Chapter 5

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⚠️ Mature content. Proceed with caution

In the men's washroom stalls, was a man, a teacher, jerking off.
"Hah~ , ugh.. ngh~ please.. ye-yeah jus-just right-right there! NGH~ AHH!!"
His pleased moans were heard as he hit his climax. This was the first time for him, masturbating, but it did satisfy him at some extent. Who was this man, you ask? Well, he was Makoto Kenta, your gym teacher. No, don't be disgusted! The reason he is going through this phase is because of you.
If only you had not seduced him....
But was he complaining? No.

He liked it

You moved over to the cafeteria, as this was lunch period. Now, where to sit? There were many students asking you to sit with them, but one particular person caught your eye. Luke!
He motioned over to you to leave the cafetaria and follow him. Had Celestia made him her simp too??
That can't be right! Right...?

You followed him to an abandoned classroom. This room consisted of a piano, but no one usually came here. It was rumoured to be haunted.  Following Luke you went into the classroom to see him turn around and lock the door. Suprised at this behaviour, you went towards him, only for him to capture your lips in his, with a passionate essence. It was a long, misleading, delutional kiss. It gave you a sense of lust, which was not appropriate or expected from an angel like him.
You broke the kiss, stared deep into his eyes, to indeed indentify lust. Lust for you.
You said him name, in a questioning tone, as he reciprocated your actions by looking in your eyes, deeply at that.
"I missed you more than I had originally thought I would"
Your eyes widened for a second before you burst out laughing.
Luke followed the suit, laughing with you as if you told him the funniest joke ever.  
"I missed you too, Luke, rather I only missed you"
He stared at you as you looked off in space. You were so easy on the eyes. You didn't apply any heavy makeup, but all of it was your natural beauty. How can someone be so.... beautiful?
He had decided the moment he first met you, that he would protect you from those sinful demons and you, him, together with Simeon would make a whole new world of only you three. But maybe, life had other plans. He had not properly talked to Simeon ever since he found Simeon's love towards Celestia but she knew she wouldn't be able to convince Luke as he always saw through her lies and pretence. It never fooled him.

"Why did you turn like this, Mc?"

He looked at you, when you both were sitting on one of the desks facing a large window, mild sunlight illuminating your features, but the dark clouds present, quickly covered the sun, darkening the whole room.

"Do you know what yin and yang means, Luke?"

"I want you to tell me, dear."


You said, looking at him, locking his eyes with yours.

"I can also be compared to this, Luke. Before, there was no fakeness in my smile. But now, I cannot even decipher between my smiles. Wether it is a fake or a genuine one. I moved on, Luke, but I couldn't at first. So to seem fine to everyone surrounding me, I put up this mask, this façade. But from then, this mask became my reality, Luke. I moved on, forgot the rejection, depression, the torture, the misunderstandings-" you sighed, taking in a deep breath, "- the hate, but I could not erase the memories from my heart. The memories, which portrayed nothing, but happiness, they stung. Like a thousand needles in my heart. I can forget the world, but those memories, the pain they give me even now, I can't even try and forget them. They now haunt me like a nightmare, one which I could never run away from, even if I tried.
Now that I see them again, it comes back all over again, like a tsunami. The situation won't help either.
I'm stuck in a pit of quicksand, Luke, where I'll only sink.
And this was what she wanted....... and she succeeded."

Luke could not believe his ears. He wanted to tear them off. He was left speechless. Seeing that he had nothing to say, you continued.

"Only way for me to survive, was through you, my angel. If you weren't there, or worse, if you too fell in her trap, I would have killed myself-" before you got to finish, Archangel Luke had trapped you in a hug. Your shoulder soon became wet, as he cried onto it. He kept on crying and crying, letting out noises, portraying his feelings.

"I- I'll protect you! I'll never let you be th-that again! You w-will n-never suffer ag-again. I am al-always wit-with you!!" He sobbed and sobbed. You finally hugged him back, threading your hands through his hair, slowly rubbing circles on his scalp in a comforting manner, you said softly, "I am sure, Luke. I'm so sure"

He finally decided to let go of you, showing his face, which was now tear stained, as the angel let out a series of cute hiccups.

Soon the bell rang, causing you to jump. You quickly kissed the angels forehead, and cupped his cheek.
"Meet you later, Luke"
You said before rushing out, leaving the angel alone with his thoughts.

She-She is the cause of her sadness, depression. I...... would torture her to death. But what's the fun in that?

She is surrounded with those sinners right now. That's right! They all are sinners.

But I will wait, wait for the right opportunity. Just you wait Celestia, Karma is gonna come, proclaim her debt.....

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