Chapter 6

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"Welcome to your Home Ec class everyone!"

"You shall know that this class is not only for cooking food or doing stuff that you would rather do at your home. Don't think that 'I am a boy. Why am I cooking?'. This is an unethical practise. In this class semester, everyone would work in co-ordination. If I come to hear a single complain from any of you, then you shall know the consequences. Oh yes! My name is Sakeshi Tomurou. You may call me either names with Sir. Now, team up, everyone! Captain! Can you come over here and help me?"

Sure, Sakeshi Tomurou was a nice person. His long, flowing jet-black hair, now neatly tied in a bun as his eyes stared in your direction.
There was something very captivating about you, but he couldn't place a finger on it. Was it the fact that you were beautiful? It was... but it just wasn't it. Why he was so suddenly intrested in you was something he himself couldn't understand. He considered himself good at reading other people. Psychology wasn't ever difficult for him. Then why did he have such a problem reading you? Be it the posture. Be it the dull eyes. Be it the smile. Everything about you was so difficult for him, yet perfect. He had never seen someone like you.

"Yes sir, what did you need me for?" You asked with masked politeness. Sure this guy was your teacher, sure he was handsome and sure he called you 'captain', but there was something incredibly sus about this guy, if you may.

"Ok everyone. Take out a page from your notebook, write your name on it, and submit to Captain here. We are going to draw lots to determine partners for this semester. I will write my name too so that it would be even."

As told, you tore off a piece of paper, wrote your name on it, folded it neatly and headed off to the draw box to drop it off. Then, you collected all the other bits of paper from other students, and did the same thing.

Your class was divided into 3 sectional bars. Each bar had space for 5 groups of 2 to work on and showcased a hanging ceiling storage compartment for storing the ingredients. Moreover there was a fridge at the end of each bar row, for the cold processing ingredients like milk, butter, eggs etc. The classroom showcased a color scheme of blue, white and black and the aprons for the students were in a gradient of black to blue with check designs on it.

At this rate, a total of 15 groups of students could work in the class. Each group contained 2 students. Therefore, 30 students could use the classroom at a time. Moreover, there was a separate space for the teacher's equipments and cold storage.

A variety of tools and machines like the hand mixer was available in a bulk quantity. So, there was not a shortage of anything in the classroom. Ingredients were checked for freshness every week, and if stale, they were replaced by new, fresh ones. The classrooms were cleaned every month and sanitized after each class use. Strict hygiene was to be maintained here. 

Coming back, after the lots were submitted to the draw box, Sir Tomurou strutted over to it, and began picking out names at random, two at a time.
"Miruko Kahani and Aimi Kagura"
were declared as the first pair. It was a match made in heaven for you. Both were hateful and seemed to have a majority portion of their brain, developed to feel jealousy over others. How amusing..

"Sora Kage and Mitsuka Drac"
Now, this was surprising. These two never really talked, but they showcased entirely different personas.
Sora was more of an outgoing person who took the first risk, but Mitsuka, he was just quiet.

After some more of partnering, finally your name was called
"Kyokai Matsuo and Mc (last name)"
Instantly some ferocious footsteps were heard nearing your direction.
It was a albino haired bro, with grey eyes which showed nothing but ego and dominance.
"I am Kyokai Matsuo. Follow me or not, I don't care"

Ok, rude, bruv.
Anyways, you flashed him a smile. His eyes widened for a second, but we t back to their original state.

Kyokai Matsuo was not just some rich, spoiled kid. He was the son of the owner of Matsuo High, the school which you currently were attending. He was, genuinely suprised when you didn't even know about him. In reality, you did. You just didn't want to show it. You give no recognising to over-rated people. Remeber Miruko Kahani and Aimi Kagura? Of couse you do, I just mentioned them 10 seconds ago. These girls ran a non-permitted fan club for this cold boy, hoping to shine in his limelight. Ah, fantasies people have.

They should have known, that this boy, is the hardest one, both on the outside as well as on the inside, in terms of personality. He was never intrested in girls, girls or girls. He liked being alone. The principal never paid the boy any attention, and his mother was not any better.
He always thought he lived in darkness. But, today, when you smiled at him, he felt his heart flutter and for him, he felt a light in te end of his tunnel. NO! I REFUSE TO GET ATTACHED TOO EASILY!
For he knew what came to the person who he got attached too. He felt like a curse. Whoever he came to be close with, they grew bored with him, or left him heartlessly in the end. He did not want to be hurt again. Not after her......

"Solomon and Benjamin"

Oh no. This is not good! Beelzebub, disguised as Benjamin, and Solomon the person who was banned from Hell's Kitchen, together?
Oh fuck...

Why do I care anyways? I have to pretend like I don't even know them, but, it would be my responsibility if they burn down the kitchen.

Sighing, you directed your mind towards what you would make today.

"Ok now that everyone is paired up, we shall discuss what we will cook today. So today we will make two types of cookies, each to the liking of both partners. It is to be submitted next week, and it would be graded. Now, you can quietly discuss which cookies you will make."

With a concluding note, he went out of the classroom. You turned to your partner, only to see him sleeping soundly on the counter top.
You sighed.

This would sure be a long year.

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