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Mc, was anything but dull, whilst her stay with the demon brothers and others.
She was the only person the demon brothers and the Royalty knew and grew to love and respect for she was the only tie that bind them together, forming a sense of co-operation and understanding between them. The best example to be seen could be the relationship between the Avatar of Pride and the Avatar of Greed. On most rare affairs, could they be spotted, sitting alone, enjoying each other's company. This may not strike the bell as does the relation of the first born, with the last born.

But good things don't last long, as they say. And so was it.

Celestia was a girl better than Mc in many ways, in the thoughts and assumptions. Her beautiful ink eyes and raven hair could make any man fall heads over heels for her. And so she wanted. She executed her plan using the people around her as puppets just to have all the demons to herself. And, her plan worked.

Mc, was anything but positive now. Her once bright e/c orbs which were full of life, now felt like an endless void. She acted strangely, after a particular day. The day she wished them to help her.....

Her classmate and a demon, Arialph, had been bothering her for quite sometime now. But that hour, he had crossed his limits.

He came into the H.O.L in pretense as a friend of hers, though far from the truth, for a study sesh, but his intentions were far from that.

No one heard her yells from her room. They were all sitting in the living room, laughing and chatting away happily with Celestia.
Not a single soul heard her crys for help, when she was absued in her room. They were just to busy to care anyways.

None suspected Arialph even when he came out of her room, with his uniform all messed up and hair sticking in different directions.

Luke and Raguel, on the other hand, smelled suspiciousness feeling a lost feeling and went to check on her.

That's when she finally broke apart, not even able to concentrate properly. Luke saw her misery and always helped her out and had her back. Whenever Celestia tried to win him and Riguel over, he would try to make an excuse and leave as soon as possible. And truth be told, they could see right through her. Raguel, was supposedly new to the realm, but cunning nonetheless. He was know to have absolute control of justice over the sinners and fallen angels, having a responsibility to keep them in place.

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This was the last straw, but hard in the heart, and she couldn't hold it in anymore. Locked in her room, she was obscurely late to the Student Council Meeting, where she was faced with the fact that they had a group, except her because she was 'boring' for Asmodeus and the others.

Her face was covered with her hair, tears trickled down her face, her hands shaking, she took a step forward, and slapped him across the face as hard as she can. His face swayed to the side as her hand made contact with his face. This, then shocked everyone, but not Luke. He had known, that this would be the limit to her patience.

"Lord Diavolo–" she said with visible authority in her voice "–I hold no excuses for my actions. But, after hearing what they had to say, do you still think I'm at fault? If so, then I would love to get my punishment."

Celestia had a barely noticible smile on her face, which was anything but good.
Her plan was coming together.

That day, Mc decided to go back to the Human realm, as she had no relations to stay here for, except Luke and Raguel but they had agreed to her aswell. Solomon, came handy in this as his library held a plethora of magical books and spells. Finding the most accurate one, they helped her in collecting everything she needed from Solomon's inventory, and performed the spell under their supervision. Luke had tears in his eyes, unsure of your next meet. Raguel, held himself back, to Luke's knowledge. Luke had been familiar of Raguel's love for you. Had he not found the perfect opportunity, but his own responsibilities were holding him back. Putting on a hard shell, had he wished you luck.

She hugged Luke and Raguel, saying her last goodbye to them. E/c eyes looked around her surroundings for the last time.

A void behind her opened and with tears of happiness as well as sadness she finally left all for the sake of good.

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