[S2] |•9•|

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You passed by various shops, accompanied with the man, Hitachi Shinsou. There was an air of mystery around him which you could not help but be curious about. The fact that he  appeared all of a sudden was...unnerving. It rose many questions of suspicion in your mind but you decided to suppress them for now, and enjoy the scenic beauty of the land.

As you were passing by, something caught your eye and you couldn't just walk away from it. It was just a normal jeweler, selling chokers in his shop. There were many, but among them all, stood out a very peculiar choker. It was colored blood type of the crimson, but as it neared to the central area, it faded into a beautiful gradient of black. To top it all off, the choker had an additional, historical looking, inticrite wire design which was, you guessed, made out of brass. The design was simple, nothing complex. It was a web-design with a spider in the middle of the wire.

Captivated and the other noticing it, you headed to the shop in an instant. The shop was very decent, nothing very flamboyant about it. It consisted of a rack, containing separate case for a separate choker. The colour theme of the shop was beige walls, dark flooring. The keeper, was an old man, maybe in his fifties or early sixties.

You greeted the man hello, went into the shop and as if hypnotized by the choker, went towards it, arms stretched as if someone would steal it away from you.

The old man watched you with q sweet, knowing smile. He turned to Hitachi Shinsou, and bowed just enough, in a sign of greeting. The latter too, accepted it with a raise of his hand, and a smile on his handsome face.

Meanwhile, you were holding the case of the choker, shivering and carried it back to the owner. The shopkeeper had already made sure to pack it safely, and returned it to you. You paid the amount, which was a lot lower than you expected and left the store.

° • ° • ° • ° • ° • ° • ° > ☆

Laughing, having a great time, wandering about the streets of the festival grounds were Lucifer and his younger sibling, Mammon. Lately, the two have improved their relationship and thinking process by taking little, but prominent steps. They had been completing their daily work together, studying together, discovering humane lifestyle together, and just being together.

Of course, it had been difficult for both, to express themselves to the other. But, sticking with each other was the best form of brotherhood.

Lucifer was watching everything put on stalls with quite interest, but a swirl of fiery red hair caught his attention.

'Lord Diavolo..?'

He grabbed Mammon's hand and began running that way. Mammon, perplexed began to run as well in an attempt to not get dragged, as the speed of Morningstar was quite something.

As they neared the corner, they noticed a red head man, sure, but it wasn't Diavolo. Instead, they ran after an unknown figure, who was now facing away from them. They could distinguish between Diavolo and this man as Diavolo had short hair, while this man had hair reaching his waist, that too, tied up.

Who they noticed beside the man, awed them the most.


Was she on a date, with this guy?! Who was he?! How come she just..?!

Mammon's eye twitched in anger when he saw you laughing with the other guy. Joy was evident on your face. He remembered the times he had experienced it, but this time, it hurt. Why did you choose him...?

Lucifer, on the other hand, felt his ego being tarnished as the man beside you patted your head, and you seemd to make no effort to keep him away.

He know, a day like this would come. He just needed to come up with a plan to tear this man out of your life, whoever he was. But, he would need help and he knew just where to get it from.

° • ° • ° • ° • ° • ° • ° > ☆

©️ DracDevorak

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