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Winter knocks on Karina's apartment. Her walk takes the whole day. her legs gives up on herself as she plops down the floor and turns into her dog form.

Karina walks to the door. She's staying up tonight to finish another script. She opens the door and gasps. Winter lays there, dirty, skinny and weak. She carries her inside and let her rest in front of the TV. She grabs some blanket to cover her up.

"where have you been, Winter?" Karina snuggles beside her. seems like Winter is getting bigger too fast. Sure, what can she expect from a god?

Winter just wants Karina to take care of her right now. not only she's been taking a lot of energy meditating, she misses her.


Karina and Winter stays on the floor until the morning.

"oh my god! He's back!" Yeji walks in. like the usual, she visits every weekend. "why are you on the floor?"

Karina wakes up lazily. She looks up at Yeji and sits up.

"he's... big." Yeji stares at Winter who's still sleeping. "you must've been eating a lot out there, buddy."

"let her- him sleep. he's tired." Karina stands up and goes to the kitchen.

Winter hears it all. She's just too lazy to respond. After some time, she stretched her body. Winter walks towards Karina, sitting beside her. looks like she's cooking something.

"eat this first. You look skinny. A-choo!" Yeji drops a chicken fillet in front of Winter. she then walks back to the living room.

'I might need more than this.' Winter whines, looking up at Karina with her ears flat.

"I will give you a lot. Don't worry." Karina looks down and rubs her head. Karina prepares two bowls and filled it full with food.

Winter wags her tail. She can eat a lot more in her human form so it's a good thing for Karina since Winter stays in her current form.

Karina left Winter to eat and joins Yeji.

"my bakery just released a new cake. Try these." Yeji takes out some things from the paper bag. "the meats are for him."

"thanks. This looks good." Karina starts eating the cake with Yeji.

'what's that?' Winter looks at the table. There are some meats and cakes. 'are those for me?' Winter barks at Karina.

"you just ate." Karina scratches her chin, giggles at her cuteness.

"a-choo!" Yeji sneezes. She does that for a few times.

Winter tilts her head. she's wondering why she does that every time she's around.

"you haven't drink your meds." Karina teases her. "I'll come by your bakery, okay? I don't think I have time for the next two weeks."

"it's okay. I wanna see him, though."

Meanwhile, Winter is too busy laying down, enjoying her free time after days of not coming home.


Karina prepares some dinner for both of them. She really wants Winter to be human again.

"Winter. let's eat." Karina looks at her. still laying on her back sleeping. She walks towards her and rubs her belly.

Winter sighs, letting her tongue out.

"c'mon. I'll give you all the rubs you want later." Karina stands up and walks to the dining table.

Winter is tall enough to open the door herself. She enters the bedroom and turns into human. This time, her ears and tail won't go away. She shakes it off and put on some clothes.

"I have a lot of meats for you." Karina smiles at her.

"I'm sorry." Winter blurts out.

"hm? What for? I get that you want to find your brother. How's it?" she averts the conversation.

"I did some meditation." Winter takes a deep breath before telling her what she saw.

Winter can really open up to Karina. At least, she's the one that she's comfortable with. Winter lets a few tears drops as she speak. She really wants her brother to be back with her and they can go home to Olympus.

"how can we find that kind of place? The way you describe it, it's way too beautiful." Karina looks around.

"I suppose, only gods can enter. Poseidon really protects that place. Maybe I need to meditate again." Winter sighs.

"just rest a bit, Winter. I will help you." Karina holds her hand. She notices that her ears goes flat.

"I can't stay here for too long. There's a chance that I will never turn into my human form again." Winter looks down.

"then you don't have to. You're safe with me, here." Karina reassures her. "I'll look up some stuff about that place. You can rest."

Winter stands up and walks to the bedroom. After cleaning up, Karina follows. She's currently laying down with her arm on her forehead.

"oh... did people calls me something else other than god of animals?" Winter asks as Karina joins her.

"I think... the god of forests? It's still blurry since you're not that known." Karina turns to look at her.

"is that so? No wonder." Winter looks at her. "I get my powers back there. You have no idea how happy I am." Her tail wags as she turns to Karina.

"yeah? You can move the trees and stuff?" Karina gets a little curious.

"well, no. but I can have my weapons back. the animals respected me. it was fun." Winter smiles a little. "I'm not at that level yet."

"so for gods you're still a little girl, then?"

"I'm not a little girl."

"I will miss you." Karina reaches for Winter's fluffy ears and caresses them.

Winter looks at Karina blankly. She isn't sure of what she's feeling. Winter scoots closer to her.

"we'll visit the activist tomorrow. Maybe they have something." Karina sighs.

"you told me to rest." Winter leans closer. Her long tail moves towards Karina's arm. Karina clears her throat. "I will rest."

"okay." Karina leans in to kiss her forehead. Human or dog, it makes no difference for her. with her tail embracing her, it makes her more comfortable.

"I met someone." Winter informed. "she's an activist."

"in the woods?" Karina looks at her.

"yeah. Accidentally." Winter adds, not taking her eyes off of Karina. "we can find her some other time. maybe she can help."

"okay." Karina looks somewhere else. Looking at her this close makes her heart race uncontrollably. Winter is too beautiful to be true, let alone her brother.

"may I..." Winter leans in and steals a kiss from Karina. She backs up immediately. She can see that Karina's face is flushed red. "is that okay for humans? Up there, it's a regular thing to do when you care about someone."

"it's not like that in here." Karina covers her face. "we do that with our partners. Someone we love."

"like... your mate?" Winter can only think of that.

"if that's what you call it, then, yeah." Karina then turns around.

"are you angry?" Winter moves closer. "I'm sorry if it offends you."

On the other hand, Karina tries hard not to squeals out of excitement. Her lips is so soft and warm. The way she kissed her is really making her belly filled with the whole zoo. She's willing to do it again.

"Karina..." Winter caresses her arm. This is the first time she's being intimate with someone.

"I'm not angry. Just go to sleep."

LITTLE PIECE OF HEAVEN | WINRINA AUWhere stories live. Discover now