[S2] |•2•|

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"Simeon..? What are you doing standing outside my science classroom?"

"I ne-need to tell you something!"


You lay wide awake on your bed. It was drizzling outside, which had always helped you get a good night's sleep. But maybe tonight was different. How many times, you wanted to fall asleep, the picture of a broken down Mammon always slided in front of your eyes. Was this her plan all along? Have the group wrapped along her finger and then break them all one-by-one? No. You can't let that happen. Not in a million years. Your mind and your heart refused to be a bystander and witness her win. She took everything from you, by now was her time to pay.
You are going to win them all over again. How, you didn't know. But, if you didn't take any action now, you knew, that it would be too late to regret. Afterall, the tiresome job of bringing the brothers together was on stake now. And you didn't do that for nothing!

Time for sweet, sweet revenge

You would not steep as low as her and sell your morals. You would do anything but that. So, you started constructing a plan. You already had Luke and maybe Mammon and Beel, but you can only depend on Luke for now. Carefully, you will observe how the two aforementioned demon brothers acted around you, and then decide wether to lean on them or not.

You just need to be wise enough to handle this.


Mammon laid down on his shared bunk bed, looking out the window to the moon. His mind replayed the events of the day. He had avoided Celestia all day long, no longer feeling the sensation of warmth or safety from her. The events which took place today, made him realise how much he didn't know about Celestia. How much there was to know about her. Was she even legit when she gave him all the love in the world? Was she feeling what he felt when she rejected him? What about when he broke down?
When he had felt arms wrapping around his torso and a familiar humming, he was quite unsure of who it was. Seeing you he broke in a panic, and had thrashed around. But how well you handled him. How well you held him. You face bore through his mind like some sick plague, but it wasn't bad at all.


Weekends were always joyful, especially, when preparations of any festival were seen. People bustled the streets and grounds in rush hour, but would return home as soon as night fell and the moon started to loom over their shoulders. They were always filled with joy and happiness as they would set up their stalls to serve customers or manage the whole area. In one such office, sat a buff male, not a day older than 17, drinking a very light brownish tea. He sighed heartily as a leaf from the nearby sakura tree, came inside through the window. He had dark circles around his vine yellow eyes, and his glasses were resting on the table. He was wearing a very handsome suit, which called for nothing big rich. Wind blowed in the room, swaying his Auburn hair. He sighed again, put his teacup down, and went to work again.

To be continued....

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