[S2] |•4•|

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"Am I falling out of love..?" Wondered the avatar of greed, as soon as he started his English class. Reinhart babbled about the beauty of a poem, which involved sealing slumber of the poet's soul as his beloved dies.

He was doing everything in his power to make it interesting for the students as many didn't like poetry. And to the surprise, he was successful. Students were listening with apt attention and they were too engrossed with the beauty of the poetic devices.

Diurnal course continued and Mc was now found in the Principal's office, yet again.

"Miss Mc, I want you to participate in the Prisoner Festival this year."
Mc shuddered, she knew what was going to happen now.

"But sir, that-"

"I know what you're trying to tell me, but I myself am distorted. The festival was decided to be held here, but none is participating to do that..."

"It's a life or death..."

"It is.. I'm not convinced at all. I must speak to the authorities once more, but I wanted to warn you in general."

"Yes sir..."

"Dismissed. You may go back and please don't stress too much, I'll definitely convince them."

"Thank you, sir."


"ME?! WHY ONLY ME?!... why-"
You broke down in front of the now cracked mirror of your room. Pieces of glass enamored the floor and you were sitting right there, the glasses piercing through the skin of your legs, drawing crimson blood.

The windows rattled with the movement of the wind as though it was angry with itself about your fate. Quietly it came through an open window and tucked a peace of hair behind your ear and blew as though telling you that everything would be alright, and lulling you to sleep, which was made difficult because of your insomnia.


Morningstar lay on his bed, eyes closed when he heard the door to his room open and shut. He turned over to face the intruder in the middle of the nightfall, who dared enter his room.


'Celestia. That is her voice.'  Lucifer thought.
'What is she doing here so late..?'

"Yes? What is that you are in need of Celestia?" He asked, finally gracing her a look, but regretting it seconds later.

"Lucifer.. I wanted to apologize for the evening.." she said, nearing him in slow yet steady steps, the shoulder strap on her lingerie dropping.

"I wanted to give you a proper apology just how you like it..." she said now climbing up the bed frame, and straddling him. "Lucifer~" she whined "open you wyes please. I got this just for you-"

There ringed a sudden *SMACK* throughout the room, and Celestia was found laying in the corner of the room, clutching her cheek. Her face turned red with shame and thick tears flowed down her cheeks. The door swung open. All the brothers stood there, watching the seen. Asmodeus ran down to his room, returning with his sheet that he wrapped around her and held her close.

Everyone was enraged except for Mammon, and the first born noticed it, but didn't mention it.

"Never show me your face least barge into my room like that. You are nothing like her"

The brothers, sensing a dangerous aura around him, quickly took Celestia and their own as*es away. But Mammon remained.


"I'm too tired Mammon. What?" He asked with a sigh.

"Can I sleep in your bed tonight...*cough* like the old days..?"

His eyes shot wide open, he sat bolt upright, and his mouth fell to the floor.

"How come..?"

"I just wanted to ask, 'Kay? Don' think much about it!" He replied with a red face.

"If that is the case... come on, I guess.."

He opened his arms to welcome his brother, both smiling and laughing again, just like the olden days..

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