[S2] |•10•|

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You and Hitachi Shinsou returned home, where you insisted him to stay for tea for all the baggage of a company he provided you with. Maybe, if he weren't there, you would have been bored just staring at passers-by.

Putting away all the bags, you couldn't help but notice the time outside of your window. It was past dark, so you had been away for a while, you deduced. A voice came from the living room, "Ms. Mc! I must leave now! It's already dark outside!" You hurried your way from the kitchen to the living room, where you saw him standing near the couch.

Quickly as you can, you packed him a few snacks you got today at the fest, and wrapped it up nicely. "I don't know where your home is... but here! You can share this with your family, and accept it as a thanks for today!" You smiled at him, boldly, as you handed him the box of treats. He, on the other hand, laughed at your actions and accepted the box with open hands, gently taking it from you.

He then bowed down, his right hand on his chest and stared at you. "This is where we part. Hope to bump into you soon, Ms." He muttered, politely. Smiling, you nodded, and went to see him off at the exit of your apartment.

And your weekend ended just like that, in the blink of an eye. Maybe  there was a real pair of eyes, but... you did not need to know that, yes?

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You shut your locker with a sigh. The red colour was too vibrant for you. It always had been, but today, maybe because of a certain tiredness, had you noticed it more. Mentally, you were tired, but your body was ready to push it as much. The only thing you could think of was the end of the school, your return to your bed to claim some advancement to sleep.

Proceeding to finish with your third class, you ventured to the cafeteria, to find an appropriate seat, within the crowds of students. Controlling them, at this time, was rash, so you let them be at this point of time. This behaviour was allowed only at this time of the day, but not anywhere else.

A waving hand caught your attention. You looked over there, only for you to see a girl... no a boy. He waved at you, his long inkish hair, covering his forehead. He continued to wave, as you began to silently take in his appearance. The only way to tell he was a boy, was the uniform set he had on.

You decided to collect your lunch and make a bee line towards him. He was at the table alone. Where were his friends? You upon reaching, sat down from across him. His eyes widened, and filled with sparkles. "Captain?! I thought you didn't notice me...!" He called out, making you chuckle. "How could I not, hm? It was pretty obvious!" You exclaimed, taking note of his behaviour.

"Mhm! As I supposed!"

"So, the million dollar question, why did you want me over?" You said, seemingly giddy, but excited nonetheless.

"Oh.. about that.." he visibly deflated on the question, his eyes not hiding the loneliness anymore.

"My only friend ditched me for a new guy he met, and they both bully me now.." he, as you assumed, was true to heart. He could not hide his emotions well enough. His eyes glittered with new-found tears that dared to pour over any minute. "They had been speaking ill of me all through the school campus in the night shift. I just couldn't help it and be absent for a month. It grew so much, that eventually, whenever I opened my locker, a dozen pins would fall on my face, at times a heavy object be thrown at my feet. I was lucky in dodging them three out of five times, but not so lucky..."

"I see. I will make sure to look into that matter. Care telling me the names..?" You asked placing your warm palm over his rather cold one.

He shook his head no and gave you a pleading look. "I don't want them to get in trouble.. But, I can't stand this torture. I'm too...done" he said looking away.

"How about we work something out?" You asked, genuinely concerned for the forementioned boy. A good soul, not wanting his friends to get in trouble.

Nodding, he told you his name. "Aritsu Tomo. But, I go by Ari too!" He introduced himself, puffing his chest out. The action made you laugh silly, and you shared a good laugh together with him.

"You already know me, hm?" He nodded, and started munching on his food.

"We should meet somewhere outside of the campus to decide on your situation. For now, let's just get to know each other!" He beamed at your words, and nodded.

Comfortable silence made home between the two of you as you both quietly ate your food. Sometimes you would strike a conversation and it turned to be silly, more comedic on both sides but all in all, he was a good companion. He was able to being out the true you, even without knowing it. How could someone be so caring, at first meet alone?

But, you decided otherwise. Being broken, not once, made you self aware of your surroundings and the people around you. It made you change the way you perceived people around you, so much so letting your guard down.

Surely, you would take a look at his condition, but not get too mingled up. He looked and seemed trust worthy, but nothing could make you trust anymore. Let the time take it's course...

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