First Panic Attack

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Techno suddenly felt tears in his eyes but he didn't know why. "I-" he managed to choke out before his voice cracked. "Are you ok?" Phil asked. Techno nodded, clearing his voice. "Ok, just so you know, over there is my room" Phil said, pointing at a random door. "And in the middle of both this room and my room is Tommy's room" Phil said. *So there are 3 so far* Techno kept count. "Actually, would you like to go meet Tommy?" Phil asked. "O-ok" Techno said quietly, feeling like he had no choice. Phil smiled at him before walking to Tommy's door and knocking. *Why is he knocking?* Techno thought, quite confused. "Yes?!" He suddenly heard, bringing him back. "Tommy I would like you to meet someone" Phil called out, making Techno jump slightly but nobody seemed to notice.

"Who?" He heard, suddenly making eye contact with a boy slightly younger than him, around the age of 13-14. He had a white and red hoodie on with dark blue jeans, he also had fluffy yet messy blonde hair. "Tommy this is Techno, Techno this is Tommy" Phil introduced, "Techno will be staying with us until we can get him to a safe place to stay" he finished his sentence. "Hi?" Tommy said confusedly. "H-hi" Techno said back, staring at the walls and floor. "Ok then, who actually are you?" Tommy asked. Techno felt his heart drop, *here comes the questions* he thought. "I-" *why can't I talk god damn it* he thought as he started to become annoyed with himself. "It's alright, maybe let's do questions later, yeah?" Phil suddenly said, breaking the awkward silence. "Ok? Nice to meet you I guess" Tommy shrugged. "Y-yeah" Techno said back, feeling and sounding awkward as Tommy went back into his room before closing the door behind him.

"Well that was Tommy, he didn't get much sleep last night so he's less chaotic today" Phil said, "anyway, that's basically it, I'll leave you to roam around, food will be ready later but in the meantime, you could maybe have a nice warm shower to help calm your nerves?" He smiled at him. "O-ok, thank you s-so much" Techno said, still unable to look at him. "It's no problem at all, go do whatever you want" Phil said, giving a final smile to him before walking downstairs, leaving Techno stranded in the middle of the corridor. *A shower does sound nice round about now* he thought, grabbing his bag before walking into the bathroom that was at the end of the hall, seeing there was a lock on the door. *Good to know* he thought before closing and locking the door, seeing towels already set out as he put his bag down in front of a cabinet on the floor before going over to the shower.

He turned a knob, *nothing* he thought before turning the one next to it. Watching as his arm got soaked, *that's clearly how you turn it on* he laughed to himself. He got undressed before going into the shower, it was a perfect temperature. He sighed, *how the fuck did I get here* he thought, smiling as he started washing his hair, hoping the family wouldn't notice he had used their products. He sped ran the shower before getting out and getting changed, wrapping his hair up in a towel. He was now wearing a long-sleeved t-shirt since it wasn't that cold with an extra pair of black jeans and socks. *Cool* he thought, quickly drying his hair before putting it in a messy bun, not caring how he looked. He put all his other clothes back into his bag before walking out and going to his shared bedroom, seeing Wilbur sat on his bed with a guitar in hand, he looked frustrated.

"Oh hi, don't mind me" Wilbur said, looking up at him before looking back down at a piece of paper. Techno didn't say anything as he slowly walked into the room before putting his bag down on his bed and sitting next to his bag. "How are you?" Wilbur asked, strumming his guitar once before stopping, "doesn't sound right" he said to himself even though Techno heard him. "I-I'm ok" Techno said hesitantly. "Make yourself at home, we're all nice here don't worry, except for Tommy, he can be quite loud and annoying most times but if you just ignore him then he'll eventually give up" Wilbur said. "O-ok" Techno stuttered, awkward silence following before Wilbur broke it. "I'm trying to write a new song by the way but the guitar doesn't sound right so I apologise if I start getting angry" he said. "I-it's fine" Techno stuttered nervously before hearing a loud voice yell from downstairs, making him jump. "LUNCH IS READY!" Someone had yelled. "That's dad, well- Phil. You hungry?" Wilbur asked him, putting his guitar down for a second. "N-not really" Techno said.

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