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MONDAY CAME BY QUICKLY for Mc, as she was walking towards her Captain cabinets, in the secluded location of the Student Council, to wait for the new teachers and students, as the principle had to go run an important errand. Upon reaching, she opened the door, set everything up, and waited for the new people to come.

"Yes, we indeed are new, Sir. May we meet up with the principle?" Asked a very formal voice of Barbatos, as he, his master, the brothers with Celestia and the Purgatory hall, stood at the entrance of the school. The person helping them out, cringed at the usage of the word 'sir'.

"Actually, the Principle is not available today. But, I can take you lot to Captain's cabinet and she can take you around! Yeah, that would be nice! So, follow me!" They nodded and followed the human to this 'Captain's' cabinet.
"Lucifer, it seems that Captain is a respected person around here, don't you think?"
"Yes it appears so, Lord Diavolo, I myself am interested in meeting this person".
However, Celestia did not like this idea, for numerous reasons, we better not tell.

On the other side, four men came flooding into your cabin, as you were sitting there, flipping the pages of a novel. Instantly, you put on a fake smile, welcoming them.
"Welcome, sirs, welcome to our humble school!" You said, genuine excitement hidden under your fake smile.
3 nodded, but 1 stayed still, looking nervous.
'maybe his first time' you thought.
Now, that you looked them closely, they were extremely handsome and well built. They seemed young too.
You decided to quickly go on with the introductions.
"My name is MC (last name), you may call me either. I am the school captain, and you may hear students often refer to me as Captain. However, I'm still a student, not the final authority. So it makes it my job, to assist you and respect you all to the best of my abilities. And, I always fulfill my duties.
Enough of that, please introduce yourselves!"
You said, happy to know more people. They were so tall, they made you feel a short weakling in front of them. They could easily overpower you, but that was not the case. Both mentally and physically, you could defeat them, but when time comes.

"My name is Sakeshi Tomurou. I am here in the post of Home Ecs teacher. A pleasure to meet you, Captain" spoke a man with hietrochromatic eyes. One black and one blood red. His long waist length hair was the color of a dark night, tied in a messy bun. Face sharp, his eyes held some warmth as he smiled at you. He had seemingly unhealthy, milk white skin, which suited his appearance. You drank in his appearance for a second, before taking your eyes away from his lean figure, failing to notice a barely noticeable pink tint on his cheeks. 'what a cute girl' he thought.

"I'm Makoto Kenta, here as the PE coach. I must say, I am quite enjoying here." The next man said, looking around, giving you a chance to analyse him. He had raven hair, reaching the nape of his neck, his eyes an enchanting yellow, and his skin tan. He was well built and fit for the job, but what interested you most was the big scar on his neck. "Thankyou" you nodded, before taking your eyes away from him. He too blushed as he saw your profile,

"Reinhart Opiere. Pleasure to meet you. I am the new literature teacher." He spoke with a cold voice and his eyes where sharp, staring in yours. You chose to reciprocate the action, but with a smile. As he observed you, you took in his appearance. Your eyes slightly widened, when you saw him almost look like Lucifer. His hairstyle was just like him, hair almost the same shade. His silver eyes sharp, as was his jaw. You knew instantly that being around him too much, would bring out the real you, which you have hidden away for so long, that there was no going back now. It would be your absolute end. Little did you know, you already caught his interest, with that fake smile of yours. He was quite observant in noticing the fraction of your eyes widen. He wondered what about him made you react like that. He smirked internally, seeing through you, almost immediately. 'This would be fun' he thought.

"Avon Locke, here as a substitute." his smooth voice drawed out to you. You turned to look at this man, who had a scar on his forehead. His brown locks hovered over it, but not enough to shadow it. Eyes a dull green, held desires, hidden away which you knew quite well. After all, you stayed with the demon of lust. Not overthinking it, you nodded, smiling "why thankyou, but I must say, we should go on with the tour, if you all got the introductions of your co workers. So let's take a tour around the school." You turned your back to them, and they immediately glared at each other. You just shrugged and smirked.

They began to follow behind you, as you turned to the door, and reached for the handle. Opening it, you heard a voice. "Oh, Captain! I was just coming in. BTW, they are new students." You lifted your head up, only to be met with a pair of widened golden orbs looking at your figure. There were multiple such widened eyes, around him. Your gaze immediately sharpened at them. You would recognise them even in the darkest of all nights. Only one thought ran in their mind


Your mind was blank, staring at them, made you think of one thing,

You. What are you all doing here?

You looked back at the floor, you and the teachers where perfectly inside the room, while those intruders stood outside and mustering a smile, for you, got hard. You failed to notice the glare the new teachers gave to the new students, who looked at you with familiarity and questions. Only one of them blushed furiously on the sight of the teachers. Celestia, shamelessly stared at every one of the four teachers, and only putrid thoughts ran in her mind.

Oh? What do we have here? Mc with four hot men? Nevermind, I will get them all.

No one was happy to see you, other than Luke, but he could not show it. It would get him and you in trouble.

Their eyes widened again, when you lifted your face, a beaming smile directed to the student who brought them here. "Thankyou, Yoshi. You made my job easier" to which the said boy immediately blushed and nodded. "And to you all, Welcome to your new school!"


A/n: Credits to the artist for the above pictures.
None of them belong to me, other than the art of Sakeshi Tomurou
(I made it myself, btw)

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