Flashbacks in Sleep

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Wilbur had woken up but not by the rain this time. He heard loud rapid breathing and little words come from Techno every now and then. "Techno" he whispered as he quickly went over to him, seeing his eye brows furrowed and his chest was rising and falling fast. "Techno" he whispered again before gently shaking his shoulders. "AH" Techno yelled, shooting up as he instantly looked around the room before seeing Wil. "It's ok it's alright" Wilbur quickly said as he sat down on the edge of the bed in front of Techno. "H-he's here he's here he's here" Techno repeated quietly to himself as he shut his eyes tightly before bringing his knees up to his chest and grabbing fist fulls of his hair. "Techno hey" Wilbur whispered to him. Techno ignored him as he relived his nightmare over and over again before he felt Wilbur very gently shake him again in a patient way.

"Techno look at me" he heard as he slowly opened his eyes before looking at Wilbur. "It's alright, I don't know what happened but everything's ok, I'm right here for you, you're safe I promise" Wilbur reassured him. "I-I'm sorry I-it happened a-again it keeps
h-happening and I d-don't know how to s-stop it" Techno stuttered, closing his eyes again as tears started streaming down his face and his hands shook violently at the sides of his head. "It's not your fault" Wilbur said calmly before repeating it again, "it's not your fault". Techno couldn't hold anything in, he was panicking very badly and wasn't able to take control over anything, not helping at all. Wilbur then thought of something that may help as he crawled onto Technos bed so he was sitting in front of him and gently cupped his face in both hands. "If you feel uncomfortable with me doing this then please tell me, I won't be mad or anything close to that" Wilbur said as they both made eye contact.

"I-I'm so sorry p-please don't hate me" Techno cried quietly, having mixed feelings about Wilbur's hands on his face, he found it very comforting yet slightly scary. "No one hates you, not me, not Tommy, not Phil, not anyone, you're completely ok here I promise, you're safe, I'm here for you, you're not alone anymore, you can relax, you can breathe, you can let down your guard, you don't have to be scared anymore" Wilbur explained slowly so Techno understood it all. "I-I can't breathe I-I'm sorry I-I'm doing everything wrong" Techno cried more. "It's alright, you haven't done anything wrong at all don't worry, how you are right now is completely ok, no one is mad at you for feeling this way, I'm here to help you get through something like this, I care about you Techno, you don't have to apologise for anything because you have done nothing wrong, you're completely ok here, you're safe, I promise I will protect you if you need it or if you feel like you need it ok?" Wilbur said with a comforting smile.

Techno was slowly beginning to calm down, finding this was helping as he closed his eyes and listened to Wilbur. "I'm proud of you ok, you've come very far from living in a worthless orphanage to a very loving home, you're loved now, you're cared for and we will all protect you if you ever need it no matter what that is. I'm gonna say this now and I mean this in the most caring way possible, I love you Techno, you're loved I promise, you can do this" Wilbur said this all close to a whisper so it could be presented in the most calmest way possible. "T-thank you" Techno cried, now crying harder. "It's alright, if you can, if you can't then just tell me and I'll help, can you take a deep breath in through your nose?" Wil said, watching as Techno struggled but managed, "good, now out through your mouth and try to keep it slow".

Techno did as he was told as Wilbur told him to do the same thing over and over again until he was somewhat calm, still crying slightly. "That was good, you did very well I'm proud of you" Wilbur smiled, watching as a tear dropped from Technos eye. He had gathered by now that Techno was neglected as a kid and was barely even noticed so him saying all this stuff was definitely healing but hurting a broken place in Technos heart. "Do you wanna do something that you think might help you?" he asked. Techno shook his head as he struggled to keep his breathing steady, it was all shaky and messy. "Do you need help with anything? It's completely ok if you do" Wilbur whispered to him. Techno shook his head again as he melted into the warmth of Wills hands on his face, he found it was helping a lot.

"Do you think you'll be able to go back to sleep?" Wilbur asked. Techno shook his head, answering truthfully. "Ok, thats fine, I can help if you want me to" Wilbur smiled. "Y-you don't need t-to" Techno said, still very shaky. "I insist, it's alright, lie down" Wilbur said calmly as he let go of Technos face before getting off the bed. Techno laid down, now seeing Wilbur crouching down in front of him. "Now all I want you to do is hold my hand and trust me" Wilbur whispered as he held his hand out. Techno nodded as he slowly held his hand before closing his eyes. "Now I do this to Tommy all the time when he can't sleep and I thought it might help for you too but if not then we can find something else that might help" Wilbur whispered to him as he got his pinky finger before gently stroking Technos nose bridge, slowly going down to the tip of his nose before repeating. "It's alright" he would whisper every now and then, "it's ok, you're safe now".

Techno didn't know what this magic was but it was working way better then he had expected it to as he felt himself start to drift off to sleep. Wilbur continued doing what he was doing until Techno had fully fallen asleep. *Works every time* he thought before gently letting go of Technos hand and going back over to his own bed where he laid down and went back to sleep.

I like writing story's for 3 reasons and 3 reasons only. 1. Angst 2. Comfort and finally 3. I get to vent through characters.

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