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Karina enjoys her time with her bestfriend this time, she brings her husband. This time, she's the one that's pregnant. On the other hand, Winter, Giselle, and her son are playing in the lake with the wolves.

"so, you're 5 months in?" Karina rubs Yeji's belly.

"yup. It's a girl." Yeji smiles proudly. "maybe ours can marry each other." Yeji wiggles her eyebrow, joking.

"if she's gonna live here, not a chance. I will give her the biggest penthouse I can find." The husband chimes in.

"c'mon Ryu. It's not that bad." Yeji nudges him. "I'm joking, anyway."

"I just picked these herbs on my way here. I also have some birds we can eat." Vivian approaches them with a wolf on her side. Turns out, it brings something too.

The wolf drops a dead turkey in front of them.

"I will not let my daughter eat that." Ryu points at the turkey.


After some hours of chatting and enjoying their free time. they all gathered on the dining table. It's time for some dinner.

Winter picks up her son and put him on her lap.

"thank you for the meal. This looks more appetizing." Ryu smiles at Karina.

"then, shall we eat?" Karina starts taking the dishes that she made with Vivian.

They all eat and chat casually.

"you have some unique friends." Ryu stated, fixing his glasses. "I'm intrigued."

"you're too stiff." Winter stifles a laugh. "loosen up, will ya?"

"I'm not used to this kind of environment." Ryu continues to eat. "not that I don't enjoy it. It's been a while since I eat with this many people."

"he's always like this." Yeji smiles and rubs his back.

"if your daughter needs a protector, Marcus is here. You all can come back anytime." Winter said referring to her son. She can sense some worries coming from Ryu.

"she'll have great aunts too." Vivian adds.

"so I will have a sister?" Marcus asks.

"if you want one I can give you." Winter smirks then looks at Karina.

"get a room, please." Giselle cringes at her.

"all jokes aside, I'm really glad that you guys are here." Karina smiles at them.

Then, knocks were heard by them all. Marcus and Winter rushes to the door, trying to open it first.

"welcome!" Winter smiles at the two guests.

"uncle! Grandma!" Marcus jumps up to Daniel for him to carry him.

Winter turns around, leading them inside. It's a bummer that this cabin is now filled with too much people. Other than that, Winter can see that almost everyone has their jaw drops as they watch her mother and brother comes in.

 Other than that, Winter can see that almost everyone has their jaw drops as they watch her mother and brother comes in

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"guys...." Winter giggles. "this is my mom and brother."

They all went silent still. Looks like they're hypnotized by the beauty of Winter's family members.

"so these are your friends?" Daniel walks over to the table. He then takes a piece of turkey and eats it casually. "cool."

"we're just passing by. I'm glad that you live a proper life, having friends and all." Her mother walks towards Winter and gives her a side hug.

"mom told me that I will be a brother too! isn't that amazing?" Marcus jumps down.

"I didn't say that." Winter sees Marcus running outside. "hey! Get back here!" Winter chases him outside the cabin.

"they remind me of you and Winter when you guys were little." the mother laughs a little.

"then I'm gonna join them." Daniel hurriedly runs outside, still holding a turkey leg.

The mother then sits down beside Karina.

"first of, thank you for accepting Winter. we really appreciate your good deeds towards my family. I hope that this become the beginning of a good relationship between gods and mortals."

Meanwhile, Winter, Marcus, and Daniel are sitting beside the lake.

"happy for you." Daniel looks at Winter. "I'll take care of mom. You don't have to worry."

"thanks... I didn't think that I will have this kind of life. I'm grateful for it." Winter smiles a little.

"Daniel! Let's go." the mother approaches them.

"thanks for visiting." Winter stands up. she then pulls the two into a hug. "I'll visit you back."

"you should come more often." Daniel pats her shoulder.

The mother then opens up a portal, walking first through it. Daniel looks at Winter for the last time before following the woman.

Karina and the rest of their friends comes out of cabin, saying their goodbyes too. Winter is too caught up in her own mind that she doesn't notice that Karina is already beside her.

Marcus looks back to see both of his mother standing behind him. he grabs both of their hands and pulls them to sit beside him.

"I love you, mom."

Karina and Winter looks at each other. Being proud of their son, they hug him tightly.

"not... too... tight..." Marcus wiggles a bit.

"we love you, Marcus."


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