[S2] |•8•|

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Time : 4:30 pm
Location : Home

Time passed by pretty quickly when you returned home. As it had been pretty hot outside, you took a chilled bath and dressed up to go out to the central grounds to see the preparations for the incoming weather and the festival. While picking out the clothes, your eyes fell upon the kimono which was given to you the other day by the strange man. Of course you paid for it, and mind the reader, it wasn't cheap, it was still very delicate and beautiful, as if it came directly from the historical pages.

You were torn between choices. Now, you could go to your destination wearing the kimono or you could save it for the main day, but that...

Never mind, you'll just wear it later. Right now, you were trying to be as comfortable as you possibly can, and you wanted to have fun. Who knows how you would carry such a delicate piece, and the fact it was luxurious.

Finishing up with the dressing process, you went to the central grounds, walking as relaxed as you can. After all this was a good opportunity to take a walk.

As you were further nearing the grounds, you could already see the many booths set up by the people. A few were still in the process, but it looked breathtaking already. The booths, set up in the shadow of the blooming Sakura trees had your heart, and as always the bustling crowds, either setting up the booth or taking a leisure walk just how you were.

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A woman called upon the man, as he exited his room, preparing to leave for somewhere.

"Miera.. what is it?"

Reinhart Opeire was always quite towards his wife, for they were married without his consent. He didn't even know her until he was set up in the court and ordered to marry her. She was partially the reason why he had such a dark and mysterious aura around him. His parents, while being caring towards him, were swayed away by the amount of money the girl's family offered. Maybe not his parents. Maybe just his father.

He remembered the days when he was nothing like he is today. He knew once, he was a cheerful, happy-go-lucky son, who was loved by his parents, who taught him values he followed even today. But after making him marry the girl forcefully, they had gotten themselves blown up, dying without giving him a proper explanation. The relations between them and him was not so weak, never. The question of betrayal still lay within the confines of his mind. Whenever he thought about it, he wished he suffered the same fate. Cold from outside, but deep within, he was still the old happy-go-lucky child he once had been.

Meira Opiere, on the other hand, was the definition of daddy's girl. She had been a friend of Opiere, but as they grew, she took a sudden, twisted interest in the boy. She had forced her dad to do what had happened. Her dad, being the daughter-slave he was, complied immediately, thus ruining three lives in the process, without realizing it. She was the mind behind all, and wasn't the Mary Sue she pretended to be. And Reinhart knew that, from day 1.

Some said he was stone-hearted but never did they understand his misery.
For him, it's every man for himself. He turned into something he knew his past self would hate, but he was so blinded by his state, that he chose to ignore everything, he chose to ignore her.

The Avatar of The Sin of Ignorance

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Night had fallen upon the city, as you were still wandering away into the stalls and swaying in their beauty. The mesmerizing capability of the unmade stalls was so much that you could just stay there all day. Not to mention, the upheld support towards the feelings of the grand occasion. The items on the stalls were on another level. This wasn't even the main day, but the preparations had already stolen you heart.

"Hello again, miss~" a smooth sing-song voice trailed behind your ears, sensing warm breaths on your scalp, you turned around immediately. You saw that it was the same person who had given you the luxurious kimono that day. The person with red hair and vine yellow eyes which had a strange glow in them, given it was night time. He was also blessed with milky white skin.

"Pleased to meet you again, sir" you began formally, given you did not know anything about him, aside from his appearance. He was handsome, not denying. But, he held a very strange aura, which made your legs wobble.

"I can say quite the same thing miss. I assume we both have the same passion for this beautiful festival." He smiled at you, making your heart skip a beat. It was now dark outside, but he seemed to glow in it faintly. The moonlight shone on his skin making him look like a celestial diety. So beautiful..

"My name is Hitachi Shinsou. What is it..? Is my face not to your liking, miss?" He spoke chuckling.

©️ copyrighted by drac_devorak

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