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Winter carries Karina on her back. after staying for two nights, they'll be finally going back to the busy city. Karina somehow feels a little worried. She's been absent for almost a month and doesn't write anything at all. Regardless, she still has a team to help her.

"be safe, you guys!" Vivian shouts. Winter is already on top of a hill.

"I will miss your fluffy hair!" Giselle shouts too.

"come visit us sometimes! See you around!" Karina replies.

Winter barks at them. Soon, she starts running and jumping through the woods and hills. Karina holds tight to Winter's fur as well as enjoying the thrilling travel. She can touch the clouds, feel the morning air hitting her whole body. It's a little cold but Winter's thick fur warms her instantly.

After some time, Winter jumps down from a hill for the last time and runs through the thick woods. She then stops in front of Karina's car that's been covered by some tree branches.

Winter turns into a human and put on some clothes that Karina brought. She then sways her hand in a certain way. That makes the branches go away and Karina's black car can be visible, surprisingly, as good as before they left.

"that's amazing." Karina pauses. "what you can do."

"this is nothing. I still can't drive, though." Winter scratched her head.

They enters the car and Karina starts to drive. Winter has another job to make ways for them. Kind of a sloppy mantra, Karina thought. Fortunately, they're able to get back to the main road.

"sorry for that. I'm learning." Winter let out an awkward laugh.

"it's okay. You're a great runner, though."


After some hours driving, chatting, and enjoying their time together, they stop by a gas station. Just like the other day, Winter fills up the gas and Karina buys some snacks and drinks.

Winter waits for the tank to fills up. Then a sudden hit of a single lightning strikes her body. Everything turns black.

"she's here yet?"


Winter opens her eyes. she then sees her mother staring at her.

"mom!" Winter gets up, reaching for her. she's confused because she can't hug her. she looks around and notices that she's in her room. but, only her soul is present.

"you brother is back. thank you, Winter." her mother speaks.

"hey! The ritual went well. It was a lot of pain so I really hope you come back." Daniel approaches her. "so... when are you planning to go back?"

"I'm gonna rest for a bit." Winter stands up. "where's dad?"

"that's why we called you." Daniel replied. "come."

Winter follows the two to her father's bedroom. There, she sees her father laying weakly on the bed.

"please come back, Winter. don't do what your grandfather did." her father immediately said after seeing Winter.

"what do you mean?" she asks.

"you know you have a demigod cousins. I don't want you to bear another on earth. You have our blood and I'm grateful for you. I want you to have someone from our kind."

"I can't really promise you that." Winter kneels beside his bed.

"that's not a promise, it's a need. We need to keep our bloodline." He continues.

"the other gods doesn't seem to care."

"I care! I don't have much time. this is the same for you too, Daniel." He raises his voice.

"that's easy for me." Daniel shrugs.

"then leave it all to him." Winter keeps making excuses.

"get out of my face. If you keep insisting then you're no longer a part of our family."

Winter stands up. Those words hurts her feelings. She looks at her mother and brother, not realizing tears starts falling. She walks back to her room, sitting on her bed.

"your child will be a demigod... if you want to mate with a human." Her mother walks in. "I will also prioritize Daniel."

"you want me to be with a god too. I get it." Winter lowers her head.

"we all know what you did. you're free to go and do anything as long as it's good." Her mother sits beside her. "I just want you to be home, Winter."

Winter is still thinking. She can go back right away or stay with Karina on earth. She's scared of losing her power too. she's not ready to face any consequences that she'll face.

"I'll think about it." Winter smiles at her. "can you bring be back, now? I wanna spend some time with her before I made up my mind."

"sure, dear."


Karina lays beside Winter who's still asleep. It's been three days and Karina stays by her side. She even called Yeji to accompany her when Karina couldn't.

Winter opens her eyes slowly and some drops of tears rolls down her cheeks.

"hey..." Winter sits up, still sobbing a little. "how long?"

"three days." Karina caresses her wet cheeks. "why are you crying?"

"my dad is ill." Winter can't bear to tell her.

"is she awake?" Yeji walks in, holding a glass of water. "oh.. here." She hands her the water.

"thank you." Winter drinks it in big gulps. Then, her stomach growls.

"c'mon. we have some meat." Karina giggles.

The three then gathers on the dining table and starts eating their dinner.

"you passed out. what happened?" Karina asks.

"my mom called me." Winter keeps replying with the necessary answers.

"how's your brother?"

"the ritual went well. He's back again healthy." Winter sighs as if not satisfied with something.

"are you okay? You seem to have a lot in your head." Yeji's turn to ask.

"really. I'm good. Nothing to worry about." Winter smiles at them. She knows that she can't really hide her emotions well.

"okay. We're here for you if you need anything." Karina returns the smile.

"do you have any work tomorrow?" Winter is finished with her food.

"of course. I can work from home if you want me to stay." Karina looks at her.

Winter thinks that she doesn't have the much time. so, she decides to be a little selfish.

"that would be great."

LITTLE PIECE OF HEAVEN | WINRINA AUWhere stories live. Discover now