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Techno was slowly woken by Wilbur gently shaking him. "Phil said you guys watched a film and you fell asleep right at the end" Wilbur laughed quietly. "Oh, I-is he mad?" Techno asked, his voice already shaky as he stretched. "No he's not mad don't worry, no one is" Wilbur said before hearing a loud angry groan come from Tommys room. "Apart from Tommy apparently, I'll go check that out, Phil's in the kitchen if you need him and I'll obviously be in Tommys room" Wilbur smiled before leaving to Tommy. Techno slowly stood up, his body felt weak, he needed something to eat and drink after not having any of that for almost 2 days. He slowly walked into the kitchen, completely forgetting about Phil.

"Hiya mate, did you have a good sleep?" Phil smiled at him. "Y-yes, sorry for falling asleep, I-I promise I won't do it again" Techno said, his voice getting quieter and quieter. "Oh no it's completely fine don't worry, you're alright, did you need something?" Phil asked. "J-just some water if that's ok?" Techno said quietly. "Yeah I'll get that for you" Phil said, filling up a glass of water before handing it to Techno. Techno took it, making sure not to spill any of it as he quickly drank it all. "W-where should I put this?" He asked as Phil turned to look at him. "Just put it near the sink, do you need anything else?" Phil asked. Techno shook his head as he gently placed the glass next to the sink. "I-I'm gonna go upstairs" he said shakily. "Ok, are you ok mate? You're a bit shaky" Phil said, turning away from what he was doing to look at Techno, his hands were fiddling with his clothing and he looked nervous. "S-sorry yeah I'm fine" Techno laughed nervously before going upstairs.

"Tell me if any of them bother you again ok? They're all in my year so it's fine" Wilbur suddenly said, slowly walking backwards out the room. "Will do, thanks" Tommy said with a small smile. "No problem, now go play minecraft or whatever" Wilbur laughed before closing the door and looking at Techno. "Oh hi, I didn't notice you there" he smiled at him. "S-sorry" Techno apologised, not looking at him. "It's fine, are you ok?" Wilbur asked him. "Y-yes yeah" Techno quickly said. "You sure? You hands are shaking" Wilbur pointed out, "the fidget thing is on your bed if you need it". Techno nodded, "thanks" he said quietly before going into their bedroom and over to his bed, sitting down and crossing his legs before grabbing the fidget and playing with it. He suddenly closed his eyes in pain as the voices all of a sudden perked up, *"EAT" "we're gonna panic I can feel it" "grab the blade" "Wilbur" "E" "Tommy" "Don't trust them" "Trust them"*. Techno was very easily overwhelmed by them all as he let them all take control of his hearing, meaning he couldn't hear anything other than the voices.

He suddenly felt someone tap his arm as he opened his eyes and saw Wilbur sitting down in front of him. "Are you alright? You kinda zoned out a bit too much that you didn't hear me" Wilbur said slightly worried. "O-oh, sorry, y-yeah" Techno stuttered, feeling like he was about to panic as it started to feel like there was a weight on his chest, making it hard to breathe. "You sure?" Wilbur said, clear concern in his voice this time. Techno nodded, knowing if he were to talk that he would just stutter. "Ok but please tell me if somethings wrong because I can help" Wilbur smiled, Techno nodded. *Should I tell him? WHAT- NO OF CAUSE NOT IDIOT?!* he thought as the panicking started becoming worse. "Hey, Techno" Wilbur said as they both suddenly looked at each other before Techno looked away. "Sorry by the way if I'm treating you like we have known each other forever, it's just that I want to help you" Wilbur said with a small smile. "B-but why? W-why didn't you just
l-leave me on the street?" Techno asked shakily.

"I don't like seeing people hurt or alone so I want to help people and try to get them out of something if they're in a dark place" Wilbur explained. "Oh, ok" Techno said quietly. "Your breathing is getting faster, another panic attack?" Wilbur asked calmly as Techno slowly nodded. "Ok, it's alright, you're completely fine don't worry, do you know anything that helps?" He asked more. Techno shrugged as he heard a sudden ringing in his ear, making his eyes squint slightly. "Do hugs help?" Wilbur asked. Techno slowly nodded as Wilbur opened his arms with an 'it's ok' smile. Techno slowly leaned into the hug, feeling Wilbur hold him like he had, it felt nice, he felt safe again. "It's alright, try and relax as much as you can, do you know what caused the panic attack?" Wilbur asked. "I-I can't tell you" Techno stuttered, knowing it was the voices. "Ok, that's fine. It's alright now, you're completely fine, try and relax and breathe, deep breaths, it's obviously easier said than done but still" Wilbur smiled as he slowly rubbed Technos back to help.

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