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Winter hears nothing. Her focus is only on Irene and how to get rid of her.

Meanwhile, Irene increases the voltage again and shock her. this time, it doesn't work on her. she takes out a syringe with thick a needle and stabs her. no luck, the needle bends.

Winter bites her forearm and drag her away from the room. the three is already gone but there are guards waiting for them. She continues to drag the struggling professor, passing the guards. Little does she know, the reason that nobody wants to get near her is her body already emits a bright blue fire.

Irene feels her arm bleeds and about to pop off. She's in so much pain. Winter growls at her, telling her to open the elevator with her other free hand. Irene is currently hanging on Winter's mouth.

Stepping out of the small metal box, Winter walks through the hallway looking for the three.

"they're not here anymore." Irene said.

Winter throws her to a wall. She walks towards her and put her paws on Irene's chest, looking straight into Irene's soul.

'I am the god of this forest. Humans like you must vanish from this earth that I've been protecting. You will not escape the god's wrath.'

Irene never felt this kind of fear in her life. Feels like all her guilt, everything that she did, her sins, are being brought back. the more she looks into Winter's eyes, the more she can feel the pain of all the animals that she killed. Slowly, her chest burns from inside out, spreading across her body as she squirms in pain and deep suffering in her own sins.

Winter closes her eyes. she then looks to the side. She sees a male vet frozen at the sight of a burned corpse.

"I'm sorry. Please don't hurt me." he kneels.

Winter walks towards him and drag him by the coat. He struggles by himself while Winter drags him to the elevator. hurriedly, he opens the elevator out of fear.

"w-which floor?" he stutters stupidly.

Winter's snout is too big to just press one button. He then presses the X since Winter's room was on that floor.

Arriving at Daniel's room, Winter drops the vet in front of Daniel. Winter pokes Daniel's body then looks at the vet.

"what? I'm new here. Please let me go." He begs again.

Winter is getting impatient. She drags him again and drops him on Daniel's body.

'please wake him up.' Winter's gaze softens. She whines at him.

"oh dear." He checks on Daniel. Seems like he's still in a deep sleep. he takes some drugs and injects it on Daniel. "can I go now?"

Winter ignores him and stares at Daniel. The vet then runs back to the main floor.


Karina, Giselle, and Vivian managed to get away from the guards. Initially, they wanted to take them to another place for experiment.

"they're still in there." Karina is pacing back and forth.

"should we go back?" Giselle suggested. "the guards are still there."

"it's too dangerous."

Vivian then hears her phone rings. She picks it up.

"Chris? What's up?" she replies.

"you should come here! The dog is angry. He's killing the guards. Be fast please. I can't hide anymore." Chris's crying can be heard.

"we're still close. We'll be back." Winter hangs up the call. "let's go. We're going back." ignoring any response, Vivian runs to the building. Seems like she's going to the back door.

Karina and Giselle just follow her through the door and some hallways before finally they're on the main building. What they see upon arriving might traumatize them. Blood is everywhere as well as corpses of guards, not to mention that some of them lost their arms and legs, even heads.

They all walk carefully towards the entrance of the lab. There she is. Winter embracing the weak white panther, covering him with her whole body. She can hear the panther purring as well.

"oh Winter." Karina dares to move closer.

Winter barks and growls at her. she's still angry and her eyes are still glowing. She's scared, confused, maybe feels a little guilty looking back at what she did.

"let's wait here." Giselle puts her hand on Karina's shoulder.

"Vivian! Thank god you're here." Chris approaches her. "what are we gonna do? look at this place."

"this is what happens when you mess with them. If Irene didn't threat me, I wouldn't do this, Chris." Vivian looks at him. "since you're new here, I really want you to reconsider your decisions."

"Irene threatened you?" Chris furrowed his eyebrows.

"we'll talk about that next time. where is she anyway?" Vivian wonders.

"she's.... she's dead. That thing killed her."

"thing? She's a living being, asshole!" Karina punches his arm.

"calm down." Giselle pulls her by the hand. "sorry. She really loves him."

"ah... my bad." Chris scratched his head. "I kinda help him. seems like he cares a lot about that cat."

"they have the same DNA." Vivian looks at the creatures then walks towards her office.

The three follows her, enters the room and sits down.

"how long do you think we have to wait?" Vivian asks.

"I've never seen him this angry. The panther too, looks concerning." Karina replies.

"then we have to wait again."


Winter finally calms herself down after she fell asleep. she looks at Daniel who's already awake, sitting beside her.

'brother!' Winter barks at him, jumps on him.

Daniel stays still but resting his head on Winter. they can't communicate properly right now. Winter decided to form into human.

"let's go home, Daniel. I'm here to find you." Winter holds his face, looking up a little.

'I can't. not like this.' Daniel purrs. Even then, Winter can understand what he said. 'get me back to Poseidon. I won't bother humans anymore.'

"what? You can't do that. I'm here for you. let's go home."

'I'm not a god anymore, Winter. I'm just a white panther.' He purrs. 'I can't turn to my human form. I don't want you to be like me. I belong here, now.'

"you're lying." Winter looks into his eyes. "tell me you're lying."

Daniel shakes his head, shedding some tears.

'I'm sure Amphitrite told you. I can survive here. I promise I'll be okay.'

"I'm sure there's a way, brother. we'll visit her again."

LITTLE PIECE OF HEAVEN | WINRINA AUWhere stories live. Discover now