Beach Day! pt.2

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"Here let me hold the ice creams so you can wipe your eyes" Techno said as Tommy handed the ice creams over to him before wiping his eyes with a sniffle. "Does your head hurt?" Techno asked. "A-a tiny bit but it's fine" Tommy answered as he started to calm down. "Ok, you'll be alright, after the ice creams do you wanna have a talk with me in private whilst we make sandcastles?" Techno asked as he handed the ice creams back. Tommy hesitated for a second before nodding, "just as long as you don't tell anyone". "I swear I won't tell anyone" Techno said with a reassuring smile before standing up straight. "Come on you'll be alright I promise, let's go serve the ice cream to the customers" Techno smiled as Tommy smiled back before they both walked side by side down to the spot. "Now you have to put on a fancy accent as you hand it to them ok?" Techno said. "Yeah but wait, give me both of theirs I wanna do it or do you want to?" Tommy asked. "Go ahead, here" Techno smiled as he took Tommy's ice cream before handing Tommy Phil's.

Techno followed slightly behind Tommy before they both got to Phil. "Here is your ice cream sir" Tommy said in a fancy accent. "Thank you" Phil laughed as he put his book down and took the ice cream from Tommy. "Moving on to the last one, this one's a bit of a weird one so we might have to be careful" Tommy joked, making Phil and Techno laugh before he and Techno went over to Wilbur. "Here's your ice cream qUiKeD uP WhiTe BoY" Tommy said, keeping the accent but also mixing it up a bit. "Why thank you very much gReMLin" Wilbur said back as Tommy gave him his ice cream. "I like the nicknames" Techno laughed as Tommy sat down. "Your ice cream" he said, following the accent trend as he gave Tommy his ice cream. "Oh yeah!" Tommy laughed, forgetting about his own ice cream.

"Is it alright if I go sit with Phil?" Techno asked, wanting to spend time with all of them equally. "Yeah of cause go ahead" Wilbur smiled. "Techno!" Tommy yelled, giving him the look that said 'remember'. Techno nodded before smiling and walking away with his own ice cream already in hand. "Hi Phil" he said as he sat down on the empty sun bed on the other side of the umbrella. "Hiya mate, how is it all so far?" Phil asked, putting his book down before handing Techno a towel so he wouldn't get cold. "I feel free if that even makes sense, and it smells nice" Techno smiled. "It does make sense don't worry and the smell is the salt mixing with the ocean water" Phil smiled back. "Oh, that's actually kinda cool" Techno smiled, licking his ice cream every now and then. "Yeah?" Phil laughed, doing the same.

"When the sun starts to set, Wilbur will play one of his chill songs then after about 3 of those, we'll all get food then go to the arcade for a bit then head home, sound good?" Phil said. "What's an arcade? Wilbur said that before I think" Techno said, "well no I know what one is but what does it look like on the inside? And what do you do? I've clearly never been to one" he laughed nervously. "Oh you'll have a great time, there are all different kinds of things you can do there" Phil said as he explained everything you can do in an arcade, including the 2p machines, the random games that are splatted everywhere and the cool lights and music. Techno suddenly felt tears in his eyes except they weren't bad tears because he felt happy, *why am I crying?* he wondered. "Aww mate" Phil smiled. "S-sorry I don't know why I'm crying" Techno laughed nervously. "It's happy tears, you're happy, that's good" Phil smiled more. "T-thank you for everything, you-you could've just kicked me out but for some reason you didn't, thank you" Techno smiled, laughing every now and then.

"It's no problem at all seriously! Now look at you, thriving at the beach with ice cream" Phil laughed. "Yeah" Techno smiled back. They all soon finished their ice creams as he looked over at Tommy, he was smiling but something felt off now that Techno knew and saw what had happened. "I'm gonna go over to them, have fun reading" he smiled at Phil before getting up and waving. "Alright mate have fun!" Phil waved back before picking his book back up.

Techno watched as Tommy got up and met with him halfway whilst Wilbur went over to Phil. "Can we" Tommy said before sighing. "Talk?" Techno said, finishing his sentence as Tommy nodded. "Of cause we can, where do you wanna go?" he asked. "Can we go back over there?" Tommy asked, he seemed on edge. "Yeah sure, come on" Techno smiled at him before following him back over to the many sandcastles and sitting down. "Promise you won't tell anyone". "Wanna pinky promise again?" Techno asked, "we both know you can't break them". Tommy nodded as they both linked pinky's again before separating. "Ok so the guys at the shop, they're at this beach every single time we come here and I don't get how or why- doesn't matter, they always follow me to the shop and shove me around and sometimes hit me and pull my hair. The guys, not the same ones, but the guys at school do it too, yes they bully other people too but it hurts" Tommy instantly started explaining whilst building a sandcastle to keep his hands occupied.

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