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Karina parks her car on the parking lot. On Karina's free day, they decided to go shopping.

"okay. Don't go anywhere. Stay beside me." Karina looks at Winter who's still overwhelmed. "calm down. I know you used to ride your creature. This is the same thing."

"alright." Winter sighs. "can I turn? I don't like humans."

"then what am I? I'm buying you human clothes. You can't turn into a dog."

They both walks in and quickly walks straight into a shop. Karina walks around to look for something that will fit Winter's godly body.

"okay. Tell me what you like." Karina shows her all the clothes that she chose.

"I don't know. Everything looks okay for me." Winter shrugs.

"I can only buy you three. Choose."

Winter quickly grabs three shirt for herself and give it to Karina.

"can I have a jacket?" Winter follows Karina to the cashier. "this one."

"where did you get that?" Karina looks at Winter. regardless, she buys her the jacket. Not to forget a pair of jeans.

After the payments are done, they both walks out the shop.

"do you always have to trade your money for everything that you want?" Winter asks out of curiosity.

"that's just how we live. Then, we have to work to gain the money back." Karina enters her car followed by Winter.

"oh." Winter feels sorry for Karina. But, she's the only human that she can trust. The only way to make her life easier is by looking for Daniel faster.


After they arrived at the apartment, they both eats and again enjoys their free time. Winter is still thinking about ways to find her brother while watching TV.

"a footage of the infamous white panther was released. The panther seems to have some injuries throughout its body. An animal welfare activist speaks up about this whole phenomenon."

"I feel like we still need to look out for him or her. I don't think that the hunt is necessary for such rare creature. As an activist, I really, really hope that you understand that whoever finds that panther, don't disturb them. I'm sure their family wants peace just like you are at home."

Winter tilts her head sideways. She's confused. So there are people that cares about animals.

"I want to talk to them." Winter looks at Karina beside her.

"talk to them, then." Karina opens her browser in the middle of her writing. "here's their number."

"I can't talk to them directly. They might think I'm a weird human." Winter honestly wants Karina to take her there.

"ah... then what should I say to them?"

"you wanna protect the panther...?" Winter said unsurely. "they will help you find him, right?"

"I can't promise you that, Winter." Karina sighs.

Winter suddenly turns into a dog. She then gives her puppy eyes. she adds some whining to seduce her.

"really?" Karina scoffs. "I really hate you."

'please.' Winter whines.

"okay. Stay in that form when we're there." Karina focuses back on her work.

Winter jumps on her lap in excitement and licks her face. She then snuggles on Karina's arms. Karina can't work with her on her lap. She put her laptop aside and rubs Winter's back.

Karina holds Winter to face her. she notices that her eyes are blue, unlike her human form with deep brown eyes.

POOF. Winter accidentally turns into human. Her legs straddles Karina's waist. Her ears and tails are still there. They both froze, looking at each other, not knowing what to do.

"what was that?" Karina just giggles.

"I- well- just-" Winter stutters. Following her unconsciousness, her tail reaches for Karina's arm.

Karina gets shivers down her spine. She's now realizing that their face is so close that they can feel each other's breath.

"we'll go next week. When you're free." Winter hops down from Karina's lap and goes into the bedroom.

Karina takes a deep breath, calming herself down. she can't be attracted to her. she's a god. There's no way Karina is at her level.


Karina distracts herself by working for hours. She notices that Winter comes out to eat then goes back inside. No words coming from her. on the other hand, Winter is as embarrassed. She looks at herself in the mirror and she can see her flushed face.

(you have to go home. Now!)

"can you just tell me what you want?" Winter screams, looking up.

(you are an adult. 150 years old. Don't mate with humans.)

"oh please. I'm here not to mate with anyone. I'll be back as soon as I found him." Winter grabs her head in frustration.

Winter then lays on the bed and closes her eyes. she has to wait for another week before her search continues. Not long after that, Karina enters the room. Winter immediately turns into a dog again.

"good night, Winter." Karina kisses her head and rubs her back a bit before sleeping beside her.


The next morning, Karina looks at Winter who's still sleeping with her belly exposed. It's so cute that Karina can't help but to rub it. Winter finally wakes up lazily, moving her hind leg rapidly in delight. Belly rubs never fails to entertain her.

Winter feels a little hyped up today. She decides to play around with Karina on the bed. Since Winter is bigger now, she can easily tackle Karina and attacks her with playful bites and licks.


Again, Winter accidentally turns into human. She immediately gets off of Karina and looks away.

"what's wrong? You always change suddenly."

"I- it's- puberty thing." Winter sighs. This is embarrassing to talk about.

"oh." Karina looks down and sits up, leaning against the headboard. "I'll go get ready."

Karina somehow feels a little thrilled and a little scared. This can be dangerous for her. she reads that god can mate with humans if they want to and they can be a little aggressive. That thought itself is scary.

Winter on the other hand, can smell Karina's pheromone raging. She needs to get out of this place immediately.

LITTLE PIECE OF HEAVEN | WINRINA AUWhere stories live. Discover now