[S1] |•1•|

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A disappointed sigh left Lucifer as you failed to show up on time for dinner, second time in a row.

"Mammon-" Morningstar began
"Go call Mc. She is late for dinner."

Mammon disagreed but was quick to change his mind when Lucifer glared at him.

"Ya ya I'm goin', don' glare at me like that" he spoke spooked.

At some point of time, the whole table heard Mammon yell from MC's room. They were quick to shrug it off
as a thrown tantrum. But that changed when Mammon came in with a piece of paper in his hands.
"I foun' this from her room, and she was nowhere ter be seen"

They gathered around the letter and only Beel had the courage to actually read it out loud.

I, Mc, on my own accord leave Devildom, never to come back.
Demons beware, if you try to search for me, I would again vanish like thin air. Treat Celestia with utmost respect and love unlike you treated me.
- Mc

So focused on the letter, they failed to notice Celestia's victorious smirk. Even if they did notice, they would make thin of it and focus on degrading Mc for things, she had not even done.

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"Mom!" A girl whined, with a smile on her face, rather fake but still present on her gorgeous face.

"Wake up, young lady. You are the School Captain! You can't miss any school days!"

Her mother tried to reason with her.

Indeed the mother knew of her smiled disguise, but never questioned it. She was proud nonetheless, that her daughter achieved such a high rank in her school, in such a low time. In merely 8 months of joining, Mc became everyone's favorite. Everyone in School refered to her as 'Captain'.

Now let's talk about her physical appearance. Her beauty can be compared to that to the godess of beauty.
Slender curves, perfect thighs, (big/medium/small) bust with a striking beauty had its own prowess.

She was easily the most loved student in the whole school, but no one knew a single detail about her.
Her façade was well hidden within the depths of her heart.

Right now, our protagonist was getting ready to dash off to the school. When she looked in the mirror, all memories of the demons came flooding on like a huge wave, one could easily drown in. But, Mc, have had gotten over everything, so that never mattered anyways. Even if it did, she would just shrug it off like a bad dream, owing to the loss of a full year and a half at that tainted place, amoung those tainted souls.

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Reaching school, she went straight to the Principle's office as he had informed her to.

Beyond the door, a soft knock could be heard by the principle. "Come in!" He spoke with his signature gruff voice, one you had gotten used to pretty early.

The door opened to revel you as you came in and softly plumped down on the couch across from the principle.

"Ms. L/n, thank you for coming. There are a few pieces of information for you. Firstly, a number of new staff is joining the school and would start their first day on Monday, as it is Wednesday today. Our former P.E. Coach has retired and wishes to spend more time with his family. As for your literature teacher, she is transferred to another branch of our school. Our Home Economics teacher, Ms. Matsu has also signed off because of the noise children make in her class, giving her a severe migrane. Therefore, I will pass you the work to take care of these new teachers with the best of your abilities, as we are short on staff."

He said, making you nod for him to continue.

"Secondly, there are some new comers, who would start the school from Monday as well. They seem to be together or atleast be acquainted to each other, so please pay attention to them as well. Nonetheless, they were sketchy. About the new admissions, I will personally talk to you on Tuesday, as of now, please take care of the new staff. I must take a report of the students myself, and see if they are worthy to stay in the school or not. That's all, now you may take your leave."

"Yes sir." Was the only thing you could mutter at the moment.

Who knew, life for you, would be extra generous....

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Classes commenced as usual, but one thing lingered on the mind of Captain. Who were these new admissions and how would they affect her life? Will they bring about any changes, or would life continue as normal. Whatever the case, she thought, she would never let her masked façade down, because if she did, it could be GAME OVER for her.

As her class ended, she saw a girl, who was curled up in a ball, knees to her chest and blood marks lingering all over her body. Memories flooded back to Mc, after the case with Arialph, but she changed as of now. She rushed over the girl, who hesitant at first, but warmed up, accepted her hand. "Captain..." she began, eyes brimming with tears, "I hate myself, now" she spoke with disgust in her eyes, which was the same emotion Mc felt years ago.




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Shoutout to HundredEcilpse for being a huge supporter.



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