Season 2: The Prisoner Festival

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♠<||Take me home, home, home,
Give me that pink slip, of permission
This is old, old, old

'm tired of their wishing, I was ditching||>♣

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The Prisoner Festival. Every man, woman and child fear this occasion and to some, it is considered auspicious.
E-eh? You don't know about THE PRISONER Festival? Seriously dude, which rock are you living under in?
Let me tell you.
The tale goes, that once a serial killer who murdered masses of men, by his sword was caught. He was celled on high alert and no one was allowed to visit him. He was called the Devil himself.
The Devil Prisoner...
Many gulliotines were set up to kill him, but as soon as the blade touched his neck, it would break. This man, who committed enormous crimes, could not be killed with a modern device like a gulliotine?
It was then, that the rumours started all around the town that this man, held magic within him, and it was not the will of the God to kill him. As naive as it sounds, he was then released... Nothing could have been done! The authorities put their hands up.

This man was rumoured to kill for revenge. His father was brutally poisoned and stabbed in the head too many times, and was stolen of his heart, same to his wife and his son. Tale says, that when this criminal, once a fine young man, visited his sick father's cottage, he was told that his father and his family was killed by the emperor's orders for they were collectively accused of wrong doings and pick pocketing. Heartbroken, the man had nowhere to go, no relatives known to him, but he knew they were innocent. Furious, he then seeked the help of every being alive, to take revenge, and to destroy everything in the King's empire. Then he set out to make his dream come true. He grew stronger and stronger and now had enough strength to kill a whole army of the king, without breaking a sweat.

He killed and killed, until one night, he was woken up by a source of ignition. He rubbed his eyes, looked at his bloody palms, and then went over to the light source. He finally neared it, on top of a plateau, with no civilization to be seen. There sat an entity, plucking flowers. The most shocking thing about it was that it was a glowing figure of a man.

" You finally came to see me, [Redacted]"


"Attain enlightenment, my son-" the father said now touching his son's wet cheeks "-be responsible for your wrongs, and die peacefully to finally fulfil your heart's desire, and join me in paradise, forever" but the moment the man went to touch his father's soul's cheek, the soul vanished.
This took the tape of revenge off of the man's eyes, for now he could see the difference between wrongs and rights. The very next moment, he packed up all his belongings, and started towards the Palace of the King. He encountered several guards, knights and soldiers who, upon recognising him, turned away their heads shuddering in fear. This just deepened the man's guilt. Next moment, he was standing in front of the Royals, bent down and seeking for death. The astonished King sat up, by this sudden request and that too from the killer of a millionth of men and women.
After a long trail of thought and the peering look of guilt and shame in his eyes, the King decided his day of execution. It was no ordinary day, for the King wanted the man to be remembered for his redemption forever.
This day was then termed as the Festival of the Prisoner.

The man was then, finally released from his physical body, by a knight, who was about to be met with retirement.

People rejoiced and so did the heavens. The men and women hurdled up to the dead body of the redeemer and legend says the he himself was buried by the king.

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The day has come to enjoy the legacy once more, Mc, and you will be responsible of releasing a suffering soul, from his/her body. Embrace yourself... for the good

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