Chapter 7

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"I'm getting sick of these aknowledgies from people with priorities,
as their life matters so much more then mine...."

How did you land in this situation again? Sitting in the seat right behind you was Morningstar, and in front of you, was a rip-off discount version of him. But, it wasn't bad per say.
As you might have guessed, it was now time for your English class, with none other than the new teacher, Reinhart Opiere, the 2nd copy of Lucifer. Dammit
To make things worse, if not already, the one-and-only Morningstar was sitting in the seat behind you, and the Mary Sue heroine, Celestia Parkerson was sitting next to him. You could literally feel his crimson black eyes, bore through your skull in all negetive emotions that a demon could possibly feel.
Now feeling drowsy, you started to pay attention to Reinhart, for you did not want bad grades in his subject and make a bad impression on him. Even though his gaze on you and Lucifer or Lorence, was Calculative, he was indeed paying more attention in Lucifer's direction, trying to mentally decode the reason of him, staring at your head with such disgrace. What are his intentions?
Then his grey eyes then shifted to your form,who was staring at the board, almost robotically, not looking too comfortable. Having founded out the reason of your discomfort, he called out to Lorence.

"Mr. Lorence, can you please occupy the seat next to my table. It looks empty whenever I look at it.."

Reinhart Opiere was not a fool to fiddle with people or finger in their personal matters. He was Calculative, manipulative and decieveing. But never once would he play with someone's comfort or put his brain into people not worth his time. This man was a red flag but, he knew how to respect other people's standards and set boundaries. He knew that the best way to get into the good books of a person, is to make him/her comfortable in their presence. He was trying to do the same. He was trying to make you feel comfortable and warm in his presence, so that he could get beneath this façade of yours, discover the true you, and fall in love with you. He was ready, amd was expecting everyone connected to you, to be ready too.

Whatever happens, I will uncover your mask, Ms. Mc....

The perfectly flawless but malicious sadist. The mighty first-born.

This behaviour, was it always there in you? Wondered the first-born. Lucifer, never in your stay in Devildom found reading you so hard and difficult, that it was mostly impossible to him now. Usually, he could read anyone like an open book, including the past you. But now, it was like you put up a barrier between him and your thoughts. What changed now? As this teacher, called him out, he felt his ego shatter like a fragile price of glass. That is what they say,
The egoistic the man, the smaller his ego
This was the case. He could destroy this pathetic excuse of a human in mere seconds and feed him to Cerberus. Unfortunately, he could not do the same to you. Cerberus was a loyal little puppy to you. He would never harm you intentionally. Even if his master wanted him to. If the fact changed, you would have been such a good meal for him to chomp on.
Anyways, with him sitting in the front now, you could feel your nerves calm down, and you could focus more on what Reinhart was teaching you.

Celestia on the other hand was paying attention to Reinhart only to make him notice her. She was shamelessly letting her eyes travel down his torso, and blush at the thought of the feeling of his skin against hers. Such a shameless whore.
The class went well and it was time for departure.

You were sitting down at the cherry blossom trees, one of the hanging spots of students and the teacher's alike. The trees were in full bloom, and I tell you, it is the most calming sight ever. You were sitting down at the foot of one of such trees, drinking a can of (favorite drink) from the vending machines and reading a book you recently got from the library. Your mother used to come home late, given enough time to hang around an hour or so in the school.
Sometimes doing the School Council work or sometimes just pondering about, lost in your thoughts.
The sky got cloudy again, and soon, you felt a raindrop on your nose. You smiled at the sensation, but decided it was time to go back to home now, and not linger around any longer.
You took an umbrella from the School's emergency Umbrella Stand, and started your journey down the road. Within mere minutes, you reached the Train Station. You then took a train back to your Apartment Complex.


Now all freshed up, you were lazing down on the couch, starting to doze off from the day's events. It was genuinely a lot to take in for just one day. The feelings pented up inside you, were now dead. It was like a new type of freedom, but you felt in the clutches of chains of old times. It would be then , you believed, when you break through these clutches, you would be able to lead a normal life again, without any mask of Anger, Hatred, Loneliness, or Destruction. But, here you were. Now starting to doze off, and immediately pulled back to consciousness from the ring of the doorbell.
Tch, what a pain

After collecting all her thoughts, she got down from the couch and started towards the door.

Outside, an albino male could see the doorknob of his new neighbour turn, as he and his brothers firmly held on to the presents.

You opened the door and immediately regretted it.....


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