[S2] |•7•|

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[A/n: Hello to my lovely readers! Hope each and everyone had a great day! I just wanted to say thay before starting this chapter, I recommend you to read or re-read the second part of Chapter 5, where the change of scene takes place. This is, well, a completion of it and the fact that there are certain hints here and there....tee-hee~]

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Time : [Unknown]
Location : [ The Town Square ]

"I, your king, hereby announces the death of the Prisoner Makoto Suishin..!"

People around cheered as loudly as they could. In middle of the town, The Town Square, asthey called it, lay a decapitated body. This person, now dead, had long, ink locks, with green eyes. He was supposed to be the Prisoner, albeit, he wasn't.

The shadowed king went back to his tower, his lean figure being guarded by his knights. One of them, indeed was the real Makoto Suishin, the killer of thousands. The King had disbanded all the knights except for the one and ordered him in his room. Once he confirmed that they were all alone, the King removed his blackened veil from his fair face and set it down on the table. He sat down in the edge of his lavish bed and ordered Makoto Suishin to do the same, patting the space next to him.

"Take a seat beside me, pet." He muttered looking up at him. He nodded his head, but instead of settling down, as the king had ordered him to, he said down by his legs, on the ground. "No, sow, that is not your place, it is here, beside me, for I wish to see your face, eternally."

The mentioned man, shocked beyond words could only jod, as he stood up and sat beside the King on his royal rest. The King's fiery red hair, shined in the moonlight, while his vine-yellow eyes emitted a rather, strange glow. He almost looked divine, had it not been for his pale, mik-like skin.

Makoto Suishin was just like other people, nothing different. When angered, he would grow angry, but had this tendency to cool down very quickly. He was born in a poor background and his mother had died while  giving birth to him. So, with whatever he had, his father, although kept by a illness, celebrated his birthday. Usually, he would give him something that either belonged to his ancestors or his mother. He kept them safe. Makoto Suishin grew up to be a fine man. Whenever he crossed, women would stare at him every now and then. He was well built, because he practiced welding the Katana from a very young age. He was practically impossible to defeat, given his strength. Many years went by and when he was at the brink of turning 16, he found himself getting married. The girl was nothing special. She just added to the list of people he would protect at any cost. He viewed her more like a friend, noting more, but he was tied to the custom. At the age of 25, he learnt that his wife was pregnant. The family supposed this was a happily ever after, but fate has it's own ways.

There was a case for the guards to solve. The rate of pickpocketing was growing higher and higher. They had to hold someone guilty, and this family caught the light. The whole family, not even sparing the father, was held responsible and when Makoto Suishin was gone to earn some money, they were killed, in the darkness.

All the memories spiraled down upon him as he stared in the King's eyes. Somewhere, he was responsible for this fate. But, he couldn't help but blame himself for hunting down thousands of people. Given, he was 32 now. It has been so many years...

A tear fell from his stallion-grey eyes onto the silken sheets of the King's bed.

Lost in thoughts of blame, he was yet to notice the warmth held by the King. He hugged the prisoner for he was not to blame, and pulled him in. He felt him crying on his shoulders, but the King held him there until the dawn of the Sun, making sure to listen to all his sufferings and dismay.

He was broken, indeed, for he lost the ones he loved the most.
He was happy indeed, for he finally found his comfort.
The King would not leave him, and would die with him, to live in the stay of the angels.
This fake death, meant the world to both of them, but separated by the positions were the emotions they held.
Both broken without words, they decided to be broken, together.


©️ DracDevorak, all rights reserved

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