "shit."


Giselle and Karina hides behind some crates, waiting for the guard to come their way before Karina drugs him on the neck. He soon falls unconscious.

"was there anyone else?" Karina asks while Giselle drags him to fix his position.

"there are two beside the elevator." Giselle peeks a bit. "I'll go. Give me one."

Giselle comes out, acting lost. She walks towards the guards.

"I'm sorry bastards, but I need to get there." Giselle then swiftly stabs him with the syringe.

Before the other can react, Karina runs towards the other guy and stabs him too. Lucky for them, those noisy animals can cover up their sounds.

"hey! What are you guys doing?" a vet saw them. Since they're panicking, they quickly scans the card and enters the metal box.

"phew... that's close." Karina sees three floors. X, Y, Z. she quickly presses the X one.

"aren't we going to Winter first?" Giselle wonders.

"well, do you know what floor she's at?" Karina looks at her.

Soon after, they arrived. Steps out of the elevator, it's not what they expected. It's silent and empty. Regardless, they're more scared this way.

"X what?" Karina asks.

"seven." Giselle replied shortly. She's ready with a syringe on her hand.

They walk further, passing some unknown rooms. The silence on this long hall makes them wonder what did they do to silence those poor animals.

Someone then comes out of one of the rooms. they hurriedly hides in a narrow hallway they found.

"he won't make it. We need to make him healthy first, ma'am."

Then make it quick. This will be out new breakthrough on making them stronger. Get some blood samples from that black dog in X-3 too."

Karina and Giselle stays silent as the professor walk past them. Looks like she's not aware of them. Then, another door opens. Karina peeks a little. surprisingly, Winter managed to sneak out of the room.

On the other hand, Winter's vision is still blurry. All she wants to do are finding Daniel and get out of here. She walks limply on the empty alley.


Winter looks to the side and sees the girls hiding. She jumps on Karina and licks her face.

'I miss you!' Winter woofs lowly.

"we'll find him. he's in that room." Giselle points at a room. Winter nods.

"how did you get out?" Karina forgets everything for a moment. "did you turn?"

Winter closes her eyes and opens it. Her eyes glows blue. Karina realizes that Winter can use her power here. How? It doesn't matter now.

"let's go." Giselle leads them, sneaking along the way.

"shit, it's locked." Giselle then tries the card but it failed.

Soon, the whole room turns red and a loud siren ringing on their ears. They cover their ears and Winter lays down whining. She can see stars on her eyes but then everything turns black.

"stay where you are!" guards starts to aim their guns at them.

"wait! Don't shoot them!" Vivian comes out. she sees that Winter is standing in front Giselle and Karina who's crouching on the floor.

Winter growls at them, showing them her sharp teeth.

"Winter..." Vivian approaches the big dog. She's tall enough to look down at Vivian. Her hand reaches for Winter.

Swiftly, Winter bites her hand and pulls her to take cover behind her. she continues to growl at the guards.

"are you okay?" Giselle asks.

"I'm fine. I thought she's going to kill me." Vivian is beyond scared. "I need to drug her."

"don't." Karina grabs her wrist. "if you dare to touch her, I'm the one who's gonna kill you."

Winter walks away from them. They all get so worried and Karina tries to chase her. Vivian grabs her arm, shaking her head.

Sounds of gunshots can be heard but it didn't bother Winter. human weapons can't defeat a mighty god. Winter jumps on them with her glowing eyes, raging and angry, attacking the guards mercilessly. She's totally blind and out of her consciousness.

After there's no guard left, she walks back to the three and circles them as if protecting them. The alarms died down and the rooms turns to normal.

"hold." Irene comes with more guards. Winter sees her and starts growling again, walking back and forth in front of the three. "looks like we have a mole in here."

Some guards then walks towards the angry dog carefully. The guards are scared just to look at her but they need to put her down ASAP. No chance, whatsoever. In split seconds, Winter can throw them all over the place.

"such an angry boy." Irene smiles at her. "Vivian... you can come with me or you'll end up in one of these rooms."

Vivian stands up when she walks by Winter, she hits her with her snout, telling her to go back. Winter starts to gain her awareness. She remembers what that doctor did to her in that damned room. if she stays much longer, she won't survive here.

"oh... so that's it? You're protecting them?" Irene pulls out a small remote.

'oh no.' Winter knows what that is. A device to control the collar on her neck. She then runs towards Daniel's room, breaks the door and hides. She knows that nothing can cover her massive size.

Winter looks at the panther on the table. She cries out for him to wake up. He wears the same thing on his neck.

'wake up, brother!' Winter barks a few times. Still no movements from Daniel.


Her collar shocks her with electricity. It actually remind her of Zeus. She hopes that it gives her power rather than weakens her. With her trembling legs, she walks towards Daniel and pokes him with her snout weakly. She notices that they're still drawing blood from him. she snatches the needle and drags him from the table. He falls right in front of her.

"so what are you guys? I know you're related." Irene walks in.

Winter growls again, protecting Daniel by embracing the bigger animal.

"if you act like this, I will give you a harder punishment." Irene squats down, shows her the controller and increases the voltage. She presses the button and Winter trembles beside her brother.

Winter can handle that still, but, her vision starts to get blurry again. Just like before, her anger rises up to the surface. You can say that right now, Winter is full of negative energies.

"look at you. I can makeyou my pet with this much power." Irene is still not bothered. "you won't beangry for much longer. I will treat you."

LITTLE PIECE OF HEAVEN | WINRINA AUWhere stories live. Discover now