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Winter stares outside the window. Deep in her thoughts, she notices a vague rainbow formed slowly. She sighs. She does miss her family. On the other hand, she can't bear the thoughts of leaving Karina either. Again, with no proper goodbyes, Winter opens up her portal. She stands up slowly, looking around the apartment. She can see her own room from the portal.

"I guess this is it." Winter sighs. She then steps inside the portal, entering her own room in Olympus.

"oh... she's not coming?" her mother knows her arrival. She hugs Winter dearly.

Winter shakes her head, lowering it.

"may I talk to dad... about all this?" Winter looks up at her. "I know he won't agree. I just want to tell him."

"sure. he's... a little faded." They both walks out of the room. "he lives long enough. So, I want him to talk to you too."

Entering the father's room, Winter stands beside him.

"so you made your mind." The man smiles a little.

"you won't be happy to hear it." Winter lowers her head.

Then, there's only silence.

"for the love of Zeus. I'm ready to give up my life." The man sighs.

"wait... don't go yet." Winter holds his cold hand. "please... I really need your permission."

"I'm no longer here. You don't need my permission."

Winter then watches the old god body slowly fades into dusts of glowing gold pieces. She can see his last smile. The man opens his mouth as if wanting to say something but it's all too late. Winter can no longer hold her father's hand as he fades away.

"dad?" Daniel just came home from hunting. He then drops all his stuff and runs towards the bed, pushing Winter aside. "no... no... no..." he cries. "what did he say?" Daniel rushes towards Winter with his teary eyes.

"he gave up his life." Winter avoided any eye contact.

"why did you let him?! so you really want to be with that mortal?" Daniel grabs her arms, shaking her roughly. "that's it. It's because of you." he pushes her again.

"I'm sorry." Winter starts to sob.

"someday, you will understand what you're really doing to us." Daniel walks back to the bed.

The mother then guides Winter outside.

"I talked to him. we can see you from up here so you don't have to blame yourself." she rubs Winter's back. "he knows what you've been doing, of course." She stifles a laugh. "as long as you're happy, we don't mind. Maybe your brother needs a little time."

"I still feel a little guilty." Winter looks at her.

"I get it." The woman grabs Winter's hand and guides her to a room. the room that allows them to see earth.


Karina just got home from her work. She walks in to her room happily.

"Winter!" Karina looks at the bed. It's empty. She thinks that Winter is in the bathroom. She walks towards the door, knocking it nervously. "Winter?" no replies.

Karina walks out of the room, dropping her bag on the bed beforehand. She looks outside the window. A rainbow is still visible from her apartment.

"when the rainbow comes, I'll be on my way home." Karina scoffs. "you really mean what you said, huh?" Karina starts to sob. She takes out her phone and calls Yeji.

"hey! What's up?"

"can you... come by?" Karina said between sobs.

"what happened?"

"just... come here if you can." Karina drops her phone after hanging up. she too, drops down beside the glass window. She watches some water droplets trickles down the glass. At this point, her hopes fade away.

From Winter's point of view, this is the worst pain she's ever felt in her life. Not even a weapon from the strongest gods can compare.

"I... I can't stay." Winter closes her eyes.

"spend some time with us." her mother responds. "at least, you have to reassure your brother."

"okay." Winter presses a smile. "can I stay here for a bit? I'll catch up on you."

The mother smiles, kisses her head, and leave her alone. Winter keeps staring at the vivid vision of Karina. She's currently with Yeji, crying on her chest while Yeji hugs her. Winter closes her eyes again. How can she figure this out? she walks away from the clouds of visions and sits on the couch.

Winter crosses her legs, focuses her mind, and starts meditating. Her astral body travels around the earth. She gets to the top of an unknown mountain.

(so you're back.) Ourea appears in front of her.

"I am." Winter looks down.

(do you want to accompany me?)

"perhaps." Winter looks up. "I will build my home... here."

(you can live anywhere in this world.)


Suddenly, an idea pops up in her head.

"thank you, Ourea." Winter's face lights up. "I'll be back here."

Winter comes back to her body. She then walks outside the room and find her mother enjoying her drink.

"mom." Winter sits on the other chair. "I will stay with her."

"so you want to make her immortal?" her mother puts down her cup.

"no..." Winter gets a little nervous. "I will give up my immortality."

The woman froze. Looking at Winter with confusion.

"you're young." the woman tries to be wise. "isn't it too soon to decide? Besides, this is the first time that you're attracted to some... one."

"I can't hold it much longer. Watching her on earth like that, really tortures me." Winter slants her eyebrow, begging for her mother's understanding.

"it comes with a cost, dear. Are you ready to face the consequences?"

"that's why... I will face Zeus myself." 

LITTLE PIECE OF HEAVEN | WINRINA AUWhere stories live. Discover now