[S2] |•12•|

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Beelzebub continued growling lowly as he turned around and met face to face with your original partner, Kyokai Matsuo.

His shoulder were shaking from fury but the boy held it in, and pushed Beelzebub aside as he confronted Sakeshi.

"I'm sorry Sir. I went in for a washroom break just a few minutes ago. I personally asked Mr. Benjamin to offer my partner help till I come back" he said, but you felt that he was doing this for the long run.

No way did he know Beelzebub to pull him out of such a mess. He was upto something. Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed the hand which was placed on Beelzebub's shoulder had a strong built grip. His knuckles were turning white from the pressure as he grasped his shoulder. The rage was clearly evident in his eyes and your eyes narrowed on his trembling smile, as if trying hard not to shout or cuss.

Sakeshi nodded firmly and turned towards you. "Captain, wasn't it your responsibility to inform me of this before hand?" His red, gleaming eye narrowed at your form, the other filled with malice.

You nodded, but stayed quiet. Looking at his face grew increasingly difficult as his eyes stared back at you, seemingly boring holes in your sense of rationality.

He let out a sigh, and placed his hands behind his back. "I'll forgive you three thus time but if this is ever repeated, I'll make sure to do you all right" he turned around and stormed out of the class.

With just a few minutes to spare, the students also trickled out of the class, leaving the three of you alone.

"You..." Kyokai shot, prodding a finger in Beelzebub's chest, said with fury. "Keep yourself to your partner. Don't meddle with our business"

Beel let out a laugh. "Funny, isn't it? Before you, I was her only!" He said, looking down at Kyokai, folding his hands on his chest and bringing over a confident tone, and a rather mocking aura, which was too unusual for him.

"You both.." fed up with this childish brawl, you steeped in between them and faced beel. "Benjamin, I suppose you have not learned your lesson yet. I suggest you to keep looking up your affairs and don't meddle with mine, unless I allow you too. If this repeats ever again..."

"So?" He said, pulling your arm closer to him, as a result pulling you closer.

"OI! YOU MUSCLE-HEAD" Kyokai shouted pulling you back. Beel just laughed at the interaction and went out of the class.

You turned to Kyokai, holding your now bruised wrist, displaying an unreadable emotion. You whispered a quiet appreciation and went out of the class yourself.

Just so you know, let me in you on a secret. Sakeshi Tomurou watched the whole interaction, his eyes gleaming with an unexplainable emotion. He had to move more in the shadows when he watched you leaving, so as to not reveal himself.

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Kyokai stormed home that day, his face red with fury and thoughts of murdering someone to release him of this anger. He walked towards his parked car and started driving away from the school to his residence.

His anger had melted away during the ride to home. Maybe it was the pleasant scenery or maybe the music blaring through the system which helped him warm down. He opened the door to his abode, yelled a quick "I'm home" and chuckled at his silliness. Whi exactly was he telling this? No one lived in this big house other than himself. All alone, in a house.

He went straight to his room, put his bag away and took a quick shower remembering the events of the day. He was not the best in anger management and he didn't try to hold anything in. With the slightest flick of irritation, all of his stored fury would be bestowed upon the person. How funny.

The rich boy has everything but still resides in loneliness. He may just have the riches to buy things that give him happiness, but what use are they of, when he doesn't have anyone to share that kind of happiness with? A fear, imprinted on the rich boy's mind. A fear of vulnerability. A fear, of getting connected, being used. His house is not, and can never be, a home. 

He came out of the shower, going through the wardrobe to get himself some clothes, when he heard the knock reverberating through the silent halls of the house. He shouted a quick "coming!" and stormed to greet the guest. His soft feet made sounds as he ran to the door barefoot, a jolt of hope in his heart.

He took no time to open the door, but when he did, he stood there for hours, contemplating.

There stood a lone package on his doorstep. A pang of disappointment raised like a tidal wave in his heart, but he pushed it down.

He picked the package, looked around his house for a little, and carried the package to his home.

To : Kyokai Matsuo
From : Makoto Suishin

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