[S2] |•11•|

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"So, students, that's how you make strawberry cupcakes!" Mr. Sakeshi concluded his recipe by placing half a strawberry on top of the delicious looking cupcake, placing a doll-up of pink icing on the side of the cupcake, and setting the other half there.

"Did you all catch the process?" He asked, beaming, looking rather pleased with his creation. As he should!

The strawberry cupcake was mouth watering, but the partner you had, had no desire of making it. He scoffed and turned away, and out of the class. You sighed, this was sure going to take a lot of time making it by yourself.

The lecture still had another 45 minutes to come to an end, and for you to be able to go home. But, you had a bias for this class. It was relaxing and Mr. Sakeshi did know how to have all the attention on him and make it fun for himself as well as the others. Quite frankly, you were excited to make these cupcakes.

Maybe, if they turned out good, you can give them to Hitachi Shinsou next time you meet him. Yeah! That's a good idea!

And, so you began crafting them. Turns out, they were not as easy to make as Mr. Sakeshi made them to look. Kneading the dough was a job for big hands. It was a couple job, but you were doing it alone, because your partner had stormed out of the class.

You felt the rate of kneading faster and broke away from your thoughts. 'Hm?' You looked at the dough and spotted another pair of hands helping you with it.

You looked up to the owner of the hands and saw the beaming face of...


He gently took the dough from your hands and rolled up his sleeves. You looked at him silently, with a poker face as he started kneading, his forearms on display as he got the job done bit by bit. He was working the dough, and then turned to you and smiled.

"A long time, no?" He said exhaling loudly and turned to face the dough, his eyes dulling each second.

"Mhm. Sure.." you said softly, and looked at the cooking recipe as to what came next.

"What do you want, Beelzebub?" You asked suddenly with a rough tone. He tensed at the full name, as you had always called him Beel.

"I..I wanted to help you, and make things better between us, atleast..." he said, rubbing his arm with his hand and averting his gaze.

"I missed you..." deflating at the sudden hardness. "You left so suddenly..."

At this sentence, you felt your wrists balling and a vein popping in your forehead as your teeth clenched together. You wanted to shut him up with what you had been through but you did not have the time nor the energy to deal with him.

"You should go back to Solomon." Your voice cut in the thick, awkward silence while you collected the required ingredients from the pantry. "Oh! He didn't come today! He doesn't exactly like this class~!" He boomed with laughter, catching the attention of other students as well as the teacher who stared intently at him. He looked over at your workspace with him heterochromia eyes and narrowed them at Beelzebub.

You hit him on the arm to stop him from laughing. He looked at you surprised but looking at your expression, slumped his shoulders. "Where's your love, hm~?" You trailed, cringing at his nickname for Celestia.

"My love is right here, talking to me. "

!! DING !!

!! DING !!

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