[S2] |•6•|

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Time:   8:30 am

Current Location:   Home

Status:   UNEDITED

It was time for you to be awake, given, it was a Saturday, you decided to sleep a bit more. Mentally semi-awake, you began to reckon the events you need to do today. You had a lot of paperwork thanks to the student council, then your mom had requested for you to do the grocery shopping for her and if everything was done timely, you had enough free time in the evening to visit the festival grounds. Thinking about the festival, you shuddered. You had not discussed this with your mother yet. Hopefully, she'd be home tomorrow.

You forced yourself up, and headed for the bathroom in an instant. You brushed, bathed and had breakfast, then say down at your desk and started the work. You brought a pack of chocolate cookies with you in your room to snack on them in between the work. It was a serious headache as all the paper work owed to the preparations for the said festival.

Your brain slided over a few memories you got while doing the paperwork. School...
classes..yeah the classes were well, tests are coming up soon
Activities.. pretty well performance
Teachers.... they know you well, and you need to maintain this good image of yours.
Mammon....wait. Mammon?

Oh yeah.. that day... Was he well? You aimed at getting revenge at Celestia, but you were taught that revenge wasn't always good. Besides, they do seem happy with her. Except Mammon. You can't and won't see them as objects as Celestia did. They were living, and had their own feelings. This was a chance, but one you did not want to go through. Adding to that, you already had a lot on your plate. You decided to leave them to their fate, and not meddle in their life, doing so, you and Celestia won't be any different.

Finishing up, you closed the files and setting them aside, you buried your face in your hands. Life is just so messed up, but you don't have time to contemplate life. You need to get moving. Finishing the rest of the cookies, you moved to the kitchen and checked up on the supplies. Noticing you were short on a few things, you wrote them down along with a few things you wanted, like bandages.

You cleaned yourself up and headed to the convenience store which was 10 minutes away from your house. On the way there, you noticed a familiar back.

Mr. Locke!

You decided to call him, because you were alone and you obviously would like sone company. He was alone to, and he also was heading to the same direction as you. So, why not?

"Sir Avon!"

He turned around, his dull green eyes searching for who called him, and spotting you running to him in a distance. He recognized you as the girl who he had met the first day he came in to your school.

"Sir Avon! Hello!" You beamed up at him, and watched as he turned his face to the other side, away from you, his big hands covering his face, and he let out a cough. In reality, he was blushing and did not want you to see him like this.

"Hello..Captain..." he said lowly, stuttering on his words. Don't get him wrong now! Sir Qvon was something of a 'gentle giant'. A softie, despite his big structure.

"Are you  going to the Convenience store as well?" You asked, excitedly. He merely nodded. Were you going there too?

"OH! Me too! Shall we go together? I need to shop for a few groceries!" He nodded again, dull eyes looking everywhere but you. He started walking, taking big strides. Now, come on! You followed behind quickly and entered the entrance of the store.

You both bought the things he needed first, which were not a lot. Just a few branded bags of coffee. Seriously, soo much caffeine? It must be harsh on him. Then you both started shopping for the things you wrote in your little list. Complementing that, he grabbed all the things that were situated on a higher shelf, you weren't able to reach. In the end, you had to carry two very heavy bags, while he was just staring at you, mustering up the courage to offer you to let him carry your bags. You both checked out and his quiet cough caught your attention. You turned to him and he asked you, stuttering. "Let me carry those bags f-for y-you, Ca-Captain.."
This made you remember of Beel. Even though different, he always cared about you carrying heavy bags. But, he never questioned you, instead taking the bags out of your hands. You might have zoned out, because you jumped when you felt the bags slide from your hands. He was carrying it for you, and moving ahead. Beel...

But that doesn't matter now. You have to stop comparing other people to them. It just brings out the fire of betrayal within you again and again.

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