[S2] |•5•|

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It was just a few nights but it felt like longer than that to Mammon as he lay in his brother's bed as warm as he never was. So many nights without comfort, but now there was a tinge of it. Lucifer had accepted his request with open arms, literally. Why did this comfort only meet him here?
He of course knew the cause of the discomfort, Celestia. But, looking back to last night, he could tell that Lucifer was now repelling her and her company at all. He was in a fit of hidden anger, annoyance.

What was the reason of this sudden change..? Did Lucifer face the same thing as he did..rejection? No, that's not it. She had come to him last night. That might not be the reason.

'Ah... I shoul' prolly rest it up, I guess..' he pondered and closed his eyes into deep, warm slumber.


"The blindfold of revenge has been removed from my eyes, your highness.." a deep, masculine voice quivered, as the owner got on his knees, took his sword out and put it in the feet of the King.

"For you who has been reformed, there shall be praise of your name in very direction. You, who has, with or without will slaughtered many of my men, must die. But, a noble death, for your remorse, sire." The King spoke, placing his hands on the shoulders of the reformed, and raising him up again.

"Never shall your soul suffer in the pits of tartarus, for it is meant to listen to the  trilling of the birds of the Lord. I shall be the one to decide your mortal fate, but His Highmost has already decided your immortal fate, pet." he chimed, bringing in tears of contentment, in his vine yellow eyes.

"Your Highness..." the reformed's smokish eyes told the story of his rite.

"I order for you, Makoto Suishin, the most royal death, ordered for anyone in the whole existence of humanity. We must put forth an example to my kingdom, to showcase, how the God helps his people in seeing light out of the tunnels of Satanism."

"Your Highness.. before I die, may I ask for a last wish.." he said, peering where his eyes should be, for covering the King's face was a opaque black veil, for he never showed anyone his face or told anyone his name, in all of the kingdom.

"Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and the door of the God always opens forth, pet." He said, turning away from the sinner, back facing him

"I wish to see your face and learn your name, for when I meet the Almighty for answering my sins, I shall convey your name to him, shall he bless your descendents, your bloodline and formerly you, for uprising a sinner like me.."

"Disperse." He ordered for the guards, and
faced towards the sinner, removing his veil. Bright, fiery red hair, probably reaching the waist of the King, tied in a bun was the most noticible feature. Moreover, his vine-yellow eyes with snake like pupils was the next.

He was not old at all, in fact not a day older than 23, but he was rumored to be over 70 years old.

He couldn't help but stare at the royal. "My name is Hitachi Shinsou. What is it? Is my face not to your liking, Suishin-San?"
"H-how dare I, your highness? I was just awed by this youthful appearance.."
"Hm, I suppose that you now know how I look, I cannot let go you, Suishin-San.." he said placing his fingers on his chin, in a thoughtful manner.

"What... is that supposed to mean..?"

"I cannot let you die... for you shall speak of my appearance to the gods. I cannot let it happen... I shall make you my dear servant to serve me all day long, and nights alike." "But, I wish for death, sire.."

"I would not allow that. For it is in my best interest to make you serve me. I can, however, fake your death.." he spoke nearing the taller male and holding his hand.

"Trust me, pet, for I can show you things unseen..."


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