[S2] Chapter 1

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"Hearts will never be practical until they are made unbreakable."


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"Ce-Celestia, I- I LOVE YA' VERY MUCH!"
Our all famous, Tsundere confessed his love to Celestia, on that day, in an abandoned corridor, so that no one could hear THE Great Mammon put his ego down and confess to the love of his life. He was so blinded by this love, that he didn't even notice the glint of annoyance in Celestia's ink porcelain eyes.

"Mammon....... I'm very sorry. I'm just not into guys like you... Please, I th-think we should not make things awkward f-for either of us, yeah?" She said it so calmly, staring down at the Almighty Avatar of Greed.

"Bu-but, you can' say that I'm not yer type! We have done all the things lo-lovers do, righ'? We hav' kissed, we even slept with each other! How can ya just say that to my face...? O-only a fe-few days back, ya were goin' about how I was yer favourite de-demon..."

He said, teary eyed looking at the girl standing in front of him with confusion yet a feeling of betrayal.

"Ma-Mammon, You're delusional! I said because I wanted to....just  I'm sorry okay? I just can't..... come to love you."

She said walking away, leaving behind a very broken demon. Mammon, for whom greed and ego were top priorities, put them down just for her. He had come to love her with all his heart, and whenever they kissed, he always felt the love reciprocating. Why would he say, that he wasn't her type when they made so many good memories together? How could she...?

Broken, he fell down on his knees, crying his emotions out for the first time after Lilith's fate. The air held scent to heartbreak and the cries of someone who loved the wrong person, unconditionally.


A pair of angelic cyan eyes watched the whole scene, in horror.
How could an angel like him, make such a sinful mistake.......? How could he...?

Fast running and gasps filled the whole corridor until they arrived in front of a Science class, just 5 minutes before it's end. The person waited outside for it felt like eternity, but he really needed to do this.

To repent and to redeem himself

He had to find Luke..... No matter what the cost, he would save himself from the clutches of her fake desire.....

Awaited for him, was redemption...


Here you were, sitting in your math class, bored out of your mind. This class was very easy, and you knew it, but you still had to pay attention to it. You could see fluffy, white clouds, turning black, as though becoming tainted, for some reason. Water dripped down, hitting the window glass for your classroom. It were as if, the clouds were crying. Your mind had drifted to a faraway place, down the memory lane. Memories, that you wanted to live again, memories that made you smile genuinely, memories that just were soothing to rewind.
Memories of your father, who passed away, being accused for a crime he had not commited. Before the authorities could look deeply in the matter, he had consumed poison, for he did not have the courage to face the society again.

He was a reputable man, your father. Handsome, with brown hair and (e\c) eyes, which held nothing but good will for the people around him. He was a good man to his family and the society, to face which in the future, he had no courage.

As they say, it takes the most amount of time to earn respect and trust of someone, but it takes a matter of just a few seconds to break it. Indeed a fragile thing is, trust. When the cops were holding your father roughly by his arm and forcing him into the hell of a prison, you could evidently see his eyes that held the breaking emotion of betrayal and fear. How can you not forget that day, 10 years ago, when a policeman, with his headwear in his arms, standing at your doorway, narrated the tale of your father's death.

He said it with such heavy voice, it seemed he was about to cry any moment, for he was a friend of your father. How could be forget that man?

But now, is not the time to think about this, you told yourself. It is in the past, and something's are better off left behind.

The exact moment, the ringing of the bell woke you up from your trance. You were thankful of the bell, as you were starting to overthink everything.

You still had some time but still making way towards your gym class, you heard quiet sobs reverberating through a corridor. Deciding to check it out, your ears started to narrate the direction of the sound. Lo and behold, there sat an all too familiar Albino, clutching a now dying rose, and hyperventilating.
An emotionless look sat on your face, worrying about his sanity. What could have caused him, Mammon, to hyperventilate like this? Must be pretty bad. But then again, his associations were very charming— not the sarcasm.

Whatever it was, you knew you had to do something about it. It wasn't necessary, but you just felt like it. Instantly, you went up and sat down to his level, and hugged him, tightly, with his head in your chest. He was shocked at first, and recognising you, he started thrusting around weakly, but then he just.... sat there crying. It was like he just gave up. He continued sobbing out profanities, curses, and everything that had happened with him right in this corridor was now known to you. In a matter of a meagre 10 minutes he was now all calmed down, but just sat there hiccupping, shortly. You wanted to let go of him, so as to not get any hopes up for him, but he locked your hands on his hair, guiding them to ruffle them.

Ok. This was getting out of hand now. You forcefully let go, and went away to the gym. What you failed to notice was the demon's comfort in your arms and the longing his gaze held when he saw you go away from him. Why did he allow you to comfort him again? He didn't know. But something about you still being there for him, just struck him hard.

 But something about you still being there for him, just struck him hard

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