Chapter 8

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Was all that came out of your mouth upon seeing The Avatar of The Sin Of Greed, in front of you. Speechless? Yes you were. But, that didn't apply only to you.
The albino in front of you was just as speechless. His throat sore, he was trying hard not to look at your face.
'So ya are a walking smile now, eh, Mc? What happened to ya? Goin' around, acting like yer don' know me? Guess what? The Great Mammon doesn' allow this. I will make ya remember me. I will take revenge on ya, for all things ya did to my beloved Celestia!'

The albino male thought with a crazed smile, but to his suprise, you stood before him with your hands over your chest, a smile plastered on your face, but with evident hate in your eyes.

"Yes? How may I help you?"

Mammon narrowed his eyes on you, the gift for his new neighbour, aka you, trembling in his hands.

"....... I'm yer new neighbour. Treat me with respect, will ya?!"

"Oh? Sorry didn't realise. But, I don't think you deserve that, neighbour!" You said smiling, inching closer to him.

Narrowing his eyes at him, you leaned closer to his face.

"You don't earn respect by gambling, dog"

His welcome gift lay on the floor, unnoticed

A sigh leaves your lips, as you lay down on your bed, ready to have a good night's rest.
Why did they have to move here??!
Is seeing them at school not enough??
There are millions of places for them to rent!!
Why me?!

Thoughts ran through your mind the moment you closed your eyes. Your furrowed eyebrows decoded your troubled thoughts. What were you to do?
But, the question was, what will you do...?


THE NEXT DAY called for drastic measures. Your first class was Singing, where like hell, you did not know a thing. Luckily, Luke was the only one with you for this session, so you decided to sit with him.
"Good Morning, Captain!" Your classmates chorused, to which you laughed, genuinely, and waved at them. Some faces turned red, some brightened, while some beamed at you. All you could have wished for.
You sat down beside Luke, on the 2 joined desks, and took out your notebook and pen to just be prepared. You could feel someone's eyes on you, but you chose to ignore it and placed your hands on your lap.

You felt a hand coming over to your lap, and attach itself to your right plam. Looking over at Luke, you saw him facing the front, suddenly finding the chalkboard intresting. Upon closer inspection, you could see him blushing.

What a cute tsundere~

You squeezed his hands with your (smaller/bigger) ones, and caressed it, as if to show care.

Luke's eyes widened by a fraction, but decided not to see your face. The calm and comfort of your touch was back! He had missed it....more than you can even imagine. He shivered slightly, growing stranger to such comfort.
Only you could make him feel such way....

Only you can make him turn into a demon...


Your Next Class was Computer Science. This time, you could see Leviathan and Belphegor paired up together. By the looks of it,
they were least bothered to do what the teacher had
asked them to do. Belphie, or Berius, was dozing off,
drooling all over themousepad, much to Leviathan, or,
Levi's disgust.


Now that everyone was settled, you found yourself paired up with a boy with shoulder-length messy ink hair, which was tied back in a ponytail. God forbid, he had eyebags. Like dude, wth do you do at night??

No such reasoning could comply you with the reason of this odd boy, staring right at you, as if he had never seen a girl before. Not to mention, he was looking right at your chest. What the hell, pervert??! Is that what you do at night??

Ok, I almost lost my temper there, now on with the story...

"Ok class! Now that you all are settled, I want all of you to open IDLE Python programme on your computers and practice the program's given in your textbooks. I warn you ahead, no funny business."

"*Yawn* I'm too tired for that shit, Captain..."
The boy beside you complained, while yawning, and stretching. Why can't you just be alone??! And maybe if paired with anyone, why not someone who is actually interested?!

But a small voice inside of you urged you to pet the person beside you. You always did this to Belphie, and he seemed to like it very much. Maybe, just maybe...?
You raised your hand, and lightly touched the boy's hair, making him stiff first, but then eventually relaxed. It felt good to him for some reason, that he himself was not aware of.


It was science again.
You sighed, tired of the continuous schedule of getting up, getting dressed, going to school, dealing with people, smiling at them fakely, coming home, bathing doing your chores, passing time and then going bck to sleep? You wanted something new to happen in your life, which would break this cycle of continuous boredom. Nothing could excite you, at this moment. And your exams were coming up. Teacher's put on total stress on your head about the exams, which was making you more anxious. Most of the revision questions were unnecessary,but some of them, some golden questions will come in the exams. Now, isn't this just great?

But, you had one thing to look forward to....



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